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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread: Firly Swolks Discussing Mitillating Tatters Fithout Wilters

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I'm sorry your grandfather passed away today. A very good friend of mine, a man I truly loved, died yesterday. I'd like to think he and your grandfather somehow met up in the afterlife, during inprocessing or some shit, and had a good laugh together about all us mortals. :)
Thanks :) By the end of the week he will probably know if it is operable. We have a pretty fucked up system in Everywhere where doctors profit very much from patients who have a certain type of health insurance, so these patients are always preferred while for everybody else there is a long waiting list. Luckily this works in his favor...

Best wishes tho
my grandfather passed away today :(

still no word on when i'll be able to start my high-dose chemotherapy, insurance is taking their time approving everything...

See tgis is where that Chinese give everyperson a point rating idea would be good

Bluelight could boost this delightful brother's human rating so high they would have to give hime the rich people cancer treatment. (Of course we can cure it, we invented it, duh)

My boss today said "Why didnt you go to the hospital (for that head wound)"

I told him "You work for a company that limits us to 29.9 hours so as bot to pay health insurance and ask why I dont go to tge doctor? Yah a $1500 yearly fee with a $5000 deductible on a non living wage salary. Fuck you
How does tolerance work with other unsubstituted tryptamines besides dmt?

I know that vaping dmt doesn't produce any notable tolerance, but does this transfer over to things like met/det/dpt/ept/mpt/...? Is there any rule/explanation why this is so? I've tried a few other unsubstituted tryptamines but never tested the tolerance aspect (and some didn't do much either due to some fuck up on my part or because they are crappy to begin with... I remember that dalt didn't work for me but neither does 5-meo-dalt so I guess that's just not my thing, mcpt also didn't do much but I probably fucked up something (4-ho-mcpt works normally when taken orally though) and mpt worked).

Also does dmt + maoi taken orally also produce no tolerance or does it produce normal psychedelic tolerance?

Or does this deserve it's own thread?
I know Help?!?! reported that vaping (or IMing maybe actually) base MET produced little to no tolerance. That's all I really know. Probably worth its own thread if you want to post it.
Does tolerance have a proportionate relationship with how long ones brain is tripping?

Tbh, in repeated dmt smokes, I've had mixed experiences. I've experienced tolerance to effect in unpredictable manner.
Sorry to read of the loss recently for some pders. :(
My sympathies are with you jag and pharm :(
My uncle isn't doing well, he had a motorcycle accident in his 20s (actually got rearsided in traffic jam on vacation...) which messed up his back and various bodily functions, but also got a sort of stroke not too long ago and can't do much anymore...
Still, I got a nice book from him about Jeronimus Bosch and cooking and stuff - lol he's such a funny classic Amsterdam guy. I wish it were easier for me to visit people. Anyway in a few months I will go to Amsterdam I'm sure, and meet family from the other side as well and maybe learn some extra art skill.

In other news I will probably hitch a ride to meet a couple - an elder artist friend with an old milk factory in France remade into guest facilities and just this cool atmosphere in the country... usually when people stay there they pitch in somehow, I will be helping out cutting down his trees and chopping them for firewood. I don't think I chainsawed before but it appeals to the imagination :>

If this girl I know (but not know well yet) can make it despite having had exams and moving to a new student room (anti-squatting), she's interesting to come with... I have no idea where we are at but it seems cool to me in pretty much any scenario.. :) (well maybe not *that* one you're thinking of right now.... you're crazy man!... although maybe that is still kind of fun?)
^How tall are you Solipsis? I get the feeling you are quite tall.

My cat is confused, she's been sleeping all morning behind the television and I don't think she knows where she is. She's just meowing plaintively up at me with dull, sleepy eyes. <3
I love cats. Mine are eating stinky prescription wet food, and certainly my boy kitty is about to come lay on my chest while I'm sitting in my desk chair (he somehow manages this) and meow all over my face, spraying me with nasty cat breath.
Yepyepwoah, true... it only seems to differ in the degree of fucked-up-ness somewhat. And in that sense I guess we are still quite lucky in Germany.

I am sorry for your loss, Just A Guy and pharmakos. My grandfather also died just last weekend. Well technically he's my grandmothers second husband, but who cares :). As cruel as it might sound though, it was really about time for him, as his dementia was constantly getting worse and he just seemed to be very confused and depressed all the time.

Xorkoth, yes I remember reading about how your mother is taking care of your father because of his illness, which reminded me a bit of my grandmother. Only quite recently she had agreed to let him move to a nursing home, until then she took care of him mostly herself with her almost 90 years. I mean there were people from a nursing service coming over like twice a week and my mother and I helped out every now and then. But still it was her who was around him every day, the stress of which brought her really close to collapse over time, like she could hardly sleep because she feared he might get up and run out onto the street at night. Also over time she became a little impatient and kind of judgemental with him, like always having a undertone of "You should be able to do this and I am very sad that you are not!" I was always like, who cares that half his food is landing on his shirt and the floor, at least he is still eating with appetite, isn't that something to be thankful for? But yeah, that's easy to say if you're just there visiting. All of which is to say that I applaud people like your mother and my grandmother for their selflessness, but if I should ever be in the situation of being cared for I really hope that the people around me doing that, will be able to pause and think about what they need to do to care for themselves. I wouldn't want anyone to sacrifice their own well being out of a misguided sense of responsibility.
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I stand at six foot zero :)
In the netherlands that's not even tall, iirc we might have the tallest peeps in the world or rank high

why how tall are you guys?
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I was about to write that, yes its true you are the tallest people :D remember reading it somewhere
I am sorry for your loss, Just A Guy and pharmakos. My grandfather also died just last weekend. Well technically he's my grandmothers second husband, but who cares :). As cruel as it might sound though, it was really about time for him, as his dementia was constantly getting worse and he just seemed to be very confused and depressed all the time.

