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Permanent effects from drugs you've taken..

I used to do X and acid and every other drug if it was there, but not that much of it at one time- ya know. I definitly think that X has some kind of effect on your nervous system (if anyone has any info on this please tell)
The first time i triped i was like 15 and i was alone and i flipped the fuck out, i was seeing bugs everywhere and worms it scared the shit out of me, That had an effect on me that seemed like it would never go away, but it is'nt anything like how i feel now after using E a few times
I also have lost my train of thought , the words are in my head but they come out all fucked up, I have developed panic attacks where i feel like i ready to pass out, nervouseness, I also have the feeling of rolling all of the sudden for no reason it lasts only for like a few seconds.
Got to go boss is coming!!!!!!!
1. Weed- no negative effects - feel great if i' m high!
2. Coke- Feel good . no permant damage
3. Crystal Meth- did'nt do it enough to know the effects.
4. Acid- never do it again, scared the shit out of me- no permanet damage.
5. Ecstacy- real real fun but i can't fuck with it anymore, it hase caused the whole talking problem everyone else is having, gave me panic disorders, depressed me a little bit more, i also can just be sitting here or doing whatever and it will feel like i all the suden will roll for a couple seconds, it's made me feel more nervous too.
****Does anybody think it has an affect on your nervous system?***********
My side effects are that i jerk off alot. Oh wait...i already did that anyways, nevermind.
start dropping!
words, words, words....they're gone. The other day I spent 10 minutes trying to come of with the word sophisticated. And I often overuse words like dude, yo, and fuck.
The question of permanent side effects is incredibly hard to decide because many of the things we may consider to be long term effects of ecstasy may be effects of other things. These other causes can't be eliminated without detailed well funded research into ecstasy. I've looked into the question of permanent side effects, and I agree with the other posts that this is definitely worrying. No conclusive causative link has been proved between ecstasy and mental impairment by any of the studies, however they have been circumstantially linked in the studies I considered.
This is for me the biggest problem with ecstasy - trying to decide whether or not to use it more, and how much to use without causing permanent damage. I believe it does cause permanent damage, and it's only a matter of time before this is found to be proved when scientists actually figure out how the human brain works. On the other hand I think it should be used at least once by people seeking to experience the full range of what life has to offer.
On the question of the negative effects described (eg jitteriness, memory impairment, stutters, not being able to think as clearly as before) I think you'll find that these are permanent in some form. I've felt them too. However, I think they'll gradually get better with time, but every time you take ecstasy it causes some small permanent damage.
Then there is the question of whether the negative long term effects people are talking about here aren't the result of taking pills with all sorts of other rubbish in them (also a problem for the research into ecstasy's effects).
So this is where I'm confused - every day I change my mind, I agonise over whether or not it's going to cause long term damage. Maybe this is paranoia which is a result of ecstasy use, and I need to try and factor that into my considerations.
Ultimately I think the trick is to keep its use down to a minimum, ie don't take more than one pill, because you don't know how strong it's going to be. Test everything before use no matter what. It's just plain dumb to take a pill that could have anything in it.
Trying to decide what moderation is is also a problem for me, and obviously for many other people posting here, but I think moderation is only a couple of good pills in your life, and not in multiples at one time. Until we know more about ecstasy, its effects are too powerful to play around with it, and this applies to everyone, even if you think you don't need your brain in whatever job you're doing. We should look after our brains, if only to make clear arguments for better research into ecstasy and other drugs and to campaign for intelligent law reform.
The weirdest thing that I wonder about is whatz called state dependant learning.
This basically boils down to this,
If u/r rolling on 2 pills or 5 beers or something and you do something for the first time you will be better able 2 perform the same task a second time if you do it on 2 pills or 5 beers. This is fact, if u/r always F!@#$%d up you will start to function better when you are than when U/r not, which to some, and me 4SURe is a very easy choice,
Why not get high?
side effects of taking e - getting wasted and hugging my friends!! happens all the time, i think its permanent......
[This message has been edited by pac-man (edited 20 August 2000).]
Me 2 Pac man - i have the same problem ! Do u really think its permenant.
*** If in doubt , and you dont know what to do ... do a half !
pac-man, Yan - I am sooooooooo lucky to have mates like you. I have told you a million times, and I will tell you a million more, I love you guys so much.
Cool weekend huh, (Just smoked one of the Ron Master's spliffs - lol.....)
Wish you were here

