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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread: If 2020 Was the Dumpster, Can 2021 Be the Fire?

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well we cant get good cocaine in nz anyway so i might get me just a gram but i only want to do like a point and leave it at that. its also way cheaper than all the other drugs here.
100mg (a point) is not enough, imo. If you're like you'll do all of it.
Not as much comedown as MDMA. I'd start with 200mg orally, but you'll want to redose.
sweet. I have been through 1-2 month comedowns from heavy mdma abuse so it will be a walk in the park. will only get a gram and have a good time in the future
going to try teach myself to make psydub one day and work slowly at it starting off with free software. Then if i reckon i can do it prob get albeton live or something when i get funds. I want to make super trippy tracks one day.
want to try a new drug might try 4-mmc never done it i think unless its been in pressed pills. But i can get it cheap per gram.

It is worth it is it fun? I just want a new buzz
Its the most euphoric I've ever felt. Better than mdma and metj. Like a cross between meth and mdma. 600mg bombed will blow your head off. But its a horrible drug. You will turn purple from the vasoconsrriction. It turned may of us normal people into anxious zombie freaks. Really, its up there with/worse than meth IMO. Please reconsider its really bad stuff
lol you just sold me i fucking loved meth and mdma if its even better ill do just one gram and leave it at that.
lol some dude tried to sell me weed outside the food shop declined though im smarter than that hustle lol prob would of sold me trash shit wrapped in tinfoil or outright grass lol

When I finished highschool I went backpacking with a friend to Perú. When we were in Cuzco a guy approached us on the street offering weed, he even took out a nice looking bud to show us. We were 18 and stupid enough to accept the lighting fast transaction that took place on the walk, and ended with us acquiring an envelope full of grass and little branches lol. At least weed is cheap as fuck in Perú so we didnt lose much money, but felt really stupid.
When I finished highschool I went backpacking with a friend to Perú. When we were in Cuzco a guy approached us on the street offering weed, he even took out a nice looking bud to show us. We were 18 and stupid enough to accept the lighting fast transaction that took place on the walk, and ended with us acquiring an envelope full of grass and little branches lol. At least weed is cheap as fuck in Perú so we didnt lose much money, but felt really stupid.
Peruvian weed was surprisingly good homegrown stuff that was super cheap. Lightning better than the stuff available in Central America
When I finished highschool I went backpacking with a friend to Perú. When we were in Cuzco a guy approached us on the street offering weed, he even took out a nice looking bud to show us. We were 18 and stupid enough to accept the lighting fast transaction that took place on the walk, and ended with us acquiring an envelope full of grass and little branches lol. At least weed is cheap as fuck in Perú so we didnt lose much money, but felt really stupid.
the guy seemed to be struggling a bit like he really needed money for food or something i wouldn't mind if he just asked me outright and i would of got him something cause i been in those struggles before but trying be scummy and most likely trying to scam people then i dont fuck with that.
Snorting it is NOT the way to go IMO, it's so caustic. Eating it is better. But I actually like good batches of 3-MMC better, it lasts longer and has less comedown and is almost as euphoric

But yeah 4-MMC is extremely euphoric and rolly but also cocaine-like. It's fun to be sure...
I don't agree actually, it is caustic, so saline spray is a must. I liked snorting it better for sure, even in effects, 3-MMC is the opposite. Maybe my love for snorting somewhat painful drugs fucks with my impression. Oral is for sure the HR way, once you snort it's harder the stop.

I'm worried about @Cosmic Charlie? Can't just leave on those posts brother, get in here man or I swear I'm gonna message Facebook friends of yours
Don't think so, these are not questions that exude confidence in self control though =D these cathinones are another beast in addictiveness. I never really abused 3-MMC and 4-MMC that much, but I think and dream of them. With easy access it has fucked up many lives, old threads on here are trainwrecks
Yeah cathinones are extremely compulsive and addictive, be careful.
hmm mabye i should stay away because there is kilos laying around of this stuff and its easy to even get ounces of it for cheap.
Yeah I am thinking that would be wise. I bought 50 grams of 4-EMC, which is quite good but not as good, once, and it was gone in like 3 weeks, and I was wrecked for a while, got sick afterwards, ugh it was bad. I mean I shared a lot, but it was mostly in my nose/butt/mouth.
i might just try stay sober sounds like 4-mmc will lead me down a dark road especially since its so fucking cheap compared to other drugs here. but still expensive in its own right. Will just stay mostly sober start smoking the rest of my cannabis once i get the time to and take acid. Will teach myself how to use these free audio studios downloaded waveform but might change to another one. Will probably focus on making psybient/psydub and dark psy and maybe some house music. but fucking hell music production costs so much money.
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