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Poppy seed tea. Has anyone given it a try?

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^^^u mean i mix the GFJ in with them poppy seed?
how digusting.

I think i'll try with a1g of seeds use the appropriate amount of water im guessing at about 1-2litres
i might sqeeuze 3-4 lemos in with the mixtures to help get the opiates out.

i didnt think GFJ actually helped get the opiates out. i thought it was just something u drink half an hr before hand to potentiate the high
Ive got 250mL of pure lemon squeeze how much should I use? by the time i get a response i would have I already added it but for future references Im gunna use 50mL anyways. i got it for 1kg of seeds. anyways

any help?
^^^u mean i mix the GFJ
i didnt think GFJ actually helped get the opiates out. i thought it was just something u drink half an hr before hand to potentiate the high

Well if it's true that grapefruit juice does aid in getting results from seeds then why is it so?

I'd think it would just be the citric acid, so equally you could just buy citric acid and use 25grams in 1 litre of water. But because people use multiple washes, maybe by the time they get to 2nd or 3rd wash, the GFJ actually is potentiating as the GFJ injested from the first wash has had time to metabolise.

I don't believe GFJ does SHIT with codeine, so wouldn't expect it does anything with PST either, but if people believe in the stuff and think it works wonders then that's a good thing for them. It's not like they have to get a bank loant to buy the stuff, it's $3.

any help?

Im the OP. Im poud of the possibly HR this thread has caused but I hope I havnt interested to many ppl in trying the stuff. I suppose to equals itself out. well if they learnt to do it from here than the HR stuff is here so its a good place to learn anyway & u can always ask Q's. I hope Im helping society & not turning ppl into opiate addicts. it may help save lifes 200g dose seems good for someone with zero opiate tolerance. as for me im going for a kg cuz ive used plenty of different opiates/opiods in my time. and im still young ;)

well this is my second go tryin it (it was ages ago when I first tried it). ive used 1kg of seeds this time. put it in a HUGE bowl added about 75-100mL of lemon juice. probably to much but anyway ive used HEAPS of warn water. its way more than covered the seeds (ive got a massive bowl). ive been sitring it alot. & im gunna let it sit for 15 mins. is this all right? (ive heard to long & the seeds start to obsorbe the water getting ya less opiates

Im gunna than put it though a strainer I have. I think its for rice or something I dunno but it has a handle i dont know what they're called. anyways it'll filter out the poppy seeds.

i rekon 15 mins sitting & stirring occationally should work?
bty ive just bought the brand that pretty much all super markets sell u know the one

I'll let yas all know how it goes. ive already had 200mg of temazepam which isnt doing shit ffs why do i have such a tolerance to benzos i hardly take em anyways.
i quite rugually drink 400mg of codeine which does have a mild effect & when i take oxy atleast 80mg of chewed oxycontin gets me starting to get to a good place. But I do need more. I dont u opiates every day but when i get them there would be no pointin taking em unless ya gunna actually take enough to get a bit of a high

I'll keep yas posted cuz i'll probbaly have the whole kg of seeds i'll drink it slowly incase it's a strong batch whcih i hope it is.

still not sure how long to let it sit. it'ss been about approx 20 mins now. might start putting it through the strainer at 25mins but the time it's been 25mins i wouldnt have got a response back so i hope the seeds dont start obsorbing the water
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OK Ive finishd my first wash. I drank it out of the large bow i strained the water into. prettu easy to drink. bitter but not 1/4 as bitter as codeine when ya cwe. its hit my stomach though. I know it takes a few hrs to fully come on but i'll be happy if it gives me a high atleast as good as 400mg of codeine otherwise this will be the last time i try it cuz the 10 packets I had to buy were twice as much as what codeine usually costs me. I havnt made a huge mess this time doing it

maybe wih my opiate tolerance which I call a natural opiate tolerance because a only do fucking codeine regually. not h oxy or morphine.
..i had another 50mg temazepam.

maybe i need 2kg. i mean i need 80mg of oxy to "feel OK" but I need 160mg to feel high.

like I need 2-3 beers to feel it. but I need half a case to get drunk if u know what I mean

i was playing around with Rikodeine they other day. ive onnly had it a few times. atleast this shit wont give me diahrrea. I had the 200mL bottle though. if ya gunna try it out only do the 100mL bottle it wont give ya any stomach upsets but u'll have to have already taken another opiate of some benzos for it to benzos unless u have no tolerance at all from drugs & a cup of tea has u boucing all over the walls

i havnt had the 2nd wash but im starting to feel a very mild, clean mophine kind of feeling. my nerves are settling. might be the extra 50mg of temazepam i had lol
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Anon54, I never just let the seeds just sit in water. I always use 4min intense shaking in a bottle. And I usually wash it 2 times.

Like now, after just 250mg of not-bad seeds I feel something kicking in. And I've got some tollerance - I don't really have any "good" opiate to compare to, but 300mg of codeine doesn't do me much.

