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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread: Somatic Swirly Sepia Summer Sausage Stage Set Suppository

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I tried 100mL of it, which I received in a bottle of "ink cleaner". I'd try it in 1-3mLs at a time. So I had a fair few trials. I really never liked it much.
Hmmm, maybe it was technical grade then.. or was that all just a 'cover' ?

I must say I think I kinda prefer GHB over GBL so I think I would probably use 1,4-bdo to synth those if I got it, if only to avoid vile tastes. GHB has the sodium instead of the corrosion so is not that great either, but hey..
Ideally you would mix a physiological proportion of sodium and potassium..
but with the huge amounts of sodium you eat each day by table salt, does a bit of extra sodium from NaGHB really make a difference?
I guess it's ok: 2 standard doses of NaGHB takes you up to the daily sodium allowance - then again if you abuse it and also eat a lot of salt in your food it's pretty bad.
I don't experience nausea but on occasion when I drink in ultra-extreme quantity, so perhaps I could make use of this 1 4 butanediol. It'd be nice if it was a cheap alternative to GHB. You tried cannabis to curb the nausea at all?

For my 1,4b experience, I'm pretty sure I smoked during it, I smoked constantly at that stage. I don't recall it really helping. Projectile vomiting did however. For GHB itself, the nasuea is very mild, nothing like the nausea one can get from mild doses of opiates, but its a factor that did not used to be.
Happy Thanksgiving PD people! I'm making 2 dishes for a friend family Thanksgiving, and gonna head over to Delsyd's place after that for a night of carousing and maybe poker. Hope you all have a nice day. <3
Thanksgiving, whats that ;)

but seriously, anyone from US care to explain how important day is it and what do you guys do on Thanksgiving?
^ In my family, we all gather together, and work together to make an elaborate meal, usually consisting of stuffed turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. Then we omnomnom. The idea is to be conscious of everything we have to be grateful for, but this year it will probably devolve to the Trump supporters and anti-Trumpers flinging potatoes at each other across the table. ;)
^^Haha, yeah my mom was just texting me, one branch of the family is super Republican and is overjoyed about Trump, and my mom is the opposite, and this side of the family likes to be loud and argumentative about it. Makes me glad I'm not there. =D

Thanksgiving, whats that ;)

but seriously, anyone from US care to explain how important day is it and what do you guys do on Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is supposed to be representative of a mythological time that didn't really happen where the pilgrims (original puritanical settlers of North America) and the native Americans sat down together in peace and ate a feast. In reality we slaughtered and subjugated them. But it's evolved to just be a day where you gather with your loved ones, have an epic feast, and reflect on what you're thankful for. A very nice holiday. :)
Sounds wonderful, people often forget to be thankful for the little things that make life worth it. Happy Thanksgiving to you all - I'm thankful for being alive in this time. <3
Yeah, it is a great holiday food wise, but like all family holidays, I find it almost always devolves into family bickering :sus: My mum is down shouting at my dad to do this and that when we're already on it, gets quite annoying.

My favorite Thanksgiving was two years ago when neither my girlfriend nor I went home from college, but rather stayed just the two of us and had our own dinner at her apartment. Best Thanksgiving ever! :) although, she did kinda fuck up the sweet potatoes, so that stank. Too much nutmeg, gotta watch that spice! But hey, we had a ham with maple and honey in place of a turkey, and I'm never looking back. Ham>Turkey anyday!
Thanks, I've been having a pretty shitty week so far, so I would appreciate a happy friday.

Tomorrow I'll be seeing one of my favorite musicians performing in my city, so hopefully that makes this week worth it.
Applecorey, that is an accurate description of my family's celebration as well, down to all the food items, but don't forget the wine too! On the upside we all agreed not to bring up politics this year. It has been quite positive so far.
Back on the 3-MeO-PCP train. After disappointing use of other drugs, I came back for the mania.

Last night with 3meo after a "long" hiatus ended with tears - and that's why I love dissos.
Well I had an awesome Thanksgiving. :) My friend's cousin and his girlfriend were visiting, it was their second day here, and they're really fucking cool, kinda feels like we've known them for years already. We played poker and chilled and partied. Now today after my other friend (the guitar player in my band) gets off work, we're gonna drive ~3-4 hours to Durham to go to his family's Thanksgiving (they do it on Saturday), never met his family or old-school friends even though we've been good friends for 5+ years. So that's awesome. Apparently his friend is making jambalaya tonight and then tomorrow is the actual Thanksgiving dinner. Then also tomorrow night we're going to see our friend's band play a show and hopefully post-party with them. It's looking like the rest of the weekend will be as good as the part that's already happened. :)

But hey, we had a ham with maple and honey in place of a turkey, and I'm never looking back. Ham>Turkey anyday!

Yeah I agree, turkey kinda sucks, I've never liked it, it's so boring and bland. Ham is pretty good, but it's probably my second least favorite meat. However, we had ham last night and it was really good.
It's my birthday today and I can't help but feel there's no cause to celebrate considering all the chaos happening at Standing Rock, what looks to be a worldwide child pedophilia ring being run through Washington and government officials, and all the countless other monstrosities going on at the moment. It's a weird one, that's for sure.
It all seems pretty standard. The pedophilia thing doesnt shock me, there has been a breadcrumb trail all along. And we as a species have been fucking up the land for a long long time. If you've ever celebrated a birthday in the past than you have just as much of a reason to celebrate it today. Do the things you like, which surely dont consist of dwelling on stuff that is out of your control like most things in the world. A birthday is the one day you can pretty much get away with making the day whatever you want it to be, no matter how messed up that can be, you can always fall back on "its my birthday, yo, buzz off."

Get high on your drug of choice like it aint nobodies business is what i'm trying to say, since it truly isnt anyone's business.
Happy birthday psy <3 The problems of the world will still be here tomorrow, worry about them then :)
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