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Poppy seed tea. Has anyone given it a try?

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^ I can't really advise you, I have only done PST twice and I had an experienced friend make it for me both times. I really do think though that codeine is a safer opiate for completely naive people, you have a way better idea of your dose and also you are getting purely a recreational drug. There are some alkaloids in pst that can make one quite ill, you never know when you could get unlucky and have a thebaine rich batch. The first time I tried it I felt quite ill (not to the point of vommiting but considerable discomfort) and got no buzz to speak of, perhaps it was my aversion to GFJ or the sheer volume of liquid but I am suspicious certain alkaloids made me ill as the second attempt I still felt a fair bit more sick than I would off an equivalent dose of any other opiate.
GFJ is a vomitorium for me. Tastes so bad and goes down so horribly, I have to mix that with juice to just to get it down.

250g should be enough with GFJ for opiate naive people if it is a regular batch.
hey Im the OP. i might give PST another try soon.
tried Rikodeine again yesurday. worked well but the sorbitol made me sick.
ive go quite a tolerance to op8s though. need atleast 80mg oxy to get a good feeling & i regually use codeine.

might try 1kg. last time i tried it I put it all in a large saucepan (I think it was 800g but i cant remember), added warm water, let it sit occationally stiring, than put it though one of those rice strainer things (i think that's what it is) its lke a net thing with a handle. most ppl have em. much better than the putting it in an emty bottle method cuz putting it though the strainer is so much easier & ya get all the water out.

if i do it shoud this method work well?
im only gunna use water. some ppl say u put lemon or something in it dont they?
how many lemons do u sqeeze into the water?
i dont think im gunna bother doing that anyway.

with 1kg i'll drink half. weight to see how i feel than maybe have the other half

U know we cant name brands but most ppl just get em from the supermarket ah.
im not gunna go to my regular supermarket cuz its gunna look a bit sus buying like 10 packs or whatever of poppy seeds. they probably assume ya gunna plant em

oh & GFJ, ive tried it to potentiate valium & it's the most Disgusting tasting drink.
GFJ potentiates morphine right? but does the oposite with codeine?
both would be in PST

someone said in an earlier post in this thread that they boil the water. boiling water desroys codeine though right? im not so sure about morphine too. it would certainly help get the stuff off the seeds but it would defeat the purpose if the boiling water destoys the opiates.

Does anyone know if using boiling water is a good idea?
I might just stick with warm water just in case if i decide to give it another go
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if i do it shoud this method work well?
im only gunna use water. some ppl say u put lemon or something in it dont they?
how many lemons do u sqeeze into the water?
i dont think im gunna bother doing that anyway.

If you aren't going to use lemon juice or something else acidic, you will be wasting your time and money. This is why it has never worked for you before because you don't bother with that. I have never, ever had effective seeds without some type of acid in there as well.

Lemon juice is usually kept right near the poppy seeds in the supermarkets (how convenient!), it is really cheap too. Just put a decent squeeze in.
did a pst tonight. wow must be pretty strong batch. about 750-800grams of seeds (high tolerance)

drank first wash.

drank half of 2nd wash.

and i nodded out haha.

woke up 2hrs late, heaps devo that i missed the high LOOL
If you aren't going to use lemon juice or something else acidic, you will be wasting your time and money. This is why it has never worked for you before because you don't bother with that. I have never, ever had effective seeds without some type of acid in there as well.

Lemon juice is usually kept right near the poppy seeds in the supermarkets (how convenient!), it is really cheap too. Just put a decent squeeze in.

so u cant use just squeezed lemons? if so, how many?
u can buy lemon juice? i didnt know that. is it like a drink with 10% real lemon juice or something or can u actually buy pure lemon juice? i dought that
^You can use lemon juice squeezed from lemons, I've seen some people using 3 lemons with like 1kg batches.
I'm not sure though, you'd have to wait for someone more experienced.

Question: So GFJ as washing liquid, or water + lemons? Or GFJ + lemons?
^^yeah Id like to know the same thing.
im sure u drink the GFJ before ya drink the PST.
imagine how gross GFJ, lemon & PST together would taste. I can barely drink GFJ alone, it's disgusting
did a pst tonight. wow must be pretty strong batch. about 750-800grams of seeds (high tolerance)

drank first wash.

drank half of 2nd wash.

and i nodded out haha.

woke up 2hrs late, heaps devo that i missed the high LOOL

Haha that reminds me of so many of my batches. Fuckin nod out to much and fall fuckin aslepp wake up and miss the high. Although I think your still wasted but I don't seem to notice too much cause I just woke up.

As for the Lemon juice thing with GFJ as I have only used and GFJ and had mostly good results (but some bad weak ones too).

GFJ should be okay by itself but I would throw a bit of lemon juice in there. 1 has worked for me before but I would go with 2-3 to be sure. I did user an actual juicer so I got a fair bit of juice from 1.

