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Prophetic/Precognitive Dreams

^ I am tempted to make several jokes about what possible "head processes" you could be referring to, but as this is a family-friendly forum I shall refrain.

Yes, the last part was sarcasm.
I .....don't understand...do you mind elaborating what you mean?
Can you please calm down? I understand you feel strongly about this, but arguing like this is not going to get you anywhere.
Common, that is obvious that it is a bit of a joke, please, I am sure he got it, I am finishing the post with a mildness of a joke, please don't take everything too seriously!
Which mechanism proves this doesn't happen? Probability? I don't agree that the detail and timing of the one dream in question is possible through sheer chance.

Please correct your quotes in the previous post. I didn't post those things.

Corrected, sorry about that.

Yes, probability does explain these things. It is kind of like believing in lightning striking people because of Zeus. Sure, there is a chance that he is real, but the probability of lightning simply striking someone explains it in a much more satisfactory way.

I think that is the fundamental impasse we come to, you simply believe in these things on the pure faith that they are real, without any supporting evidence or explanation of how the process would work. I don't. I just believe that it is a slippery slope from there, and it would open the doors to all kinds of other weird beliefs. To each his own though.
cool beans. :)

check out watchmen (either the books or movie) for a beautifully written piece on the difference between probability and the miraculous.
it kinda happened again, only this time i wasn't asleep.

last night before going to bed the thought came to me to check facebook for a manager at my old workplace, a guy with whom i did not particularly care for or get on with and haven't thought about since leaving three years ago, but suddenly i thought of his name associated with facebook.

this morning i was scrolling through recent activity and saw a reply to a certain bler by a guy of the exact same name. the name is fairly uncommon, enough to make the timing pretty stunning.
One night I had a dream that I was going down one of the main roads near my house on an electric wheel chair. I was pushing the little joystick forward to go faster because I was on a hill...

The next morning on the way to work a lady in an electric wheel chair pulled up to a traffic light an intersection on that road, right down from where I was in my dream. She was driving on the road as if she were in a car, just as I had been, on the same road.

Now, I'd seen that lady once before, but the timing is what's weird. I remember maybe one dream a month, probably less. Why would this one stick with me? You supposedly have many different dream themes a night. What caused this one to stick?

I worked with a woman who said when she had a dream about someone she knew dying that they usually died shortly after.

I asked a question of God one morning regarding something I was doing. The first time I did it I prayed "if its this time when I check my phone I'll quit." It involved a number that seems to be everywhere in my life in waves. It comes and goes....It was the exact time. I went about a week and had been swaying and trying to talk myself into believing that I could continue what I was doing and that it would be ok. That I could follow my own will. I awoke the day I was going to continue, I was very groggy but my phone lay next to me. I was almost scared to open it, but I said to myself "don't be afraid to talk to the Lord." I checked the phone, and lets just say I feel stupid for not listening the first time : )

Don't write off everything that happens in life as coincidence...