• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

PedEgg: Awesome or Disgusting?

Is the PedEgg Awesome or Disgusting?

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Man I'd love to have a ped egg. For those who find it gross, how about soaking your feet in a bowl with those flesh eating fish? Hahaha.


A friend of mine actually tried it in Indonesia. She said it was pretty rad.
^^ Eeeeeek!! That would tickle so much!!!!!!

Has anyone tried the PediPaws - a device made by the PedEgg people to trim pets' claws? I'm this close to buying one for the cats since I don't want to pay the vet to clip their claws when I can do it myself.

Oh my goodness, PLEASE let me know how it goes if you get it!!

When you're in the shower, just scratch the bottom of your feet with your fingernails, and any skin that needs to go will come right off. This also happens if you vigorously wash them with a cloth.

Didn't your parents teach you to wash your feet? I guess I got lucky.
Man I'd love to have a ped egg. For those who find it gross, how about soaking your feet in a bowl with those flesh eating fish? Hahaha.


Doooo waaaaant! :D
I know someone I used to work with who has a morbid fear of fish touching her skin - she would freak if she saw this. ;)

EDIT: Emailing her.. nao. ;)=D
Man I'd love to have a ped egg. For those who find it gross, how about soaking your feet in a bowl with those flesh eating fish? Hahaha.


A friend of mine actually tried it in Indonesia. She said it was pretty rad.

You can go out to most of the rivers or streams around here and theres little fish just like that that will do that for free :D

And yes, it does tickle.
I think its fucking gross. Sure some people need that kind of thing but I just thinkk its gros and the ad for it is gross too. I think its a great idea but they play the ad too much, it'd be better if the people in the add were cartoon as well....it makes meshudder thinking about it.
I fucking hate this thing. It is the most disgusting invention ever. Ugh, I DO NOT want to watch people grating their fucking feet on tv, and then they SHOW THE FOOT SHAVINGS! It makes me feel sick.
lol i think so too. I mean its just dead skin, how awful can that be? So many things are MUCH MUCH more gross!
*bump* to avoid the prune :)

Has anyone tried the PediPaws - a device made by the PedEgg people to trim pets' claws? I'm thisclose to buying one for the cats since I don't want to pay the vet to clip their claws when I can do it myself.

i guarantee you you wouldn't get that thing within ten feet of my cats.

i just use a nail clipper.
I think the PedEgg is just horrible. The commercial always runs on TV, and the part where the person shaves their feet and dumps the dead skin scales in the trash can makes me sick. Simply disgusting.....