^^ yeah im gunna do 3 washes actually cuz the 2nd one tasted as strong as the first.
maybe taking a kg on just my second attempt is playing with fire if i actually did get a strong batch i may OD. but i dought im even gunna get much or an effect. I fel "something" but it's hard to tell with weak opiates if uve had an. if i was unknowingly doses with 400mg of codeine I probably wouldnt even know it even though i still feel the need to quite requally use it. i might stop doing it. it's not worth the time or money no more.
i must say i hadnt had any opiates for about a yr once when i was younger & i did a cwe on a whole pack of panadeine forte. that's 600mg of codeine. & yeah it had me nodding a little bit.

with this benzos tolerance i got it doesnt matter if i havnt taken any for months i still need high doses. it seems like u have to stop using em for like a year or something before ya tolerance starts to drop.

mt stomach feels like ive dosed an opiate. I really dont see how ppl are getting hooked to this stuff. codeine seems to me so far to be stronger than PST but i'll give it a few hrs till it really kicks in & give an update.

im just using the standard PST packs they seems to sell at all supermarkets. we cant name sources but u probably know the one im taking about, and it seems to work for u at just 250g. i'll make sure to really give it a good stir on this third wash & the lemon juice should be helping.

my method seems way better than your, putting it all in a large bowl. stirring with one those things ya toss the eggs up-side down on the frying & than putting though a strainer into another bowl.
what do u do with all the poppy seeds left in the bottle? just throw it away. with my mothod ya can just wash it down the sink.
maybe i should throw em all over the yard. try to get some poppy plants going. but wouldnt ya get in more trouble being cought with a poppy plany than u would with a pot plant? thats what would scar my off trying to growm em. cuz the opium ya cut outta the poppy pods are the real deal
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Nah, I don't know, I live in Poland ; )

I also usually potentiate it with 15mg of DXM, recently some magnesium and around the peak I add 1-2 pills of dimenhydrinate.
BTW, take notice that PST takes long to kick in completly - like 2 hours.
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^^ive never tried to potentiate opaties with dxm. havnt had it for 8 years or so.
if i bought a bottle of robo i probably wouldnt trust myself. Id end up saying fuck it & drnking the whole thing & robotrip lol
dimenhydrinate is like diphenhydramine right. I took 250mg of the stuff twice before made me feel like i was kinda dreaming but only when i laid down. i wouldnt go any higher than that. i heard deleients can be really unformfortable experiences. i was only uing it as a sleep aid but thought i would take a few more. just a low dose rec dose to try to get an idea of what it can do. probably not one of my best idea. woke up with a headache. had to get some codeine & had a couple dextopropoxyphene/apap pills & i never usually take anything with apap

to update yes i am getting an ok effect from PST. Better than Rikcodeine. but on par with codeine seems to be longer acting though. but not worth the trouble or the moneyh I dont think. so yeah im doin all right the 250mg of temazepam is helping. I might not even need to take me antipychotic tonight which i think the dr shouldnt have really precribed.

so yeah if ya have no opiate tolerance. not even to codeine than u could get quite a good effect from PST but unfortunetely ive been playing sometimes with the stronger opiates so i dont think I'll be doing PST anymore. for 5 mins before i had nausia which i never get with codeine. im starting to feel a little nausious again now. if i had any more than 1kg id probably have to throw up so i think i got the dose right. that cant be because of the morphine can it? I think it's from the other active shit like thebaine

ya know ya dose with codeine. it's cheaper. its guarented to give an effect & I think it's the better option out of the 3 otc opiates. codeine can be really quite good if ya hant useed opiates for like 6 months or so. ive had some really good effects from it before

--edit, a few hrs later.
Im feeling pretty damn good now actually maybe even a bit stronger than 400mg codeine. it comes on slowly. when i drink codeine it gives me a mild rush which im not getting from PST but i feel OK

--edit an hr later.
im feeling pretty damn relaxed. i think i did get a decent amount of morphine & its gone well with the temazepam. had a cup of tea & it came straight back up in the sink. oh well i feel better now. i think im gunna sleep well tonight. much better choice than Rikcodeine the sorbitol makes it a much worse choice than PST. I sorta see now how it could be habbit forming. 1kg did well & like i said i only use codeine regually but ive had the harder opiates. h, oxy morph & ive still got a fairly nice high going.
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may i ask, where in australia u live anon????

as i've got a massssssive opiates tolerance, i'm talking about i can do like 2-300mg oxys a day kinda tolerance.

and i only really need to use 800grams of seeds and i get a fairly sik nod!. last time i even nodded that hard that i fell asleep and missed the high yo!

and if u say 400mg codiene can get u off your face. those seeds u get is def washed pretty good. as even a 800mg codiene cwe would do fuck all to me nowadays

well where are u from?
anyways it doesnt matter. anyways im feeling better. but I was REALLY sick this morning. like when i woke up i had to throw up a few times so I took to much. I didnt nod off or anything either last night & I was on alot of temazepam too. I also found it really hard to get much sleep. im gunna take some zyprexa tonight. 1 kg was to much. I did 3 washes on it to with lemon juice
codeine doesnt get me off my face. but I do get a mild sence of well being
I dont think I'll do PST any more. it tasted horrible & I dont like having to get up outta bed to go throw up. Codeine never makes me sick. it may not last as long but yeah i felt sick I even had a mild headache. i feel fine now so the recovery is much faster than a night out drinking but still the after effects outweighted the experience i think. it's not a real clean drug it contains alkaloids that dont make ya feel good.
I think it was an OK batch cuz I was feelin alright at the time but just drinking litres & litres of the taste of poppy seeds made me sick about 6 hrs later
As bad as Rikodeine I tried the other day. fucken soribitol. I dont know which one made me more sick the PST or the Rikodeine. I think I'll stick with clean opiates that arnt miced with other crap like straight codeine or oxy.