Xorkoth, yes I remember reading about how your mother is taking care of your father because of his illness, which reminded me a bit of my grandmother. Only quite recently she had agreed to let him move to a nursing home, until then she took care of him mostly herself with her almost 90 years. I mean there were people from a nursing service coming over like twice a week and my mother and I helped out every now and then. But still it was her who was around him every day, the stress of which brought her really close to collapse over time, like she could hardly sleep because she feared he might get up and run out onto the street at night. Also over time she became a little impatient and kind of judgemental with him, like always having a undertone of "You should be able to do this and I am very sad that you are not!" I was always like, who cares that half his food is landing on his shirt and the floor, at least he is still eating with appetite, isn't that something to be thankful for? But yeah, that's easy to say if you're just there visiting. All of which is to say that I applaud people like your mother and my grandmother for their selflessness, but if I should ever be in the situation of being cared for I really hope that the people around me doing that, will be able to pause and think about what they need to do to care for themselves. I wouldn't want anyone to sacrifice their own well being out of a misguided sense of responsibility.

Yeah my dad's parents both died years ago, it was really sad but honestly I found it a lot easier to deal with because they were really old, and had gotten sick, it was time. Still sad of course, but they had lived full lives and were ready to go. It's a lot harder when someone is younger than you expect, especially if they expected to live a lot longer. Like, my dad had just retired after an entire adult life of working SO hard to support us, he just had his 60th birthday, he was only 56 when diagnosed, and totally healthy other than that. He and my mom were excited about being able to travel together to all sorts of places they had always wanted to go but had never had the time to go. They are/were best friends, so close and loving and happy. Then he got ALS. For the first 2 years things didn't change a lot, I mean he gradually couldn't use his arms, and then had to walk slower, but he was still really happy, they could still travel, my mom didn't have a big burden of taking care of his every need. When it started getting pretty advanced, things changed a lot. I mean I don't think she can see him romantically at all anymore because she has to wipe his ass, feed him through a tube, wipe drool, and a million other things, she basically can barely have a life of her own. And he knows it and it kills him. He has told me that the worst part is that he feels like a burden. My mom has slowly stopped being able to hide it too, she'll say comments in front of him about how she never has fun anymore and shit. It kinda pisses me off, but at the same time, I can't even imagine the amount of pain and stress she feels constantly. Every time I visit she asks me if I can stay and watch him so she can go do stuff like yoga, or see a friend, with this pleading look in her eye, like she can't wait to get away for a bit. And I'm sure she can't, and I can't blame her. It's intense taking care of my dad. I'll be there for a week at a time, and by the end I'm like, shit I'm glad to be leaving. My dad loves it when I'm there because everyone else kind of treats him differently, even my siblings (they see him quite regularly though because they live close), but I try to treat him the same, and I am hyper-focused on his comfort and can anticipate things well so he doesn't have to ask, because he hates asking, he's always been the one who was there for us for whatever we needed, and hates it being the other way around.

Terrible fucking disease, really. For the first couple of years my dad was saying, thank god I got ALS and not dementia, or cancer, etc, because I won't be in pain and I will have my mind still. Now he says this is the worst way he can imagine because he feels like it's taken away his dignity and manhood and now he's afraid we're all (and by that I think he mostly means my mom) will remember him this way instead of the way he was before the disease, and he feels like a mind trapped in a body. And I totally understand that. :(

I stand at six foot zero :)
In the netherlands that's not even tall, iirc we might have the tallest peeps in the world or rank high

why how tall are you guys?

I'm the same height as you. :) I'm actually pretty short for my family though (we're mostly Swedish in ancestry). My dad is 6 foot zero also, but my brother is 6'3", and my male cousins range from 6'1" to 6'7".
Terrible fucking disease, really. For the first couple of years my dad was saying, thank god I got ALS and not dementia, or cancer, etc, because I won't be in pain and I will have my mind still. Now he says this is the worst way he can imagine because he feels like it's taken away his dignity and manhood and now he's afraid we're all (and by that I think he mostly means my mom) will remember him this way instead of the way he was before the disease, and he feels like a mind trapped in a body. And I totally understand that. :(

Yeah... we all get our own personally customized hell, I guess. Sorry I wish I had something more uplifting to say, but alas... :(
but I try to treat him the same, and I am hyper-focused on his comfort and can anticipate things well so he doesn't have to ask, because he hates asking, he's always been the one who was there for us for whatever we needed, and hates it being the other way around.

I admire this quality in people. I like to think it's unusually common among PDers.

why how tall are you guys?

I am 5 feet 10 inches tall, about the average in my family among men.
Does anyone else think it would be a cool idea to create a new sub-forum here on Bluelight focused on dissociatives? While these drugs certainly have many psychedelic aspects to them, I feel they are very different/unique when compared to lysergamides and tryptamines.

There is a separate forum for empathogens and cannabis, and these drugs also display many psychedelic aspects, so why not separate dissos from psychs as well?

Just a thought :)
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