Chat tomorrow.
Guess who has joined!!!!!!! Hey Yan, pacman & Natal Shark all my best mates in the world! The permanent effects of drugs? - yes I have them!!!!!! A diffinate physiological bent for a beat, an unexplained attraction to all that glows and a need for braincell cleanup every few months!!!!!! I love you guys!
Hey, all bluelighters,
Major group hugs, and Ali G - so glad you here babe

p.s. Enjoy Ibiza next weekend, sure going to be lonely without you all around

Monday's suc. I need help getting through this one, I will call you later...
You all out there, have a great Monday

p.s. I know the Ron Master and Big Gav send major huggies, going to talk shit to them for a while now....lol... I am not here, I am there.
"Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time".
"Some days you are the bug, some days you are the windshield"
"Good judgment comes from bad experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment".
Seriously guys just take a break for a while....
I had 3 months off and it makes you feel fresh and evaluate your own position with added clarity and a better perspective...
Honestly...they don't know the long term effects yet...we are the giunea pig generation...although there is buildind evidence to suggests that it fucks with short term memory in a royal way
It's our own individual memory of collective emotions and experiences that have built us in to the people that we are today...
Don't go too hack at it
I've been smoking pot for 5+ years, doing schrooms for 3 or so (but not that often), and E 2 or 3 times a month for over a year...
These are my observations:
-I have trouble with oral arguments. Can't find the words, can't come up with points as well.
-I can't spell as well as i used to. i look at common words now and they just look wrong. sometimes a bit of a dyslexia problem, i reverse numbers when i dial them and stuff a lot...
-my short term memory is awful. This doesnt really bother me, it just makes me more careless.
-at first e made it easy for me to express my feelings to people (sober or rolling). But then I went through this phase where I thought e talk was bull shit, and now I find it harder to express my feelings than before I started doing e... I find it just frustrating and pointless to try to explain things to people... but this may just be another phase, not a permanent effect...
-BUT I'm a history major who writes a lot of papers and I can confidently say that my writing skills are as good, if not better than before I started using drugs. I still write A papers almost all the time, and I don't put anymore effort into it than I have before. I don't really know why I can't express myself orally as well. I think it may have to do with the short term memory problem. I just can't follow my own logic unless it's written down. I tend to forget what I'm talking about a lot...
I cant rember anything before the tenth grade. specific events i can rember but who i was or what i acted like, ur guess is a good as mine.
- smoked weed as oftened as i breathed.
effect: got so calm on life that i just stopped giving a damn. couldnt rember shit too.
- tripped so muched my brain is mush
effect: perma trails.mad perma trails. 90% of the time i feel like im trippen.
-yep rolled too!
effect: a new found love.(house music and culture) my eyes gitter side to side when i look away from something to fast or focus on something to fast.not being able to go to sleep before 2am. ive stopped smoking and trippen. i feel better about who i am.
this isnt the drug talking ither because i havent rolled in months.
I cant rember anything before the tenth grade. specific events i can rember but who i was or what i acted like, ur guess is a good as mine.
- smoked weed as oftened as i breathed.
effect: got so calm on life that i just stopped giving a damn. couldnt rember shit too.
- tripped so muched my brain is mush
effect: perma trails.mad perma trails. 90% of the time i feel like im trippen.
-yep rolled too!
effect: a new found love.(house music and culture) my eyes gitter side to side when i look away from something to fast or focus on something to fast.not being able to go to sleep before 2am. ive stopped smoking and trippen. i feel better about who i am.
this isnt the drug talking ither because i havent rolled in months.
smoking weed messes up my memory harcore when i go months at a time smoking it. Every few days never hurt anybody.
as far as X goes, i think it is one of the worst drugs out there...I stutter alot and sometimes dont think because of it (i dont know how permenant this is, yet) A tab once every 4 months would be fine i guess....but once you start snorting pills, especially more than one and you do it often, it really messes you up
I guess my drug use has indirectly affected me; all the hardcore ass sex forced upon me by various bluelighters has left me with heavy anal leakage, an inability to sit down, and aversion to bending over in the shower to pick up the soap.
Curse you FoX, for starting the Sticky-Ass-Fucking-Fad!!! Curses!!!