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Good on you for getting them tested. So many people blindly trust any "bars" when they're notoriously unreliable these days. Even though I have trust in my supplier I still get each batch tested if I get bars, but I always try to get blistered 1mg alprazolam if possible, I've never had fakes of that.

If they're etizolam at least you've got a decent drug in there, I love etiz myself. But it's worth ruling out nasty shit like doxepin with a lab test. EC will also tell you what the dosage is like which is great, I'd be curious to know actually. I get most of my testing done at WEDINOS which is great because it's free and fast but they don't test dose.
I agree, with known fakes there is scary as hell. Here in the States there were fake bars that were out and they didn't even test positive for alprazolam in any of the 10000 pills tested. The one thing that they did test for was fentanyl, the news article said that some had 1mg while others were in the 8mg range. One kid was 16 and never did anything and supposedly one of his friends gave him one after a "stressful event".
Now they are putting fentanyl in everything including coke, XTC, fake oxy, hydro and benzos. Damn ppl that don't care if they kill someone and they just want a quick dollar

There was a massive bust right down the street from me in San Antonio. I'll send the link. It was last year that they were shut down but this was one of the largest fake xanax/oxy/adderall manufacturers in the States. They had an operation in San Antonio, Houston, and had connections overseas to their suppliers.

Ok so I’m new to a lot of this. I can send samples into these places and they’ll verify that it is indeed alp? Sorry if I asked this in the wrong area.
Ok so I’m new to a lot of this. I can send samples into these places and they’ll verify that it is indeed alp? Sorry if I asked this in the wrong area.

Yes. If you're in the UK you can send a sample into WEDINOS for free and get the active ingredients tested within a week. If you live elsewhere you can send off a sample to Energy Control who accept samples from around the world. They charge €60 (which can be paid with bitcoin for anonymity if you want) but they will test purity of powders or doses of pills as well as the active ingredients.
Nice stash Wilson. I remember getting the 1mg Pfizer Xanax "blue footballs" a while ago and they sure were effective!
Blew holes in my memory of course, but i have little self control with benzos.
I've also had the Galenika 2mg Rivotril which i was very fond of.
Also love zolpidem and the, my favourite, good ol' diazepam.
Never had much effect from lorazepam, despite being 100% legit. I suppose I had a very high tolerance at the time i was getting them. It'd be interesting to try them with my current tolerance.
Not sure I've had bromazepam, but I'd quite like to, as you can imagine!
Honestly I got very little out of oral lorazepam but a shot of it will KNOOOOCCCCK me out. They were like "we're going to give you 1mg of lorazepam" and I don't remember 4-6 hours of my life. I suspect they gave me like 10x more than whatever they claimed because of the way I was acting.
Oh yeah I've heard IV 'Ativan' is a go to when someone needs to chill the fuck out immediately (think that's the medical term) if they're experiencing major anxiety or aggression.
I suppose it's uncommon in the benzo category, in that IV doses are considerably stronger than others. I've heard midazolam is a bit like this too. Ive never IV'd benzos, but I've taken both midazolam and lorazepam both orally.and sublingually, and found midazolam was nice, but too short acting, and lorazepam very mild even in 8-10mg doses (again, stupid tolerance at the time). I'd like to try.2-4mg lorazepam right now actually! Although id probably rather have 30mg diazepam or 2mg alprazolam.
They are an interesting family of chemicals, with very different effects profiles and durations.
Still really dying to try flunitrazepam and nimetezepam (spelling?? The ones popular in Asia as Happy 5's.)
I was dying and they were going to take my blood and play chemistry set to test what I told them. I should have sued. I am sure that doc is directly responsible for other people dying if I barely escaped w/ my life.

It wasn't a panic attack. It wasn't a drug freak out. I was having a life threatening adverse physiological reaction and if they didn't drug me when they did they'd have a corpse on their hands.

I only hope when that doc needs a shot their doc goes "oh I don't know" and they fucking die on the table. I pray for it every day. It was a terrifying feeling and I was cursing the doctors and screaming for benzos to save my life. I was like I NEED THIS and they just ignored me for so long.

