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Permanent effects from drugs you've taken..

I think the way e has affected me most is the way i get distracted by my own thoughts too much. I feel like my brain is separate from my body/my life/the world, and i can either be in my mind or in the world. I analyse everything to the point of exhaustion, where I just couldn't be bothered to think anymore.
Or maybe it came from the short-term moderate cannabis usage from a few years ago - i already blame it for the depression and paranoia.
Or maybe I was always like this. Or maybe it was all the strange books I've read. Or maybe it was the years of loneliness. Or maybe its all in my FREAKING HEAD.
I have less motor-control and a much worse memory. I have also noticed that I sometimes get twitches in my neck, arms and legs which I never used to have.
depression, anxiety attacks, minor paranoia, panic attacks, and a short-term memory that went to hell. Nothing compared to some other people I know (i.e. occasional seizures..). We all pay the price for substance abuse. My depression is gone now though, and I'm still doing very good in life despite minor emotional fuckups.
And I guess it struck a nerve
-short term memory AND long term memory (basically anything that didn't happen TODAY is one big blur...and sometimes the things I've done today too!)
-more angry, aggressive, and paranoid (that's from the meth tho, not the E, I'm pretty sure)
-minimal ability to concentrate on anything, which can prove problematic at my job sometimes when I'm talking on the phone and it takes me FIVE minutes to understand the simplest questions being asked of me (this actually worries me alot...I feel like I've done myself perma- brain damage or something...I hope not!
-constantly tripping out...not tons, but definitely noticeable...bathroom tiles always move, seeing and hearing things that aren't really there, stuff like that
-can get really extreme mood swings and panic attacks, but I'm used to that now, so it doesn't affect me so much, I've learned how to deal with it and don't freak out quite so much
I dunno....looks like there's a pretty big list......eek I'm crazy!!!

(I wonder if these things go away once you've quit drugs for good....???)
I just know that i have almost no short term memory, and sometimes it really sucks when i have to get people to repeat instructions to me at work or something.
Weed doesn't help with that either.
Erm.....what was i just talking about again?!?

[This message has been edited by HoverBoy)~ (edited 08 September 2001).]
I find that after i did speed for a few months, that my eyes are VERY sensative to the light. even now ( 3 months down the line)my vision isn't as good as it was before.
i have poor circulation to my hands and feet aswell, they just never seem to heat up, but that might just be me!?
I have taken E 30 pills, give or take, in the last couple of years...
permanent effects...
1) I feel more open towards people and relationships, I find expressing myself is a lot easier than before. Lost a few degrees of self-consciousness.
2) Happiness...I found that the only way to happiness (for me) is to have a good, honest relationship with yourself. I've been happy.