Yeah, you can buy lemon juice. Have you never seen the yellow and green bottles in the supermarket? They are small plastic yellow ones for lemon, green for lime. They are kept underneath the poppy seeds at my supermarket, lol. But squeezed lemons will be fine, and yummier. I <3 lemon juice.
so ive been told it's an abosulute must they I use lemon juice & that's why i didnt get it to work before.
i'll look for the so called lemon juice u can buy but what it is it? it cant possibly be 100% lemon juice.
if I cant buy it how many lemons should i use for the amount of water id need for 1kg of poppy seeds. (I dont know exactly how many litres I'll use cuz i'll just fill it with water till it covers all the seeds

so if i find lemon juice but only contains like 30% real lemons or something should i still use that?
Do I use like the whole bottle or what?
has anyone got PST to work without lemon juice?
Im guessing I'll need a few liters of water. how many lemons do most ppl use per liter or per amount of poppy seeds?
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so ive been told it's an abosulute must they I use lemon juice & that's why i didnt get it to work before.
i'll look for the so called lemon juice u can buy but what it is it? it cant possibly be 100% lemon juice.
if I cant buy it how many lemons should i use for the amount of water id need for 1kg of poppy seeds. (I dont know exactly how many litres I'll use cuz i'll just fill it with water till it covers all the seeds

so if i find lemon juice but only contains like 30% real lemons or something should i still use that?
Do I use like the whole bottle or what?
has anyone got PST to work without lemon juice?
Im guessing I'll need a few liters of water. how many lemons do most ppl use per liter or per amount of poppy seeds?

I've done PST lots of times. Lemon juice doesn't seem to make much a difference IMO, but it helps with the taste a bit.

If your doing a good method (like several mentioned in this thread) with plain water and the seeds, and you're not getting anything out of it - your seeds aren't very good. With plain water and a very simple method you should be getting some good effects if the seeds themselves are potent enough. I've gotten very good effects many times without lemon juice, just plain water.

Adding some lemon juice won't hurt though. For 500 grams of seeds in the past I've used one lemon, but you could use two if you really wanted to.
I've only ever used grapefruit juice, never lemons, and it usually works fine for me. I find this is the easiest, I do my first wash with grapefruit juice, then the 2nd two with water.

I'm not sure if the lemon juice you can buy is 100%, it's pretty strong though - it's not a drink, it's a squeezy bottle for putting on fish or whatever. IIRC the bottles are pretty pricey though and you only get 200mls or so.
I will be using this lemon juice :)

99% anyone recommend me an amount to put in?
I know this isn't HR now so answer if you want, or not, I'll just squeeze it in until I'm content.
This stuff is cheap as.
I hope it's OK to post the brand, I mean it's only lemon juice, remove it if you have to.
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^ I wouldn't use heaps, I remember using that shit for the lemon TEK of making psilocybin mushroom tea and I reckon its pretty strong. If you use a lot expect a pretty strong taste.
so ive been told it's an abosulute must they I use lemon juice & that's why i didnt get it to work before.
i'll look for the so called lemon juice u can buy but what it is it? it cant possibly be 100% lemon juice.
if I cant buy it how many lemons should i use for the amount of water id need for 1kg of poppy seeds. (I dont know exactly how many litres I'll use cuz i'll just fill it with water till it covers all the seeds

so if i find lemon juice but only contains like 30% real lemons or something should i still use that?
Do I use like the whole bottle or what?
has anyone got PST to work without lemon juice?
Im guessing I'll need a few liters of water. how many lemons do most ppl use per liter or per amount of poppy seeds?

I have only used GFJ and been successful countless times. But I have never used to lemon so can't really comment. Just use both Anon and use GFJ as the liquid to wash, never never use water. water has always given me less effect.

Also are you still using other opyiates daily? cause I don't use any and need at least 500 but usually 600-700 grams just from left over tolerance, so U prob need ast least 500 g of good seeds but like way more of bad.

Anyways drink it alow to start and test the waters or 'juice', and good luck man,
I put a whole bottle of lemon juice in, but i was using 1.8kgs at a time.

I am now on one week without poppyseed tea after two years regular use.

Withdrawals not as bad as i had expected but i have no benzo tolerence and obtained a bunch of xanax and basically munched them with wine, so was only semi concious for about 4 days (i apologise that sentence is not in the spirit of harm reduction)

The best thing about quitting poppyseeds is that the idea of drinking that vile liquid again rather repulses me

Now to address the anxiety issues that led to me having a two year poppyseed addiction but i feel a degree of optimism which is a rather foreign feeling for me in normal circumstances
I will be using this lemon juice :)

99% anyone recommend me an amount to put in?

lemon has twice as much citric acid as grapefruit, so 1/2 lemon 1/2 water, or who knows, maybe more acid does a better job, you could try full lemon juice if your mouth/throat/stomach can tolerate all that lemon juice. Btw I noticed lemon juice and coke have around the same PH, maybe coke is slightly more acidic, maybe it would work well too. But maybe all that caffeine would reduce subtle effects of PST.
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