I am all zen and can let this go. A more mentally unstable person would buy a gun. Thank god I have mental stability and have learned forgiveness for even the stupidest, most incompetent hateful doctors of all time. Please go live your lives, have a bunch of pretty kids and bribe their way into USC. Then when they're all snapchat addict failures and you are alone on your death bed while your kids wait for you to die for your money it'll be more worth it than me rushing you past all that suffering. Fuck you doctor.

Most doctors out here actually *care* I got like THE WORST ONE possible.
I like the pfizer brand more too, the alprazolam made by LPH seems much weirder. pfizer is in a court case and no pfizer meds are gonna be in the pharmacies no more, good thing that I stocked up on them but I don't use benzos much anyway.

for diazepam I usually get terapia and for clonazepam roche, for lorazepam I usually go with the "anxiar" brand, they are 25 pills per blister, 50 in a box.
i think to pack it you do counter-clockwise to draw it in and then as you need to ash it and get the cherry to the top again you clockwise it

and you have to lean it a direction

if you're tripping it'll be a nightmare to use such a device but I could totes get the hang of this off downers but right now I'm failing like a noob and it's hilarious but I think 6th try I *finally* know how to fully operate it optimally.
I was dying and they were going to take my blood and play chemistry set to test what I told them. I should have sued. I am sure that doc is directly responsible for other people dying if I barely escaped w/ my life.

It wasn't a panic attack. It wasn't a drug freak out. I was having a life threatening adverse physiological reaction and if they didn't drug me when they did they'd have a corpse on their hands.

I only hope when that doc needs a shot their doc goes "oh I don't know" and they fucking die on the table. I pray for it every day. It was a terrifying feeling and I was cursing the doctors and screaming for benzos to save my life. I was like I NEED THIS and they just ignored me for so long.

I am all zen and can let this go. A more mentally unstable person would buy a gun. Thank god I have mental stability and have learned forgiveness for even the stupidest, most incompetent hateful doctors of all time. Please go live your lives, have a bunch of pretty kids and bribe their way into USC. Then when they're all snapchat addict failures and you are alone on your death bed while your kids wait for you to die for your money it'll be more worth it than me rushing you past all that suffering. Fuck you doctor.

Most doctors out here actually *care* I got like THE WORST ONE possible.

Why were you in such mortal danger? And why did you need the shot? Benzo or alcohol withdrawal? Stimulant OD? Sounds frustrating and frightening as hell either way.

And what's this device you speak of? Think yiu may have posted in the wrong thread, Captain!
it's a personal matter but imagine a life threatening condition (not anything you listed) I can explain in pm as I trust ya


i am baked af
I find lorazepam to be very subtle, even for a benzo. I find all benzos rather subtle unless I'm anxious, then the anxiety relief is quite noticeable.
Lorazepam I actually like especially combined with other benzos, it provides extra muscle relaxation and anxiety relief without too much impairment. Subtle absolutely but it has its place I think is underrated.

Bromazepam is really the shining star in that collection though no doubt. I love the stuff. It's like Valium and Xanax had a baby. Proper mashes you up and has strong muscle relaxation. I even prefer it to temazepam. Really really like it. Might even be the top of the list for me. Goes really well with opiates (again bad HR, but can't lie and say it doesn't feel good).

Ambien is nice as well but honestly I find it best to use as a straight sleeper. Like after a ket or 4-MMC sesh or still feeling residual stimulation from any upper, getting to sleep requires high doses of even alprazolam. But just 10mg zolpidem has me out like a light before I know it. Wonder drug.
Wow. Bromazepam sounds great!

I must say I'm a fan of zolpidem recreationally, it's got a cool mild LSD visual edge to it at times. It's definitely fun for me.

I used to feel the way @Wilson Wilson does about zopiclone, not zolpidem, but then i acquired a taste for the sleepy relaxation and would like to just read for hours on them until i fell asleep.
Oh don't get me wrong I've had my fun staying up on it writing crazy weird shit going all "walrus" but I find it's not too recreational when the novelty wears off and functional use is so much more useful.

I like smoking weed on zops though, they don't knock me out unless I fight to stay awake like zolpidem does, so I can just chill on 'em and have a good whacked out time.

And bromazepam is seriously an amazing benzo. One of few I'd say has actual true recreational value in and of itself (not just anxiety relief).