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Prophetic/Precognitive Dreams


Bluelight Crew
Apr 19, 2001
i have been pretty spooked for the most of today. i've had synchronous dreams and visions and the like before but this is ridiculous.

several months ago, i fluked upon a pair of hiking boot version of the air jordan VI (my favourite shoe) exactly in my size on ebay. i was outbid on two pairs and have never seen a pair available before nor since (in any size). i actually checked every week or so at first and then that died down as i had lost hope.

This morning
i fell asleep after my alarm (i get up extra early normally so no drama there) and my dream during that 30 minutes was extremely vivid. At the end, a friend and i saw something that excited us in the distance, it was a store front that had this particular pair of shoes in the window which we immediately took down and the sizes were wrong (strange measurement). I tried the smaller one (the bigger was too big) and it was a tight but nice fit (in a weird way, but that another thing). It was a black and red colour which i never seen before.

The dream was so vivid i was thinking about it on the way to work, and how i regret not bidding more when i had the chance.

Mid morning it came to mind again and so i thought of checking ebay and to my stunned disbelief found a newly listed ad in the exact colour as in my dream, and the closest to my size was half a size small, which is okay since VI's always run a bit big.

After a bit of drama with paypal, i scored a pair, and since i've been pondering this stupendous coincidence. Nah, seriously, i don't buy it. This is too unlikely to be just coincidence.

Coupled with a trippy episode of sopranos this morning, this has been really fucking with my conceptions of reality. It feels really undermined. Even though I am the type of person to pay credence to the spiritual side of things, having an unknowable phenomena happen so bluntly and conspicuously is enough to make me feel really uneasy.

any thoughts or similar experiences?
Dreams are forgotten so quickly. Even a few mintues after waking up, you start forgetting them. Details and the story line fade away. If you're really interested i nthis kind of thing, i suggest keeping a dream journal and a sketch pad so you can take notes and sketch what you saw in the dreams. Put the date and time on each entry. That way, next time it happens, you can go back to your notes and make sure what you saw in waking life is really what you recorded in your notebook. Even better, you could show it to a friend as documentation ofa kind of testimonial proof that you got a hit in a dream.
The fact that the color, size, and brand of the real shoes were the same as those of the dream strongly suggests that this was something other than a coincidence. The timing of the dream, late morning and a few hours before you located them on ebay, is also striking.
i have had a few. most vivid was a few years back when i had a dream about myself sitting in the back seat of a car with someone i didn't know, then flashing to being outside and looking at a wrecked tire with a H (the honda logo) on it. 2 days later, i was in an accident. i was sitting in the back with the same guy, and after the accident, stood outside looking at the same tire from my dream, wrecked the same way.

i have flashes of future events when awake too, but not too often. felt an accident before it happened a few yrs back, refused to go through an intersection and there was a semi that hit a pick up about 45 seconds later. sometimes, it is really mundane stuff. had a flash of an ugly blue shower head one day, and later on in the day, my step mom stopped by with a blue shower head that looked identical she had at home and thought i would want, since i didn't have a removeable one.

these dreams/events don't really freak me out, i get excited by it. i view all of mine deeply and always try to look for the meaning or view them as warnings/etc.
i have meant to keep a dream diary, for many years, but have never really felt it was necessary. I have excellent dream recall, and habitually ponder my dreams every morning. Sometimes they arrive into recall pretty quickly, other times they can be spurred on by accident hours later. Most are very adventurist and exciting. I <3 them a lot.

The particular dream i mentioned in that original post, i am 100% sure of the details, as i put much thought and emotion into the images that morning.