3) I tend to happiness even in some pretty dark and gritty situations...
4) Love for MUSIC! I love every type of music, and seem to enjoy every musical note a lot more...and if I listen to a particular kind of crescendo, I'm overwhelmed with feelings of joy and happiness...sort of a meta-roll...
negative stuff:
1) I get really nervous when having to confront people aggressively. The thought of getting into a fight terrifies me...I wasn't like that before.
2) some things stick around with me longer than to most poeple (emotional vulnerability)
3) psychological addiction...Now E is part of my thought pattern, and a day doesn't go by without me thinking about doing E and how great it is... still, I moderate my use to once a month or two.
This is interesting. I have never had speech/memory related problems after any amount of X until this month. I've consumed a mean of 20 pills monthly for awhile now without any 'permanent' effects. Anyway, yesterday I was talking to a neighbor and I repeatedly had trouble pronouncing words. I don't mean I was unable to recall anything or that I was confusing one word with another, just that I kept fucking up whenever I encounted a consonant followed by an 'L'. It was really weird. I had been awake for about 43 hours, so I personally attribute it to lack of sleep. However, is there any non-anecdotal evidence that would suggest MDMA use impairs speech? I don't necessarily rely on my speech skills, but they are very important to me. This may cause me to quit X entirely, or at least cut WAY down.
sometimes i get that "i feel like i'm fucked up even though i'm sober" feeling, it's not bad, kind of nice actually. has to bee in the right setting (i.e. club, party, some cool visual, whatever)
I lose my words! I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS. it makes me feel stupid, when i know what i'm trying to say is on the tip of my tongue. i've used 3 times this year and i haven't really had a problem with the vocab thing except after 2.25 pills on new years (dumb dumb dumb i don't need anywhere near that much, it always hits me hard.) i was sober for 5 months and the effects went away, i felt sharp again.
My emotions are Fucked, which is another reason i took a long break. for example, i ate a pill last weekend and now, a week later i'll still get agitated over the smallest things, cry for no reason, fly off the handle. I'll be this way until my hormones/emotions/serotonin/whatever gets back where they should be. i know exactly why i get so crazy inside the week or two after rolling but it doesn't change that feeling.
it is quite possible that this whole emotional thing has alot to do with the stresses of my life (being seperated from my husband for a year due to the military) and the hangovers just amplify it.
i think that rolling definately has tons of benefits as far as changing your view on life, but after a while it's not spiritual anymore, it's just *getting fucked up*. you know, "losing the magic." (btw, 90% of the time i practice moderation, esp. this past year i've only used 3 times)
i also think E definayely can trigger some underlying disorders that wouldn't normally have surfaced, no doubt! like obsessive compulsion, panic disorders, Bi-polar disorders, and it can also open the gateway to experimentiung with drugs. people rarely ever have a bad first roll, instead they love it and want to do it again.
honestly i don't know if i'll go back and take any more pills. i'm nearing the end of this phase. i'm done at last until new years and then i'll decide what i want to do.
perfect example....came home from a camping party on sunday, rolled saturday night.
there's like 5 people in the room and i wonder where my brother is so i ask, plain as day...
"Where's Ice?"
what I MEANT was where's MIKE.
and this was my first roll in 5 months.
Yeah, I've had some slight problems, though I never noticed until they went away and I became "normal" .. I don't think I had that memory impairment or anything but I've noticed I was always somewhat hyperactive and at a loss of what I should do, I would feel like I had to do something, even though I didn't.. And also some slight depression.
I used E pretty hard this summer (about 10 rolls in 2 ½ months) so obviously there were going to be some effects, and there were, however I didn't notice them at all until I went back to normal (after 1 month of not using any substance whatsoever)
Just for a little background info...I am female, 27 years old. Growing up, I was always bright and creative. During my late teens and early adulthood I have used marijuana, alcohol, meth, acid, shrooms, coke, E, nitrous, and ephedrine (pill form). I can honestly say that I have experienced some long term and short term effects from all of these.
Marijuana - I have smoked for 11 years either everyday or several times per week. I do not use at work or school. Positive permanent effects include increased creativty, ability to relax and sleep soundly, alleviated depression, BIG laughs! Negative effects include short term memory loss, the feeling of being "stoned over" the next day (clouded thoughts, minor fatigue), minor, occasional paranoia while high, loss of sex drive. In reading up on this drug, I feel the only permanent effects it may have are lung damage and moderate STML.
Alcohol - This drug effects my body in a negative way and so I limit my consumption to about once or twice a month. Positive effects include lowered social inhibitions. Negative effects include the desire to smoke cigarettes, headache, loss of concentration, nausea, brain dead feeling the next day.
Meth - I once had a serious problem with this drug. It is toxic. I went from being 5'2", 115 lbs. to 85 lbs.!! Positive effects (short term) euphoria, chattiness, increased energy. Negative effects (short term) weight loss, paranoia, loss of motivation, depression, (long term) degeneration of bone mass including teeth, anxiety, fidgityness.
Acid - I did this drug between 5 and 10 times (mild doses). I can say that I have experienced no negative long term effects. Positive effects include the retention of all of the valuable insights that LSD offers.
Shrooms - See Acid.
Coke - I only tried this drug once and didn't like the way I craved it intensely after the comedown. Lack of use = no permanent effects.
E - I have done this drug about 10 times. It has been about 5 years since I have done it and I feel I have no permanent negative effects. I never took more than 2 pills a night and have given my body time to heal. I have retained the ability to empathize and my love of dancing and music has continued to grow. When I was doing it, I was also using meth and became extremely paranoid. The paranoia has gone away.
Nitrous, ephedrine - haven't done these enough to have long term effects set in.
The only drugs I currently use are alcohol and marijuana and I like it that way.

In summary, I feel I have experienced mild permanent effects of drug use (mostly related to meth). My intelligence has not dwindled, I still have creative juices flowing, have a passion for life and high expectations for myself. Moderation is helpful.
I've taken ecstasy 5 times now, over the course of about 4-5 months. I never noticed any downside until the last time--for the next week or so, I was pretty etarded. I'm going to increase the spacing between rolls to 5-6 weeks now, as well as pre- and post-load. Ex is a blast guys, but not worth losing your mind over...
a little background: i have been a pothead for around two years. taken e maybe 40 times in the last 18 months or so, acid maybe 10-20 times in that same time period, also a few other random things thrown in here and there.
i think the weed definately causes short term memory loss, as well as a generally hazy memory of the last two years. for example, i can remember phone numbers i haven't called in five years, but any number i called frequently in the last two years but haven't in a while is basically gone from my memory. also i have that constant "foggy" feeling in the back of my brain, even if i don't smoke for a few days.
i have few persistant dark spots in my vision. they are very small and are only really noticeable if i concentrate on them, but they are always there. i occasionally experience eye tremors and/or shutter vision. also random spasms of my lower jaw, usually resulting in biting my tounge fairly hard, but releasing before i even realize what has happened.
i expect all these things will level out over time, when i decide to quit. but the good effects (which i won't get into, y'all know em) will last a lifetime. it's definately a tradeoff, but it's one i'm willing to make.
I am a drug. Take me.
--Salvador Dali
I'm not sure what permanent effects i'm going to have from taking drugs but i can say that taking E has done nothing except make me more open-minded, outgoing, and given me a general love for life. The depression i got was mostly caused by staying out all night and not sleeping. I have noticed my language and spelling getting worse a few weeks after taking E but it improves the longer i stop taking the drug.
Alcohol makes me moody, irritable and gives me cloudy thoughts for days after i drink it.
Smoking pot just kills my motivation but makes me very creative. Shame how that works.
Cigarettes - the bain of my life. I can't give up. Long term effects don't need mentioning.
*Meeting lots of new people at raves
*More friendly attitude
*Sometimes I will grab a cup or something, and set it down and immediately remember why I picked it up (to get water), I haven't been rolling very long at all and in moderation though. I use to do this and I just notice it now, I can't say for sure if it's increased or I'm just paranoid now.
*Occasionally stumble on my speech, but this goes away when I take a break and it happens even when I stay sober but I've been partying (up all night and exhausting myself) for the last week.
*A new appreciation for music
The effects that i've noticed is the memory fuck, probably from weed & E. As well as the visuals that everyone describes along with the floaters and trails off most objects. So far they haven't bothered me enuf yet.