but yeah I had a good time last night with the PST & temaze but it has a bit of a hangover the next morning if ya have to much like I did. 500-700g would have probably been a better dose for me. I always know ive taken it to far with opiates when i have to throw up 6 hrs later. take it easy on the dose guys. 1kg was to much for only my 2nd attempt. If u'r someone who can get a buzz from 40mg OC than If keep it to a max of 500g.
..& i dont really know what im talkin about here cuz we all know that the batches can vary & ive only tried one brand of which can vary in itself
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Been a month or two since my last PST sess so Im rocking 1g tonight. Will be interesting to see if its as good as I remember it.
Didnt feel the best this morning.... kinda nauseas and dehydrated. Definitely worked fairly well though.

As an aside those little hydralite satchels are great for post-opiate use (Im sure theres a bunch of brands out there). Basically they rehydrate you. Found a couple of satchels in the cupboard and felt 80% better after just one. Definitely worth picking up some more at the supermarket I think.
^^yeah I got some of hydralyte yesturday. u get it at the chemist
u can get the effervescent tablets satchels or the it already mixed. The effervesent tablets are the best cuz they have 20. I think theres only 10 with the satchets for the same price & u with the effervesent tablets u can make it as strong as ya want so its better than the premixed big bottle ya can buy too
ya put a few of em in a drink & its really good stuff. I didnt discover it that long ago but they actually work well.
they're reccomended if u have diarrhea, been throwing up or drinking to much alcohol.
they're good for post-use of any drugs really cuz most of them cause dehydration.
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Yeah definitely. They make you feel better almost instantly.

Dehydration is just bad in general right? You pretty much never want to be dehydrated?
I put a whole bottle of lemon juice in, but i was using 1.8kgs at a time.

I am now on one week without poppyseed tea after two years regular use.

Withdrawals not as bad as i had expected but i have no benzo tolerence and obtained a bunch of xanax and basically munched them with wine, so was only semi concious for about 4 days (i apologise that sentence is not in the spirit of harm reduction)

The best thing about quitting poppyseeds is that the idea of drinking that vile liquid again rather repulses me

Congratulations BN :) You should be very proud of yourself.

Now to address the anxiety issues that led to me having a two year poppyseed addiction but i feel a degree of optimism which is a rather foreign feeling for me in normal circumstances

I feel you on this one. Just make sure you actually follow through on addressing the anxiety issues or be prepared for something else to move in and take the place of the seeds.
OK, I said that i wouldnt but i got some PST again. IM going to use 800g of seeds. (The ones they pretty much sell at all the super markets) This is my 3rd time
anyways I put it in a huge bowl, added warm water & a sqeeze of this bottled lemon juice i had. I used ALOT of water & im not looking forward to having to drink it all
Im gunna containtly stir it thoroughly & put it through a strainer into another large bowl & drink it.
this time im tryin it ive had no other drugs. last time i had temazepam too so that may have infulenced the high. I had a large dose of valium last night though which may still be in my system but i didnt really feel much from it so im pretty much doing it on its own.
hopefully I dont get sick this time :|

I'll let yas know how it goes...

just drank first wash. added more lemon than last time. it dont taste nice. tast like poppy seeds & lemon. oh well what did I expect.
after i do my 2nd wash i might lay down for a while. sometimes i can only feel opiates especially like codeine when im lying down
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save in the edit wont work again.

my first dose was easy to drink cuz i didnt to much water so i didnt have to drink much of that horrible stuff.
2nd wash i used to much water i sculled alot of water & i felt sick straight away, it was only just before id finished it too. I probabbly would have been ok if i didnt have that last mouth full. i tried not to but I threw up a little in the sink. So I probably lost some. geezez. i never throw up. i can do 120mg oxy & not throw up. If I do it again im gunna do 1 wash. wait 1/2 hr till that taste goes away & my stomach settles before drinking the 2nd wash & im only gunna use as little water as needed cuz i put to much lemon in the 2nd wash & it was just the taste. damn. I think i would have only lost a bit. last time I spewed like 8 hrs later like it should be with opiates

Im not going to be able to give an accurate report on the 800g dose now. (probably to high a dose for me) but i am starting to feel a little better. maybe like ive had some codeine or something. except with codein i can scully 400mg+ with no nausea at all.
I think its more the amount of liquid ya have to drink with PST.

anyone else found nausea to be a problem?
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Nah I never do. But Im generally pretty good with nausea in general.... never really get it.

I dont mind the taste actually. With a decent amount of grape fruit juice added to it its drinkable enough IMO. (Not too much juice though because yeah you dont want to be guzzling too much liquid. Nausea could be an issue).
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