• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

PedEgg: Awesome or Disgusting?

Is the PedEgg Awesome or Disgusting?

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i bought a set of microplane graters that came with one that looks EXACTLY like a pedegg.

no, i never used it. i think it's for grating nutmeg or other spices.
I've worked too hard to get my "island feet"!!!

Not to mention I think its pretty gross

I don't get why people need stuff like this. I never do anything to my feet but wash them and cut & paint my toenails. I guess I'm one of those hippie chicks. I voted disgusting because of the dead skin. Skin becomes nauseating to me once it's separated from the body, like most things. *gag*

^^ me too.

OMG that commercial where they dump out that horrendous amount of "shavings" is sooooo disgusting. I threw up in my mouth a little just thinking about it.
^ lol!! The best part is that they dump out the shavings on a red towel so you can see the huge pile, yummmm!
meh. i have a foot file that works the exact same way. once you use it, you have to file the shit out of your foot to get it smooth again.

so to be totally lazy, i just get pedicures once a month or month and a half and let someone else do it. :p
I have very flat feet so I get a lot of callouses that people with higher arches wouldn't and I use this on them. I LOVE it. I also get dry heels no matter how much I lotion em up or how many pedicures I get. Its worth the $10 imo :)
Ummm, my personal opinion is that if you need this product, buy it. It's at your discretion. If you have large, painful callouses on your feet, you will most likely benefit from this product. I used to play a lot of ice hockey and developed large callouses on my feet, and I have found that a pumice stone is a quite lengthy operation to undertake. I was interested in the pedi-egg upon seeing it because it looks simpler to use and looks like it's much more effective at quickly removing dead skin. To the people that think this product is disgusting: if you're buying one of these to remove unsightly and painful callouses from the bottoms of your feet, that's really no different than a woman shaving her legs to remove unwanted hair or someone using proactive to decrease the layers of oil on their body... Grow up. Shit.
^ I dont like pumice stones because I agree with cerebralinnovation, it takes too much effort and work for little results, regardless the condition your feet are in.
cerebralinnovation said:
To the people that think this product is disgusting: if you're buying one of these to remove unsightly and painful callouses from the bottoms of your feet, that's really no different than a woman shaving her legs to remove unwanted hair or someone using proactive to decrease the layers of oil on their body... Grow up. Shit.

Imagine eating the contents of a used PedEgg in a cereal bowl with a spoon.
cerebralinnovation said:
if you're buying one of these to remove unsightly and painful callouses from the bottoms of your feet, that's really no different than a woman shaving her legs to remove unwanted hair or someone using proactive to decrease the layers of oil on their body... Grow up. Shit.

The difference is that we don't use razors that catch the hair, proactive doesn't preserve your zits, etc. The disgusting part is that this thing has an 'egg' for catching dead skin. I hardly think it's immaturity to think that's a tad bit disgusting. There are foot files that do exactly the same thing this does, and, just like using a razor in the shower, you don't have to collect and dump your dead callous skin, it washes away down the drain. Shit.:D
Some people have really dry feet or wore from hard work and shoes (I'm not one of them thank goodness) so this helps them look and feel better. Personally I think its better than leaving the crap all over the floor...
My wife loves to walk bare foot and because of that she has rough feet. I tell her all the time when she rubs her feet on me that it’s like being rubbed with sand paper. She got one of those things about 2 months ago and it really works. Her feet are a lot softer. And I took their calluses right off. So in my opinion it works.
steinanwine said:
^ I dont like pumice stones because I agree with cerebralinnovation, it takes too much effort and work for little results, regardless the condition your feet are in.

have you tried soaking your feet first? they work really well if you soak in warm salt water with bath powder added for like 20 minutes, and then pumice with a foot scrub.
Hey I saw now they are selling pink ones that they give part of the profit to breast cancer research.
of course they are. fuck that shit. i am so annoyed at how commercialized a fucking terrible disease is, but i digress...

on topic....it sounds pretty neat. i have been getting pedis for around 15 yrs and when i am too lazy to get to the salon, i just use a pumice stone. i have tried to do home pedis, but i prefer the real thing....but there is no comparison. it would be nice to know there was an easy way out when you need it. i don't see this any more disgusting than douching or any other female hygeine issue.

unless of course you are doing it as a family as the previous poster mentioned. that is just wierd.
I'd say to buy one used so you aren't wasting as much money if you don't like it, but that's even more disgusting.