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Our all-time favorite... that first pill

YUMMY YUMMY "FROGIES" (they were 2!)
SEEYA in Costa Rica!
"I'm a raver, my emotional state of choice is Ecstasy..."
First pill was a white zorro. I didn't roll at all, but all my friends rolled balls and got crazy visuals - as they were MDA. Second pill was a purple butterfly, I ate it waiting on line for my first party. Needless to say it changed my life and was the most intense pill I have ever had.
It was in 1985 a super baby dome.No score and no stamps in those days........very lovley....PEACE
I took half of a White Smurf on March 2, 2001. It was one of the greatest nights of my life.
my first pill was a blue lightning bolt.. only just recently...mmm blue.. went to a pub first then to heaven.. was good.
two words big mac.......... badass roll ....I thought i was gonna roll for eternty
Can I be a purplelighter?
=) KaT
My 1st was a yellow butterfly... was off the hook, had so much fun that night
oh yes...pink panther...my baaabbbyy....that was a year and tons of different kinds of pills ago and it remains to be the best...well...tied with michelins. but theres something about that first pill that is so special, pinks will always be my little babies

*_i dONt dO drUGs thEy dO mE_*
AIM: sCArLEtTa 09
My first pill was a double stacked white igloo, and i was already on a dose and a half of red gel, i do not remember much after my boy saying "you fucked up man?" and he sounded like stepehen hawkings voice, bout three minutes after that my eyes started twitching and past that its pretty much a blur
About this time of year, last year. Blue butterfly, taken at a friend's house in the midafternoon. Basically, I couldn't shut up for about 3 hours. Thoughly enjoyed it.
I rolled for my first time when e was very, very hard to find in my area. I remember paying $30 for the pill, and was actually kind of scared to take it at first, and a friend of mine encouraged me, so of course I gave in. It was a stack and a half white y2k. It was a night I will not forget..
[This message has been edited by CaNdYkIdD (edited 02 August 2001).]
This was sometime in Jan. 2000 and my friend had gotten me a gemini i think for my birthday. I think thats the name of them, they're the rolls with the fish on them. But i rolled MY ASS OFF!!! wasn't too good that i was home with my family when it kicked in, but i learned not to do that again
Two omega's. Very speedy pills felt like I was flying all night, but really I was dancing and dancing and dancing and dancing......................
My first was in August of 1998 and it was an orange sunkist. It was truly unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was the first drug I ever tried, even before pot. The second time I rolled was with JB's and that was 10x better than the first time. I loved the pink hearts that were around in June of 1999, the Euro's that were around last August. I am forever changed by an experience that so few take a chance on having. It makes me feel blessed.
My first ever pill was an Elephant, which is a pretty weak pill. I rolled, but not that hard. So a friend hooked me up with a Purple Omega.
My first pill was a purple dome. But, it really wasn't my best time cause I really didn't know what to expect so I was thinking about it too much. But my SECOND one was WAAAAAAY better. I had a white heart. That shit had me bangin my head against the wall! teehee

UK DRUMnBASS all in y0 face!