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Random MSN Gibberings LXXI: My kingdom for those headphones

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Jul 6, 2010
Speed and acid is a demonic combination when both are of strong quality.It certainly gives a bit of pep in your psychotic step

this was one of my favourites as a young un.
If you like a good "the dj is controlling me and I must dance like a Michael Jackson transformer or they will get me" its great for a nightclub. Psychadelic focus ....Maybe it was just me thinking that. Or maybe the dj heard my thoughts. ha ha Now I remember why I dont get up to that anymore.
I really used to love dancing. Anyone else ? It seems like a good while ago now.It just seems stupid now or too much effort. "The folly of youth" Can anyone tell me what film that line is from ? Ps it has to be the same as the one im thinking :)
I used to love dancing on acid. What's that THING in my hand? Oh, it's someone's face. Is it? N.....Oh yes. He doesn't like it.
I danced in fields too.I remember doing some rave like moves on acid as a teenager ever before I had been to a rave or knew how people danced at them. The liquid body feeling. Brimz I have a suspicion that your are bill drummond from the KLF in disguise on a research mission for a new project.
Just found archive footage of Megatripolis on youtube. Those were fun times, that was a fun place.
I still dance. It's a beautiful thing. Maybe not for all the onlookers perhaps, but it's a beautiful thing.
I really used to love dancing. Anyone else ? It seems like a good while ago now.It just seems stupid now or too much effort. "The folly of youth" Can anyone tell me what film that line is from ? Ps it has to be the same as the one im thinking :)

"The folly of youth" is a well quoted expression. If you heard it in a film they didn't invent the phrase.

Re dancing, if the music is good enough I can't not dance. If the music isn't good enough I find it very hard to dance, if I have to actively try to dance then I just don't bother anymore cause the tunes are shite & I clearly don't want to dance to them.
I do as well , in fact i was busting some moves not that long ago , n i got moves that haven't been invented yet son !
I still dance, actually in a kind of semi-professional capacity. But I haven't had a proper rip-roaring dancefloor bust up in about a year, I don't think.
Sam thats interesting that you tripped about that song.. It gave me a lovely insight just after my
Grandad died.. He was an icecream man and I had this shroom inspired image of Him off too Moo Moo Land in his van all Justifed and Ancient :) It was a real gift.
I end up going to places where they play undanceable (or just shite) music these days, which can be frustrating. As Crackhead says, it can't be forced. Though in times gone by I'd go to 'proper' clubs and the atmosphere would have me dancing to stuff I'd never dream of listening to at home.

When they (the indie hipsters) finally give in to our requests and put some Stooges on though, watch me go. Feels like false advertising because I wriggle like a fucking eel, and some people still believe that if you're good on the dancefloor you're good in bed.

I can unfortunately provide evidence to the contrary. ;)

YellowPolkaDotHalo said:
Sam thats interesting that you tripped about that song.. It gave me a lovely insight just after my
Grandad died.. He was an icecream man and I had this shroom inspired image of Him off too Moo Moo Land in his van all Justifed and Ancient It was a real gift.

Sounds like it! =D
And a good afternoon to you too, YPDH.

The specky guy who is clearly freaked out by the camera on him makes me pish myself every time. The boy backflipping off the speaker stack is fairly impressive to be fair. The MC is the most annoying cunt in the world.
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