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Places you have travelled to, or would like to travel to

^Tours are for suckers, just go it dolo, it's cheaper and you're flexible to do whatever you want and kick it for longer in a place if you like it. You'll always find company if you're staying hostels (shudder).
AmDamn is good, RotDamn, Brussels , Antwerp , Berlin, in that region. It's Europe it's all sites and cafes. English is all good , even in the remotest parts of europa you'll be good.

Only problem with visiting Europe is you'll have to return to NZ at some point.
I had to get a new passport last yr (or was it the yr before?) anyway I'm keen as to go OS again as soon as I can and get some stamps in this new passport, might be another yr or two, as I'm pumping as much money as I can to the remainder of my mortgage at present. But it will happen eventually.

this is my position also, but its killing me. i have some money saved at the moment and have four choices. 1. continue renovating my home 2. leave it in the bank to grow further and continue adding to it 3. add it to my mortgage 4. go on an overseas holiday. logically i know its wise to choose either 1-3, but the traveller in me wants to throw caution to the wind and book a holiday.

travelling is addictive. once you start, you cant stop. thank goodness its fall/soon to be winter in hawaii and i really want to visit during the summer time.

^ Yeah, I have been doing numbers 1-3 for quite some time now and am really starting to see some serious progress with it all, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel lol. Number 4 is on the back burner for me for a while, but that time will come.
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overwater bungalows

1K words: You lucky bastard!! I always thought those things looked amazing. I love the idea of staying in a room which is surrounded by water - like a room-island.

Did it have a glass floor, or kind of window thing so you could see beneath you? I reckon I could sit and watch that for hours, like an aquarium but the actual living ocean right underneath you.

Best places I visited/lived:

Japan - utterly unique and seemingly endless cultural oddities to discover. I preferred the limited time I spent in the southern regions to the central big cities; Tokyo and Osaka can be fun, but too intense for long stays. Sharing a city with 12+ million people is a strangely isolating experience, no matter how many friends you have there. Well, that was my experience anyway.

Cambodia - not always an easy place to travel through, but I thought the people were remarkably honest compared to Thailand and Vietnam, and there are so many stunning places to visit, both natural (jungles and the most amazing waterfalls I've seen, with no tourists if you get off the beaten track a bit - just a few local kids splashing around) and man-made (Angkor Wat, obviously a stand-out). The towns and cities are a mixed experience. Phnom Penh has all-sorts, and can be confronting even for open minded, well-travelled people. I went to a club for locals (with a Khmer friend, no, not a prostitute) and it was surreal. There was a sign out the front saying "No hand-grenades allowed inside". Khmers like to drink hard, and they don't always handle it well. It can be unsettling when you know that a lot of people there are armed (with guns, hand-grenades had to be left at home :p )

Indonesia: So diverse. So divided. So unstable. So corrupt. But takes my vote for the most amazing travelling I've ever done. Sumartra, Central Java, the Gillis (a little group of three (four?) tiny islands where anything goes. Absolutely nuts. Had my hardest and most profound mushroom trip of my life there. The effect was so powerful there was a two month afterglow and I have no doubt that it changed me forever, for the better.

Other places:

Canada - only got to see Vancouver, unfortunately, and while it's lovely in the summer, it's not exotic or interesting like the places above. Also, absolutely hated the tipping system, and the fact that the prices on the supermarket shelves don't include the local tax (their kind of GST thing), so when you get to the register it's more than you expected. Downtown Vancouver is a stunning city, but go a few blocks to the East side and suddenly you're in a ghetto of seriously down and out drug addicts, with many homeless people sleeping on the pavement and people asking for change EVERYWHERE. I haven't had a sheltered life, but I was pretty surprised at how shabby that area was. It wasn't dangerous, it just felt that way due to the abundance of drug-dealers openly dealing in broad daylight, homeless people face down on the concrete, people clearly affected by crack or heroin loitering around in groups, and many of the shops having bars across their windows.

Singapore - didn't do much for me. Weird that most people spoke English, but every time I caught a cab the driver would be a chinese-speaker and seem not to know a word of English.

Thailand - mixed experiences. Nice place for a holiday, but kind of touristed to death. Got very, very sick of having to fight not to be ripped off at every turn.
Halif said:
Indonesia: So diverse. So divided. So unstable. So corrupt. But takes my vote for the most amazing travelling I've ever done. Sumartra, Central Java, the Gillis (a little group of three (four?) tiny islands where anything goes. Absolutely nuts. Had my hardest and most profound mushroom trip of my life there. The effect was so powerful there was a two month afterglow and I have no doubt that it changed me forever, for the better.

