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Questions WITHOUT answers?

I don't see what I haven't grasped about the anthropic principle
i know you don't see it, or there would be no need to point it out

How does this reduce my surprise that I perceive at all?
since the first post i said i knew that's the kind of answer you were looking for
no need to say it one more time
i didn't try or pretend to answer this
i proposed you to consider that there may not be an answer
but the further you go is to accept the absence of reason, pretty much at the condition that there's a reason for the lack of reason :
I have considered the idea that there may not be a cause for existence. While it may be true, it doesn't explain much about why the universe is the way it is
you're missing the point
and to be honest, i don't like this exchange at all
i'm losing my time
and you're losing yours since you're not trying to see what you may miss from my message but are instead trying to bring back this message to what you want to hear
This is based on your intuitive understanding of causation
not mine
i'm happy with a non-existing universe that created itself out of nothing
there's no much linear causation here

you are asking for an A because B answer
I didn't say that it was an intuition, I said that it rested on intuition.
i need a better explanation of the difference

Psychedelic drugs are not analogous to atlases. Psychedelic drugs lead many to illusion and false belief.
the comparison holds well for me
psychedelics are like atlases
but if you don't have the key, you may interpret them wrongly

i heard comments about the same experiences as mine by people who had a different cultural background and a prioris
they interpretated them the opposite way i did
and i understand why they did, considering their bias

if you get a message in a language you don't know and translate it wrongly, that doesn't make the message wrong. it's your interpretation that is
^ Naughty, naughty...

Not at all inspired by the above but:

Peaches Geldof?
Why are drugs so great?
No need to answer, it's self explanatory!

It's not really a question, but more of a thought process thingie. In a way, everything is natural. At the beginning, there was nothing, right? At that time, everything was natural, and everything we have today came from that; therefore natural. o.0