DM, those are incredible. I remember one vivid occurance of seeing something before it happened whe i was a kid. I was playing soccer for my local team and the oponents had a corner kick. An extremely vivid image came to my mind of me headering the ball clear and so i positioned myself where my vision took place, even though it was actually a silly place to be during a corner, and the exact same thing happened, i headed the ball clear. At the time i paid little attention to the occurance as i was young and easily distracted, but the puzzling event stayed with me ever since.

maybe it's remnant paranoia from my chemical daze but seeing stuff like this i'd like to think of them as affirmations of something greater, and in many ways i do, but then i wonder why they are shown to me. What, exactly, am i being communicated by them. Am i missing something? How am i meant to interpret them?
and the last couple of sopranos episode don't bloody help! i swear the name "kevin finity" is going to be messing with me for some time. :\
it is indeed a brain stumper. my husband had some fun one night when rolling on the beach with some telepathy, and after it was ridiculously accurate and freaking us the fuck out, to say the least, we decided after going back to the hotel room to play around some more. there was a pad and paper and my goofy ass said, "oh, let's do some automatic writing!!" (don't laugh, we were rollin, you are allowed to be silly then :D) well, we laid in bed and just put the pen on the paper and talked and goofed off, and i don't know about him, but i don't even remember moving the pen at all. my brain wasn't even thinking about the pen. when we saw the pics we again "freaked the fuck out" mine was a scene of moon and stars with a cloud, hubbies was a perfect car. (i have always been a moon and star afficionado, tats, collectables, etc) and the hubs is a massive car freak.

now if this is some sort of divinity flowing through us or communicating with us at these moment, why the HELL would it be so mundane, how about channeling some sort of knowledge that could save the world or at least a winning lottery combo for me.

we can philosophize that it is because it is nothing divine, just our subconscious coming out, but that doesn't explain the events that are not within us i.e. future events and telepathy.

i think the only way to can find the answer to stay open to more experiences and go with the flow. it should come eventually.
lol, i just found out i bought those shoes on ebay at around the same time a friend of mine was giving birth to her first.
Impacto Profundo said:
i have meant to keep a dream diary, for many years, but have never really felt it was necessary. I have excellent dream recall, and habitually ponder my dreams every morning. Sometimes they arrive into recall pretty quickly, other times they can be spurred on by accident hours later. Most are very adventurist and exciting. I <3 them a lot.

The particular dream i mentioned in that original post, i am 100% sure of the details, as i put much thought and emotion into the images that morning.

I recommende a dream journal for several reasons:
1. It allows you to document these occurrences. It's something you can show to others as proof.
2. You might remember the dream perfectly for the next few days or weeks, but what about years from now? What if the dream was about something that will happen far into the future?
3. It helps train you remember even more details and more dreams you might not easily remember .
but seeing stuff like this i'd like to think of them as affirmations of something greater, and in many ways i do, but then i wonder why they are shown to me. What, exactly, am i being communicated by them. Am i missing something? How am i meant to interpret them?
and the last couple of sopranos episode don't bloody help! i swear the name "kevin finity" is going to be messing with me for some time. :\
Both yours and Darthmom's dream had something that had strong emotional impact on the dreamer. For you, it was the shoes you'd been hunting for. For Darthmom, it was the car crash, something one never forgets, even if nobody gets hurt.
In one of my dreams a short time ago, it was this girl's titties. First thing I did after waking up from the dream was to sketch the girl with her titties. This was the most spectacular, well-formed, large, firm, symmetrical boobage I have ever seen in my life. And the dream had such a strange quality about it that I suspected it was worth remembering is as much detail as possible and I half expected it to happen. I hadn't met her yet, but about a week after I had recorded the dream, I met her. The face, hair, and breasts (the nicest I've ever seen in real life or in pictures) were exactly as I dreamed them.
I question the usefulness of the dreams.
If your dream is what motivated you ot shop on Ebay, then it maybe it served the purpose of helping you get those shoes. But maybe you would have shopped anyway, especially since you wanted the shoes so badly.
DM's dream doesn't sound like it could have helped prevent the car crash.
ANd my dream didn't help me meet or even become acquainted with this person.
To me, it's like there is nothing greater at all and absolutely nothing worthwhile, except the strangeness of the dream, is being communicated. It seems more like you are passively dreaming and , every now and then, your dreaming mind becomes aware of something your conscious mind will perceive in the near future. It seems like the mind isn't always bound by the limits of the time-line. The barriers between what the mind is aware of in the present and in the future aren't so rigid during dreams.
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latley...(lets say the last year moreso) but also always, have had many dreams that have come to pass, can b scarry but id b thankfull.... take it as a gift, i avioded getting seriously busted through dream preminition, if your subconsious is telling u something, u best listin to it. ur a lucky one if it happens moreso than not.. i rarley remember dreams but tha vividity of some can A: wake you (thats when your notepad comes in handy) or B:carry on the memory so u recall soon after wakin up or have something trigger it durin ur day..... these 2 me are the important ones, and not a word of a lie.. something always comes to pass. learnin to deal wit it, thankfully i havnt dreamed someones demise yet, the trouble i was talkin of was regarding the pig dog maggot police and again THANKS dream makers=D if i not listen to ur message i culd b in deep shizzle now! theres some great sites about dreams online too maybe google sum dat shit and get into it a bit:)
hope my post was of sum insight to you OP.
This seems to happen to me very often, as of late. It's really interesting, and really puzzling.
This stuff always interests me since it has happened to me several times. It's not something you can openly talk about to too many people so I just keep quiet about it.

