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Questions WITHOUT answers?


Aug 21, 2009
Questions without scientificly proven answers and your theories..

How did the universe (matter) "begin"?

How far technology advanced can we as humans possibly get?

Any questions/answers?
my question without an answer:

-why are humans still around if we've answered every questioned posed to us?
what is our new purpose?
does anybody care?
why am I awake at 4:44am on the 11th day of November, 2009?
Why isn't the search for more planets that are capable of supporting human life an urgent one now that we've realised that our species' time on this one is finite?
where do we come from? where are we going to? why are we here? what is here? who am i? what can i know? what is real? do others exist? do i i exist? how should i behave? what can i expect from others, myself? what is a good life? what is a meaningful life? what is right? what is wrong? why is right right and wrong wrong? what is an idea? what is thought? what is body? how do both communicate? what is communication? what is perfection? what is imperfection? what is God? what is religion?,.... (queue just about any semantic question).

so.. many.. questions..; so ..little.. time :!
Have we? Answer the questions I posed then.

the questions I was referring to were more along the lines of:

-can we survive on this planet? -yes
-can we destroy this planet? -yes
-can we become totally anesthetized to everything? -yes
-have we exhausted the potential of human life? -yes
-is there any point in continuing to exist if these questions have been answered? -no (still an answer).
Why was I born a human?

Why was I born at this period of time and not sooner or later?

What/where was I before I was born?

How do I know that other people, or everything for that matter, are not a figment of my imagination?

Just a tiny list of endless questions I have lol
^ I like those. I think about those quite a lot! :) Welcome to our forum, by the way.

Why is there something instead of nothing?

What does it mean to be "free"?
the questions I was referring to were more along the lines of:

-can we survive on this planet? -yes
-can we destroy this planet? -yes
-can we become totally anesthetized to everything? -yes
-have we exhausted the potential of human life? -yes
-is there any point in continuing to exist if these questions have been answered? -no (still an answer).

i have to disagree that we can destroy this planet. can we wipe out humans? yes. can we make our planet recognizable? yes. but destroy the Earth? i don't think so. even if we were to detonate all the nuclear weapons in the world in one spot it would still not be enough.
How did the universe (matter) "begin"?

There is no beginning or end to infinity, it simply is. There are no boundaries to time in any direction. Progressive linear time is just an illusion formed by particle motion, and we sense this motion as change which creates the illusion of time.

When did my conscious come into existance? how long after conception do humans become sentient and why do they?
Answer to all : Because.

Sounds like a childish answer but I actually mean that.
Sometimes we ask the wrong questions, some questions don't have answers.

When asking a question you also need to look at the validity of your question and your motives for asking it.
^Isn't that point of view intellectually stultifying? I mean, if we just shrugged our shoulders and said "because" every time we were intrigued by a phenomenon, science wouldn't have progressed very far.
Would art/music and the fascination with psychoactive drugs be different if the Vietnam War never happened?
When did my conscious come into existance? how long after conception do humans become sentient and why do they?
your consciousness is that of the universe

it existed before you were born and will after you die

it just "grew a new personality" (like a branch from the main trunk) when you were born and progressively developped its specificities