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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread: Firly Swolks Discussing Mitillating Tatters Fithout Wilters

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totally formative in how I would come to asses reality.

For a good ten seconds I thought that was the plural of "ass".

I get the gateway drug phenomenon, but it's really annoying when it happens, because every drug is unique, and I often find myself expecting them to do the same thing. For example, I think a lot of my compulsions to use drugs just come from the positive association that psychedelics created between intoxication and self-improvement. So my zombie reptile brain starts consuming things like methamphetamine and kratom, hoping for the same life-enriching benefit, but... it don't do dat. No.
^^ Haha, yeah, most drugs don't do much to improve your life. Or, like, they can for some people. For example, if you're in debilitating pain and opiates, or pregabalin, cure that pain and you live a better quality of life, then maybe those drugs are for you, even if you end up dependent. Or, some people seem to really normalize from a low daily dose of dex-amphetamine. But for most, opiates and amphetamines are going to either be a fun thing tried every once in a while with no personal growth/gain, or they will eventually threaten to become life-destroying addictions if unchecked.

I'm trying to read Stormlight series. Am enjoying it, its original but its taken me a month to read a third of book one. Too distracted by other books.

Yeah those books are great. Only the first two are out so far. The second one is a lot better than the first (the first is good too, but the second one is awesome). Really, really liked the Kingkiller Chronicles too, Patrick Rothfuss, very unique, told in first person perspective and very beautifully written. Only the first two of that series is out too.

Do you know if all the Malazan books are written? Nothing more frustrating than getting to the end of what's available in a series and having to wait a year or two or three for the next book. The Stormlight archive is supposed to be 10 or 12 books, I can't remember which, so it's gonna be a LONG time before they're all done.
After three long days of agonizing anxiety, I got the call today; I got the job! This PDer is no longer an unemployed degenerate, I am now a laboring pot head wooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
I'm gonna get soooooooooo high tonight. Got some wax with my name on it %) I'm gonna have to struggle not to blow the first paycheck on an ounce of herb hahah
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congratulations cg :)

I am going to smoke a spliff now... was a nice day which involved sunny weather, slackline and juggling :)
Yeah those books are great. Only the first two are out so far. The second one is a lot better than the first (the first is good too, but the second one is awesome). Really, really liked the Kingkiller Chronicles too, Patrick Rothfuss, very unique, told in first person perspective and very beautifully written. Only the first two of that series is out too.

Yeah, I am waiting for the third by Patrick Rothfuss. They were truly unique books, despite having aspects of Harry Potter to them. I'd have to re-read them both, its been a while since I perused. Seems to take this author a far while to write them . . .

Book called The Painted Man was totally awesome. I read it unknowing that it was the first of a trilogy, and really enjoyed it- its pretty self contained, and should have finished there. I tried the second book when I became aware of it and it was shit. Why do these things always need to be trilogies or more? I guess its one of the fantasy tropes, but it makes deciding what to read a quarter-year commitment. Anyway, I'm getting a lot more from the various non-fiction books I am reading, one by Lee Smolin on the nature of time. He raises some mind blowing ideas. Seems to consider there are some fundamental flaws in our conceptions of the laws of physics, and he thinks it has tainted all observations since.

Do you know if all the Malazan books are written? Nothing more frustrating than getting to the end of what's available in a series and having to wait a year or two or three for the next book. The Stormlight archive is supposed to be 10 or 12 books, I can't remember which, so it's gonna be a LONG time before they're all done.

Pretty sure he finished the series. IIRC, there is 10 books.

For what its worth, his mate also wrote a five book series set in the same world but I hear it is nowhere near as good.

After three long days of agonizing anxiety, I got the call today; I got the job! This PDer is no longer an unemployed degenerate, I am now a laboring pot head wooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

Shit yeah! Well done mate :) <3 What sort of work is it?

Enjoy your wax :)
So bored waiting for the end of work so I can go to band practice...!

For what its worth, his mate also wrote a five book series set in the same world but I hear it is nowhere near as good.

Yeah that's what I heard.

God I love books.
Same here. I really pity people who won't read.

During my deep gloom of last year and early this one, I really felt I had no way forward. I had to give myself reasons not to consider suicide and seriously, the world of knowledge we have access to is one of the main things that gave me hope. Sounds corny, but just knowing of the knowledge out there made me glad to be alive and desirous of living. :)

How do you read? I had been using an eReader for ages but I've come back to analogue. Something pleasing about the tactile nature of paper and ink. I found an awesome book shop that sells books incredibly cheap and they have some brilliant science and philosophy stuff. Also cool childrens books which Miss Swilow collects.
I never read anything but 'analogue' (hahah) books, I can't stand looking at a little screen for hours, it's strenuous on my eyes. Not that I can read for hours in the first place, but even if it's just a single hour, the strain is still present, so I just buy a paper copy off amazon or from the local book store when I'm looking to pick up a new book.

