  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

official NHL 06-07 thread! (free agent signings updated on page 11)

Wait wait Columbus is losing its team? Is that true? They deserve at team! Atleast they have a winter, not like fucking florida who has two shitty teams waht the fuck and california! If anyone Columbus desreves their team! Maybe you guys could keep it if Disney sponsers you, jesus what the fuck
^^^ no no no! =P theres no talk of it happening, im just worried that if they dont start producing soon, there WILL be talk of it. they've been around since 2000 and still havent had a winning season yet while nashville has been doing very well including having lead the nhl recently and now being 3rd overall and minnesota is having a good year. so now all the pressure is on columbus to do well.
so now that bluelight is back, so is the NHL thread. hah.

i know some of you live in canada. what do you think of don cherry and his coach's corner? do you usually find yourself agreeing with what he says or no?

i DEFINITELY think he's spot on when it comes to kyle wellwood. i think that kids got more talent than the media will ever realize until he's posting consistent 40+ goal season. he's always aware of whats going on and puts the perfect touch on the puck be it a tap pass on the go or a tip in on the net etc. tucker and sundin both said that they enjoy having him on their wing so that ought to tell you something right there.

the US media probably doesnt even know who kyle wellwood is yet. thats a shame.
I have the Center Ice pack, so I make it a point to watch Coach's Corner. I dig Don Cherry and his antics.

I don't follow the Leafs, but I see Grapes raving about Wellwood week after week. I'll take his word for it though, as I usually agree with most of what he says.
^ how much is the center ice pack? and can you watch in on your computer or is it on tv? ive heard much about it, but never looked into it too much.

and for the record, everything he rants about wellwood is worth a listen because hes completely right about him. also, i usually find myself agreeing with most of what don cherry says. i know hes a huge dion phaneuf fan though which i am NOT. i dont like the kid at all. he plays dirty in my opinion, BUT... at the same time, i have to agree when cherry said (earlier in the season) that it was a damn shame phaneuf didnt even get NOMINATED for the norris trophy last year (his rookie year no less). stats wise he was WAY above average and put more ink on paper than niedermayer who won the trophy. though i do agree with anyone who says that niedermayer deserved it as well, because yeah he may not put as much on paper, but on the ice hes more valuable than gold.
The Centre Ice Package in Canada on Bell Expressvu is $189.00 Canadian. And I get every televised game in the NHL. It is great and well worth the money. I watch hockey ever night.
Don Cherry...either love him or hate him. I love him. I agree with 90% of the things he says. If you don't get Centre Ice, you can check it out on http://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/hnic/coachscorner/
He is also a huge fan of Jordan Staal, who along with his brother Eric, are from my hometown of Thunder Bay.
They ran a special RIGHT before the season started that I jumped on. Got it for $140 for the season instead of the usual $160 (or thereabouts).

I'm from Long Island, but made the transition to Tampa Bay Lightning fan. So now I get to watch the Isles and the Bolts. Not to mention the Sharks, who are a great team to see play and are on late at night for an East Coast boy like me!

I don't know what they charge for it w/the season 3/4 over, but if you LOVE hockey, it's really important for all the playoff races that come down to the wire and the first couple rounds of the playoffs, because VS./NBC will only show the BIGGEST games in the friendliest time slots. You'll miss a lot of good shit without the Center Ice package. Try and wheel and deal with your cable company. Maybe you get lucky? - Like tell them that DirecTV said they'd give it to you free if you switched, but you don't REALLY want to switch - ya dig?
^ haha yeah. good idea. and thanks to both of you for your information. ill probably do that next season, but i have to get digital cable first because i dont think its an option with basic cable.

and keiths, thanks for that link. i always keep updated through youtube, though im going to check that out. theres a guy who posts the newest edition of coach's corner every week so i never miss a single one. ill tell ya, after gettin down on a smoke, don cherry is an entertaining man to watch haha. did you ever see when he and scott thompson met? haha classic. and for the record, i also agree with 90% of what he says... maybe even more. part of that percentage that i DONT agree with is dion phaneuf and even thats not so much that i dont agree with him, i just dont like dion phaneuf. he plays dirty as shit.

also, did you guys see that anaheim and LA are playing their season opener in london england next year? they're trying to get the world on the NHL bandwagon and they're starting their campaign in london. what a strange choice of places, but its cool nonetheless.
oh yeah, and heres that link to the guy who posts coach's corner on youtube.com if you want it. he has other hockey videos on there as well:


and also to let you know, if you guys ever want to carry on good hockey talk www.forumice.com is a good board with a lot of knowledgeable hockey people on it. if you sign up though let me know so i know who to look for, i post on there as the_undead. there's seperate forums for every team, one for general hockey information, then one for all sports, and lots of others, but its primarily a hockey board. i enjoy it QUITE a bit.
they're trying to get the world on the NHL bandwagon and they're starting their campaign in london. what a strange choice of places, but its cool nonetheless.

yeah the NFL is doing that this year too. Damn good idea if you ask me. They should play a game in Russia too
I am not a fan of them going to England. If they are going to go to Europe for a regular season game...go to Russia, Sweden, Finland, etc, where they actually have players playing in the NHL. The last British born NHLer was Byron Dafoe and he doesn't even play anymore.

In addition to the Centre Ice Package, I also have a subscription to The Hockey News. For $50 Canadian, I get a new issue every week with more stories and stats that I can read in a week. (It's like The Sporting News, but dedicated to hockey).

The bit with Thompson and Cherry was funny.