2 dreams that come to mind for me -
1) Before I had any inclination that my Bf was cheating on me with my friend, I had a dream that I was behind a glass wall watching him and her in bed. I found out later that around the time of the dream was the same time they started their relationship.

2) being at the depths of dispair over my BF's death, I had a dream that I was at work and then flash forward I was in love with a dark haired man. About 3 weeks later, someone from work asked me out. I didn't think of the dream at the time until I found myself really falling for this guy.

I think these dreams happen to a lot of people, but it's not something you can openly talk about with anyone.
this subject plaed on my mind somewhat last nite, and reading more posts bout it has gotten me to thinking some more, our solar system is leaving the constalation pices(thus the age of pices) and heading 4 constalation aquarius was reading a little into and heard the whole cycle takes around 25000 years.. and with each age all things evolve, well i may sound the crackpot now but iv noticed many including myself to be experiencing different perception of things and also latley moreso the dream thing....is it possible that as a race we are maybe just evolving into the new age??? food 4 thought:|
^someone been reading the celestein prophecy? ;) :)
how often do you dream things that don't happen the next day ?
Impacto Profundo said:
^someone been reading the celestein prophecy? ;) :)

never heard of that actual term, but im gonna look it up;)
probs will b talkin along the same lines of wat i was tryin 2 say:|
^soft fluffy new age shit, but still has its place

vegan said:
how often do you dream things that don't happen the next day ?

you know the answer to that.

are you suggesting this was a coincidence?

btw: here is the ebay auction
on the topic of the celestine prophecy, good book that synchronistically came at a good time.
^same here. it was given to me for my 17th (or was it 19th) bday.

have you seen the movie?
vegan said:
how often do you dream things that don't happen the next day ?
That's kind of like claiming that you dream of so many things and in such clarity and with such salience that you would eventually out of sheer chance dream of an exact photographic representation of sometihng you have never seen before, heard of, read about, etc. Like dreaming of an exact photographic image of Yosemite Valley out of sheer chance and then finding out it's real, provided you have never been there before, never seen pictures, or read descriptions. Or a famous painting like the Mona Lisa. Well, those are extreme examples, but the impact of the dream imagery can be very striking, profound and moving.
My point is that the odds of what profundo or darthmom seeing an exact representation of a complex visual scene down to the colors, texture, dimensions, that you have never been exposed to, in a dream is astronomical.
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Impacto Profundo said:
^same here. it was given to me for my 17th (or was it 19th) bday.

have you seen the movie?
i had it left on my table at home a day after it was mentioned by someone, not sure where it came from! think the moms bought it, but she couldn't remember. this was about 13 years ago, and it has been in my car for a few weeks waiting to be read again at work.

i haven't seen the movie yet, afraid it will be a bit too cheesy. also holding off on the "conversations with god" film for the same reason.