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Questions WITHOUT answers?

your consciousness is that of the universe

it existed before you were born and will after you die

it just "grew a new personality" (like a branch from the main trunk) when you were born and progressively developped its specificities

Consciousness is a construct of matter. How could it possibly live on without a living entity to bear it?
Consciousness is a construct of matter. How could it possibly live on without a living entity to bear it?
perhaps we're not (yet) wired to understand how this is possible. perhaps we'll never understand it. perhaps that's the point (for those who need one :))

I can give you an answer to any question... just don't count on it being the right one!
Consciousness is a construct of matter.
are we sure of that?

How could it possibly live on without a living entity to bear it?
are we sure exactly what is alive (and what is not)? :

is the flower alive? or is it the plant that is alive?
(flower/plant - "living being"/universe)

[considering the hypothesis that "consciousness is indeed a construct of matter"]
isn't there enough matter in the universe for it to have a consciousness of its own?

matter being by the way about 99.99999999999% of "empty space"

and empty space (as in "outer space") also being by the way virtually impossible to achieve since matter pops in and out of existence at sub atomic level
When did my conscious come into existance? how long after conception do humans become sentient and why do they?

Since there was a neural network on which to exist. It started small, like that of an animal. Over time, it developed into that of a child, an adolescent, an adult etc. Those who seek to develop it further will progress toward that of an enlightened being.
ok no one knows thats why gods involved.
simple tho, but somthing had to of made this chemical reaction and something must of had to make these chemicals in the first place who even made that to even make life happen. and another question is what is out of space and the universe it cant just end what is out there after wards apart from space.
impossible questions that the only answer we have to is "god" that is a being or something that is higher and almighty than anything else in a most probs a diff dimention to over look us.
nothingness decided to exist
(try to swallow that. I do, sincerly)

nothingness got bored so it decided to create something and as a consequence ive woken up with a hangover today because nothingness also created whisky.
that hydron colider is going to make a particle to help us understand the universe and how it is expanding i think. am i right? its meant to be called the god particle
Actually I think it's the Higg's Boson they're looking for, "God Particle" isn't the kind of thing physicists name stuff.
Does N=NP

The ramifications of an answer could cause world changing events. Just wiki it :)
Is there an Answer with no need for follow up questions?

Can a black hole suck in another black hole of equal size and strength?

What created God?- (other than Man in a secular context)

What is the synonym for "thesaurus"?

If a government falls and no one sees it...

If a man screwing a horse was placed in a box with a decaying radioactive isotope...
What is the universe expanding into?
it's expanding into space that it's creating at the same time that it's expanding

In that case, why was I born at all?
i know you're looking for another kind of answer, but the anthropic principle is still an answer to that one too

Is there an Answer with no need for follow up questions?
Q: were you just injected with a strong dose of anesthetic and are you going to fall asleep in exactly one second?
A: yes

Can a black hole suck in another black hole of equal size and strength?
they merge
The anthropic principle offers no answer to the question "Why was I born at all?" The fact that my observations are only possible as a human observer does nothing to lessen my surprise that I find myself existent and conscious at all.
Q: were you just injected with a strong dose of anesthetic and are you going to fall asleep in exactly one second?
A: yes
That's assuming a huge amount of theory.
^^ reread my post

"i know you're looking for another kind of answer, but the anthropic principle is still an answer to that one too"

you're looking for "because ..." kind of answer

this answer may not exist at all
who said there was for sure a reason for our existences?

the anthropic principle allows you to sleep at night without having a "because ..." answer

it explains why, even if there's no reason for your existence, you are here to ask this question to yourself

That's assuming a huge amount of theory.
do you actually think i wrote this thinking "jackpot! i got an answer with no need for a follow up question!" ?

that was a joke