• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

PedEgg: Awesome or Disgusting?

Is the PedEgg Awesome or Disgusting?

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of course they are. fuck that shit. i am so annoyed at how commercialized a fucking terrible disease is
I'm glad I'm not the only one...

back to the topic:

Rather than worry about if PedEgg is so disgusting, I wonder why we find our bodies so disgusting??
i don't see this any more disgusting than douching or any other female hygeine issue
Maybe its just me, that I find douching completely innappropriate as well. Why do we as humans (mostly women) find the need to change every little thing we dub 'annoying' on our bodies. Its who we are! Its how we're made. Who really gives a fuck if you have rough skin on your feet-its your fuckign feet they're made to walk on the ground ok?? How can you honestly expect the bottoms of your feet NOT to get that way? They hold all our body weight for crying out loud....

just my 2 cents :)
^ ..... It is not that I expect my feet to be soft and perfect, I realize they are meant for walking and supporting the body .... I just enjoy having soft feet.
^^Different strokes for different folks I guess

I'm actually rubbing my feet right now, I've been on them all day and they honestly feel pretty soft to me.....? Maybe its because I take really hot showers and they get to soak a little everyday

I still vote disgusting
Icky, yeah - just like a grater.

In Japanese Engrish, devices like these are called "Horny Remover".
I saw this on teleshopping when i switched the tv on the other morning. I found myself wanting to buy one but I think that's just because I'm a goon for teleshopping as I also want that vegetable peeler/slicer and that's clearly a ridiculous waste of £7.
Still I walk about bare foot outside and that doesn't do anything for my feet, does that heel repair cream owrk?
Seems less disgusting that grating your feet anyway.
^ I am sure the healing cream cannot hurt. For that you can probably go to your local chemist or other similar store and just get a really thick, moisturizing cream, I doubt something really expensive and sold on the telly or in catalogs is any better than a good moisturizer from the store. A lot of people say to lather cream on your feet and hands at night and then put socks and gloves on to keep the moisture in, I think they helps to give you softer skin, I do it sometimes for my feet.

I dunno, to me, the PedEgg is obviously kind of gross because you are removing your skin, but afterward you have really soft, new skin that you can apply lotion to and keep soft for longer, I just like the idea of it! Its just another tool to pamper yourself with I suppose.
LoveAlways said:
I'm actually rubbing my feet right now, I've been on them all day and they honestly feel pretty soft to me.....? Maybe its because I take really hot showers and they get to soak a little everyday

If you really do walk on the beach a lot then that's probably why your feet are so soft. Sand rubs away a lot of dead skin.
i wish I walked on the beach a lot! I haven't been in months :(

I think its a less gross idea to soak your feet in hot water (with some oil or bath salts mmmmm) then lotion them up when they're nice and wet and soft then put on some socks---like doing your own pedicure :)
my feet get kind of gross in the summer from wearing flip flops the whole time, so when i saw this on tv i considered buying it. (i thought it was like a pumice stone) well... i saw it in a store, and as soon as i saw you could buy replacement BLADES and changed my mind. i agree with what most said before- seems too much like a cheese grater for me to be willing to rub it on my feet. yikes!
Heh. I hadn't made an impulse buy in awhile and saw the PedEgg at yes, Walgreens. I was suckered out of my $10. I don't have gnarly feet, but it has been awhile since my last pedicure and I can't keep a pumice stone (or anything that might be subject to mold growth) in my shower.

The shavings are very disgusting... I won't say they aren't. But darned if my feet aren't better off for buying it! My only regret is that I didn't invent the damn thing myself.
^^ really? looking at the ped egg in person i'd imagine it would make my feet BLEED those edges looked so sharp! maybe it's not as bad as i thought?
^No, I even ran the tip of my index finger across it and no cuts. The anecdote about the balloon is probably true.

I dared my boyfriend to snort the shavings. =D I hope he doesn't leave me. :D

(He thinks it's disgusting, no customer for the PedEgg for men -- it's black and larger.)

I was skeptical, but I really like it!
steinanwine said:
. Although its pretty gross seeing all the "feet-shavings." :\

^^^the feet shavings completely ruin it for me. In the commercial they show someone emptying the container of shaved dead skin and it makes me want to puke.....a nice big pile of powdered/shaved dead skin :!

and lol at sniffing the dead skin shavings. maybe coke dealers with nasty feet have found themselves a new cut.
If the soles of your feet are dry and calloused, it can lead to cracks which can be crippling and really quite nasty that take forever to heal. Thats why Podiatrists use the scalpel to scrape off the dry skin.

Thongs, sandals, Carpet, and bare feet in general leads to dry feet. Its best to wear shoes during the day and a pair of thongs or slippers on your carpets at home.

Someone mentioned a moisturizer, the thing to use is Urea Cream. (Sorbolene with a Urea content) Or you could just pee on your feet in the shower ;) =D

I've used something similar to this, more like a rasp than anything but I just use the cream now.
Just had some time with my pedi egg. Works oh so well.

I cant believe so many are grossed out by the skin shavings....would you rather keep that dead skin on? Whats the difference between walking around on it while feeling it or seeing it in a container.
i dont have a pedegg but i have one of things shaped like a foot that is used for at home pedis.. i never wear socks in the spring/summer so from about late march to october my feet are exposed and they get pretty dry. one time i was overzealous and i think i scrubbed off too much dead skin (altho my feet never look that bad, they just feel dry) and i ended up having a blister that covered half of my foot.

it didnt stop me from using the little tool again tho, haven't had any problems since.
I guess its disgusting dumping out dead skin but it is good to get that dead skin and callous off your feet. Built up callous will cause back and knee problems when left unchecked. Also the heal of your socks Will last longer.