Now that intermission is over I am going to go watch the Sens take on the Thrashers and peek in on the Pens vs Canes and see how the Staal boys are doing.
keiths31 said:
In addition to the Centre Ice Package, I also have a subscription to The Hockey News. For $50 Canadian, I get a new issue every week with more stories and stats that I can read in a week. (It's like The Sporting News, but dedicated to hockey).

hell yeah, i LOVE that magazine. i just sent in a subscription card about a week and a half ago, im still waiting for my first issue to show up in the mail. ive been buying them at barnes & noble, but it was getting stupid for me to keep buying them when its WAY cheaper to subscribe. thats a good magazine, i like that it helps you keep up with the behind the scenes stuff that makes the nhl and its players tick.

also, i agree (youarewhatyouis) that it IS a great idea to take the nhl abroad. im KINDA with you (keiths) with the choice of locations, but at the same time, in a way i kind of think its a good idea to go to london. granted they probably wont care as much as the nhl would like to hope, but i think it'll still sell TONS of tickets (MAYBE even sell out) because i think england has a secret love for hockey, particularly a love for the habs. plus i think the russian and and middle eastern european countries would do better as far as sales go, but then again, i think they're going more for exposure than they are for sales. i think they're thinking long term and in that respect, i would agree that england would be better than russia and the likes (who would appreciate it more).

BUUUUUUUUT. gary bettman is kind of an idiot anyways
Columbus is up 2-0 over Dallas right now in the 2nd...good game so far...

Still not a huge fan of London. Moscow would kill as well as Stockholm. London...not so sure. It will sell out I am sure, but I still think they should be treating their current fans than put on a show for non fans.

Bettman is an idiot and has killed all the momentum that the NHL had in the early 90's. Bettman has done business like he believes the NHL is more important on the sports landscape than it actually is. And because of that, no one takes him seriously or the NHL. They need to dump him and get a smart hockey guy in their to lead the NHL back to the forefront.

...well that's just my opinion anyway...

*edit* Dallas just tied it up
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^ i couldnt agree more. i definitely agree with what youre saying also about stockholm or moscow, i just think its a good idea to expand, but yeah youre right, reach out to your fans first.

and i DEFINITELY couldnt agree more with dumping bettman for a smarter hockey guy. he's too worried about making the nhl "as cool as" the nfl, nba, or mlb... he needs to leave the game alone, let the purists love it as it was not as it "should be" because as the nhl is going right now, it will soon be a cesspool (sp?) of posers rooting for the team with the most money or best record or, god forbid, the coolest looking merch (ie, yankees fans, mid 1990's bulls fans and fans of whoever wins the superbowl). the people who hated the infrared glowing puck in '95 are the same fans that spend all their money keeping the nhl alive, so quite screwing them with your flashy new rules that gear the game towards offense you know? i said it once before, but i like the game to be played with its natural flow, not some forced river to the delta kind of game.

also... dallas tied it up a bit ago. its 2-2 now. :( a good game to be sure, but disappointed that the stars came back. columbus is lookin alright this game though and i like seeing youngsters like geoff platt playin with the top line, he's been pretty good whenever he's been on the ice this year. the jackets have a young team and are still hangin with the big boys (though they're out of the playoff race) when it comes down to a game to game basis. they beat the top 6 teams regularly, but get beat by the bottom 10 just as often. they're just too inconsistent to make the playoffs this year. i think under a full year of hitch's command, they'll be a dangerous team to play. next year's their year.
keiths31 said:
Columbus is up 2-0 over Dallas right now in the 2nd...good game so far...Nash has both

and i forgot to mention btw, malhotra and fedorov actually got the goals, not nash.

and while im on the subject of CBJ. since you have the center ice package (centre whatever ;)) you should check out more cbj games just to watch nikolai zherdev. his two way play as of late has been awesome. i think he probably leads the team in takeaways just with how he's played the last month and a half. plus he's been putting a hurt on teams with his magic hands lately. the boy has hardcore skills and i think he'll be a tough customer next year provided he comes out the same as he's goin out now.
^yeah I misheard the announcer.

I try to watch as many games as I can. I just watched the Sens lose to Atlanta, while watching the Pens vs. Canes during commercials and intermission. So I switched over to the Canadiens/Sabres game, which is a wild one right now, and flicking to the Stars/Jackets...can't keep up. I tend to watch the Canadian teams or the Staal boys play, but I'll keep my eye out for the Jackets
the buffalo/montreal game WAS a wild one! 8-5!? daaaaaamn!!!

i like watching the staal boys play too. jordan staal has a great future and if he stays with pittsburgh, he'll really maximize his success IMHO. great kid, great player. did you see sidney crosby set a new record tonight btw? he beat a gretzky record in becoming the youngest player to record 200 points at 19 years 207 days old. this kid has a BRILLIANT future. i love watching him play. the penguins have a ton of emerging talent. crosby (as everyone already knows), staal (who's becoming more known), colby armstrong (whos beginning to get recognition), etc. i think pittsburgh is a team to be reckoned with if they keep their line up in the next year or two. plus now that they're starting to beef up in size, theyve got some protection on their young stars. that was a smart move on managements part.

and yeah definitely watch the jackets when you get the chance, they are still a young team, but they're doing better. they tend to shine when they're out of the races, but im glad to see them preserving pride. they have great talent, they just dont tend to synchronize very well, but they're starting to get that now also. a big problem of theirs is the odd man rushes. they tend to pass a time to many, hitch's got em taking the shots more often now. thats why the jackets have been firing from the points more than driving in and behind the net, i think its helped them a TON. it not only provides them with more shots on goal, but it also gives them more rebound opportunities, and anybody who thinks thats not important doesnt know shit about whats going on in hockey. haha.
just sneaking in to say GO THRASHERS! :) hopefully the trades we just made will pay off....
^good on them making the playoffs (so far) for the first time in history