That's good insight. Thank you.
What about a glass roof and underwater? This would be so trippy...

Did it have a glass floor, or kind of window thing so you could see beneath you? I reckon I could sit and watch that for hours, like an aquarium but the actual living ocean right underneath you.



^ Maldives - http://news-e.hoosta.com/undersea-restaurant-hotel-conrad-rangali-island-maldives/


^ Taha'a, French Polynesia


^ Bora Bora, French Polynesia


^ Reethi Rah Island, Maldives

12 Hotels With Overwater Bungalows (PHOTOS)
Had my hardest and most profound mushroom trip of my life there. The effect was so powerful there was a two month afterglow and I have no doubt that it changed me forever, for the better.

I had mine at the midnight oil bar, Bali, in the form of a magic mushroom milkshake. It's closed down now I think, but it was such an amazing trip, easily the best trip I have ever had, so much better than any lsd blotter trip I have ever had. Massive amount of visuals, like moving curtains and tiles on the floor and stuff, very intense. As you said it changed me forever, and it was up there amongst my best drug taking moments.
This was the view from our room

Early morning run looking back.


We would grab as much bread at breakfast as we could carry and berlie the water under out hut and create a large school of fish to snorkel with.
I had mine at the midnight oil bar, Bali, in the form of a magic mushroom milkshake. It's closed down now I think, but it was such an amazing trip, easily the best trip I have ever had, so much better than any lsd blotter trip I have ever had. Massive amount of visuals, like moving curtains and tiles on the floor and stuff, very intense. As you said it changed me forever, and it was up there amongst my best drug taking moments.
yeah I went for the "special Shakes" in Koh Phangan was kinda disappointing after I puked my guts out! But according to my husband that night I was running around off my guts and Tarzan swinging off things! Good times and if we ever have children I hope they don't see the pictures!!!
Last time I was in Scambodge , one local barman showed me a plate of his shrooms, I laughed in his face when I saw what he was attempting to pass of as psilocybes and he got rather offended/violent.

Stick to the heroin and ice at least you know what you're getting.. paracetamol and rock candy.
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^Tours are for suckers, just go it dolo, it's cheaper and you're flexible to do whatever you want and kick it for longer in a place if you like it. You'll always find company if you're staying hostels (shudder).
AmDamn is good, RotDamn, Brussels , Antwerp , Berlin, in that region. It's Europe it's all sites and cafes. English is all good , even in the remotest parts of europa you'll be good.

Only problem with visiting Europe is you'll have to return to NZ at some point.

Thanks, i really appreciate that bro. NZ is awesome!! Just could see it as being really boring for someone who doesn't know anyone here. We have cool bush-walks to explore.

Looks like ill just buy a ticket, fly over to Amsterdam and wing it.

I'll stay in some sort of hostel. Do they have private rooms? How much on average would accommodation might cost? and are meals/eating out expensive?

I will be going over for 2 or 3 months. Will be basing myself in Amsterdam, and meet ppl @ bars, cafes, and in public. No idea how it'l go, hopefully good. Planning to travel earlyish 14.
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^ In Amsterdam you can get a dorm bed from 15Euro til 25Euro per night , if you look outside of the centre you may find very basic private rooms for around 35Euro if you are lucky.
Not that cheap there , a cheap kebab or burger will be be around 4-6 euro, eating out at a cafe or resto will be anything from 8-50 euro a meal.
Supermarkets are quite affordable compared to NZ if you are staying for a while self catering will save you quite a bit of $.

Don't sweat it, when I first went years ago I met peeps on the way to the hostel from the airport and ended up staying for free for a week right on the canal.

spent a bunch of time over there so feel free to PM me if you need any other info bout flights from NZ etc. euro travel itineraries etc,
Places I've been:

Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur
Thailand - Bangkok
Philippines - Cebu, Manila, Boracay
Nepal - Kathmandu, Pokhara
India - Delhi, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Udaipur, Jaisalmer, Pushkar, Agra, Varanasi, Rishikesh, Shimla, Hampi, Bangalore, Anjuna, Agonda, Palolem, Allepey, Varkala, Cochin

Yes, I spent ages in India. Best experience ever.

Next trip I'm going on at the start of December:

Thailand - Bangkok, Koh Chang
Cambodia - Siem Reap, Phnom Penh, Sihanoukville
Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh, Nha Trang, Hue, Ha Long Bay, Hanoi
My last big trip was Egypt, Libya, Oman, Jordan, Pakistan, Lebanon and finally Israel (for family catch up). This was about 6 months before the Arab spring so I'd be interested to see what it's like in those places now. Only recent trips have been Singapore, Malaysia and Indo which have all been for work so I count that as a sub category to real travelling
Looks like ill just buy a ticket, fly over to Amsterdam and wing it.