My new job is basically a customer service position in an outdoor setting, so I'm gonna be getting a lot of sun; luckily they permit straw hats for outdoor employees, and I can even wear cargo shorts to work. Surprisingly enough, the pay is better than I've ever had, and the hours higher too. It's really not a great job but I see potential for it to become so, or at least to pay better. I'm starting tomorrow morning, and I'm happy to finally be getting out of the house and using my hands again. I enjoy low-thought work so this seems right up my alley. I think enough as is hahah, why would I wana think at work for hours every day?

It's a seasonal position (six months) but I'm a hard worker, and during the interview they implied it could easily turn into a full-time position with benefits if they decide to keep me on (which I'm sure they will). This is the break I've been waiting for, my girlfriend is moving into a managerial position at her job, and now that I'll be making around $1700 a month we'll be able to afford an apartment to move in together within the year. Once I'm settled in my job and the prospect of moving into full-time from seasonal is confirmed, I've got an engagement ring I plan to present to my lady. For the first time ever, I feel like I may just get to be an adult. It's very exciting and I'm looking forward to my future for the first time in many, many months.
Heeey, CG, that's amazing !!!
I've already submited my paper so hopefully I saved my labor ass too.
During the many sleepless night it took I was assisted by low dose MXE, ALD-52 microdoses and the odd amphetamine here and there. Oh, lot's of caffeine too.

If my paper get's accepted and published I will be pretty proud to say that drugs helped me keep my job, lol.
Same here. I really pity people who won't read.

My best friend from childhood is like that. He's like, dude, I don't want to be made to read, fuck that. I remember when we were kids he read one book once, and was really proud of himself. I've always been like, what do you mean, made to read? Reading is the shit! It's a fundamental part of what sets us apart from other life forms (language, including reading and writing).

How do you read? I had been using an eReader for ages but I've come back to analogue. Something pleasing about the tactile nature of paper and ink. I found an awesome book shop that sells books incredibly cheap and they have some brilliant science and philosophy stuff. Also cool childrens books which Miss Swilow collects.

I could never get into the e-readers. It's all about physical books for me. I love the feel of the book in my hand. Using an e-reader feels fake, even though I know that's silly because you're reading it either way. Amazon prime is pretty nice, their prices on mass paperback are cheap already, and then free shipping means they're actually really cheap. =D

My new job is basically a customer service position in an outdoor setting, so I'm gonna be getting a lot of sun; luckily they permit straw hats for outdoor employees, and I can even wear cargo shorts to work. Surprisingly enough, the pay is better than I've ever had, and the hours higher too. It's really not a great job but I see potential for it to become so, or at least to pay better. I'm starting tomorrow morning, and I'm happy to finally be getting out of the house and using my hands again. I enjoy low-thought work so this seems right up my alley. I think enough as is hahah, why would I wana think at work for hours every day?

It's a seasonal position (six months) but I'm a hard worker, and during the interview they implied it could easily turn into a full-time position with benefits if they decide to keep me on (which I'm sure they will). This is the break I've been waiting for, my girlfriend is moving into a managerial position at her job, and now that I'll be making around $1700 a month we'll be able to afford an apartment to move in together within the year. Once I'm settled in my job and the prospect of moving into full-time from seasonal is confirmed, I've got an engagement ring I plan to present to my lady. For the first time ever, I feel like I may just get to be an adult. It's very exciting and I'm looking forward to my future for the first time in many, many months.

Nice man, I'm glad you're so excited about it. :)
That sounds really great CG! I have finally started working again for the last two months and even if the work is not all that fulfilling, the money and positive feedback from colleagues alone feel pretty damn good. I can't believe you had to do a fucking drug test though, that's really unheard of around here. Only time I ever had to do one was when I was up for the draft and those fuckers wanted to check if I'd make good canon fodder. But they let me of the hook real quick after I tested positive for weed, I didn't even have to do all the fitness tests and stuff. Apparently weed smokers don't make for good soldiers, who would have thunk? :D

In other news spring has come around with the most gorgeous weather and my dad was just diagnosed with cancer. Life seems to love those kind of contrasts sometimes. :\
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I'm sorry about your dad, I hope it's early enough to deal with it. <3 My dad has ALS, he's 4 years in and he can still talk and mostly breathe on his own but not sure how long that will last.
Thanks :) By the end of the week he will probably know if it is operable. We have a pretty fucked up system in Germany where doctors profit very much from patients who have a certain type of health insurance, so these patients are always preferred while for everybody else there is a long waiting list. Luckily this works in his favor...
Xorkoth said:
I'm sorry about your dad, I hope it's early enough to deal with it. My dad has ALS, he's 4 years in and he can still talk and mostly breathe on his own but not sure how long that will last.
Sorry for both of you, my grandfather had Alzheimer's so I can kinda relate even if the diseases aren't that similar :/


Xorkoth, you need to clear your inbox, have a pm to reply to
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Oops, didn't realize, thanks. I wonder when I would have noticed?
my grandfather passed away today :(

still no word on when i'll be able to start my high-dose chemotherapy, insurance is taking their time approving everything...
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