I'll stay in some sort of hostel. Do they have private rooms? How much on average would accommodation might cost? and are meals/eating out expensive?

I will be going over for 2 or 3 months. Will be basing myself in Amsterdam, and meet ppl @ bars, cafes, and in public. No idea how it'l go, hopefully good. Planning to travel earlyish 14.

Do it, you'll love it. I did my backpacking around Europe solo and I think going by yourself is the way to go. Being solo helps you immerse yourself in the culture, meet other people and locals, rather than sticking to your travel group and staying within your comfort zone. Meeting people travelling is so easy, and having no one but yourself to please means you can change your plans on a whim.

Would you be willing to stay in a dorm rather than a private room? Yeah, dorms can be scungy and have their share of problems but that's where the fun is, and they are much cheaper. In Amsterdam, if you're up for a party, stay in the Flying Pig Hostel. This place is fucking awesome, and my favourite hostel out of all the places I stayed in Europe. There's two - one uptown, one downtown - pretty sure downtown is the one you want. There's a smoking room downstairs where everyone sits and gets high. Pretty sure it was about 30 euros a night, but you have to book way in advance, as weekends in particular book out quickly.

I found food reasonably priced, but I mainly bought food from grocery stores. Beer is cheap, too. If you're going for 2-3 months, you'll have heaps of time to travel elsewhere in ther Netherlands check out other European countries too. I loved Germany, Berlin was my favourite place of all, and I've heard Hamburg is great if you're looking for another place with Amsterdam like vices, I didn't go there myself though. And yeah like oldirtybizza said, you're unlikely to have trouble only speaking English, nearly everyone I met in Europe spoke very good English. It puts us mono-liguists to shame I reckon, I always felt a bit obnoxious knowing no other language than English.
1Kwords: Thanks for posting the pics. Looks spectacular.

I'd love to try staying in one of those huts-over-the-water. I've always loved the idea of sleeping in a hut while the waters of the ocean swirl around below. I bet you would have interesting dreams.

Beautiful scenery..... really, just amazing pictures. Thanks for that. It's like a tonic, even just looking at a picture of it.
I've been travelling/living else where in the world for 6 years. All European, although I am off to the States shortly.

Some of my fav places have been Tallinn, Vilnius, Budapest, Krakow to name a few. I still can't believe sometimes, I haven't been to like France, Spain or Holland... Have tended to go to the lesser know places to some degree.

Oh and Stockholm !! Can't forget that! Love the place!
Actually some of the best meals I've eaten were at those roadside stalls in Thailand. But then Koh Phangan rocks :) Agree with pickpockets though. I wasn't a victim when living in Hong Kong but quite a few other exchange students I was with were targeted and had phones and wallets taken in the touristy night club district.

Besides Thailand and Hong Kong, I've been to mainland China (Beijing and Guilin) and that place was fantastic. I'd love to go back and travel there some more one day and see the scenery in a particular place the movie Avatar was based on. Can't remember the name of it though.

Some third world countries, thinking more Laos, Burma, India and parts of South America. Burma I have never been but friends say that they were warned about this but all had been vaccinated. Briefly been to Laos during a trip to Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and I recall some kind of warning from the travel agency and same for South America. Shouldn't be an issue if your up to date with immunization. Family member got really fucking sick from some kind of Malaria in Vietnam though. India can be super dodgy all round, nothing like taking in the stink of the Ganges River and seeing a semi burnt corpse float by... Some areas are awesome though (Goa) with great hotels and amazing food that doesn't get you sick. Never been to China really want to go and Japan but Europe on the cards for this year, probably Germany and into some parts of eastern Europe and end up in Greece. It's been 2 years and I'm getting the travel bug again.

1K words that is one of the most exclusive resorts in Tahiti (more correctly Islands of French Polynesia)... That kind of view is not cheap. The outer reef can get some pretty good swell running left. Helps if you speak some Tahitian like "iwee" means small so "iwee" surf is not good lol. The Tahitian's don't like french so don't think you will impress anyone if you can speak french, except french expats.
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^There are always warnings about not drinking this or not eating that while in third world countries, but IME I got sick anyway following all those guidelines...and when I drank tap water and ate from roadside barbecues? I was fine! I was in Africa as well which doctors give you the most thorough rundowns and warnings about not eating such and such hygiene cleanliness etc.

I Rekon germs are germs and they cannot be avoided

That being said take your doxy cause malaria .. Fuck. That.