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Nodding off at inappropriate times

Yeah, but I'm pretty terrible, stealing family members and friends pills quite often. Obviously someone there needed that scrip. No one knows I did it but still...
I shall use drug abuse as an excuse for my behavior in an attempt to alleviate my guilt.
nodded off during sex
nodded off during a serious conversation w/ my ex bout our relationship n where it was going apparently i mumbled something about ketamine sandwiches n that was about the time she decided the conversation wasnt gonna go anywhere
worked at a sandwich shop where we made the sandwiches n sliced the meat in front of you (jersey mikes) i nodded off at the slicer while making peoples food
nodded of while playing dominoes with my whole moms side of the family n just said i was tired
nodded off at the wheel of the car n wrecked it
nodded off in class n had my teacher approach me after class to tell me if i ever wanted to talk bout anything she would listen n that she knew people n counseling if i ever needed anything
nodded off in front of cops while my friends car was gettin searched (we swallowed everything when they rolled up)
nodded n front of my parents countless times
many many more but those are the ones that stand out to me most

I relate to all of these lol.

- I nodded off at one of my birthday dinners and ended up with my face on the plate of food.
- Also can relate to burning myself with cigarettes; i have holes in nearly all my pants/shorts and scars on my fingers from the cigarettes.
- I nodded off at a red light while driving.
- I nodded off while driving and wrote off my girl friends car and a brand new BMW that parked on the side of the road; expensive mistake, thank god i did not kill any body.
- I nodded off during a police interview.
- I nodded off in University lectures, but i guess this is quite normal :)
- I nodded off on train/bus trips and ended up a long way from my destination.
- I nodded off cooking food on the stove and nearly burned the house down.
- I often nodded off while on dates with girls; sorry!

By far the worst IMO was nodding off while mixing up more dope and spilling it all over myself.
i meant, he wrecked a car because he nodded out driving, but he regrets the spilling more than that. ridiculous statement, but sadly enough i don't even think it's a joke...
There is a picture of me laying among Christmas presents totally nodded out while everyone opened gifts. I purposely made it appear I was drinking a lot but was not fooling anyone. My parents told everyone I was up all night at a party and then just let me lay there when I fell asleep. My cousin told me I was out for 2 hours. Shortly after my parents shipped me off to my first rehab.

At the time it was the worst thing I could ever imagine. right now, I am off heroin I don't really care. Although it happened and multiple times, it was meant more for ironic effect...

i meant, he wrecked a car because he nodded out driving, but he regrets the spilling more than that. ridiculous statement, but sadly enough i don't even think it's a joke...

Well it was certainly not fucking joke at the time. I can't help but laugh at the way I used to think. If you are a severe drug addict that shit seriously fucks with you. A few days after the accident, my GF and I went to the wreckers to look at the car and we found a few bags of heroin on the floor of the passenger side - it was like the discovery of the century for us....mind you she is very wealthy and her parents bought her a new car a few days later
^^^hahahaa thats the funnies when someone is nodding out and comes into a conversation late and starts trying to talk about the same thing.... This person also makes an ass out of themself in the process lol

Yeah that's a classic. I have a old friend in mind who was really good at doing that.

I mostly just nod in my room.
^^^ I think his shoes are ugly as fuck. but they don't look like they nodding to me.
In the toilet at work. Guess what? I snore! Yep, got caught. So embarassing.
On a plane and falling asleep on the shoulder of the person sitting next to you
On H I have nodded out so many times while smoking the only reason I am still alive is because I refuse to smoke indoors.

But my worst nods were on Methadone + Benzo combos.

The 2 toppers:

1) Nodded out while slicing meat at a sandwich shop, sliced off the tip of my thumb straight to the... yeah. Blood squirting everywhere, my boss yelling at me for being high at work again.. me denying it.. him saying you just lost the tip of a thumb and you aren't even in pain! They were amazing people, tried to get me to go to the hospital, I refused because I didn't (and still don't) have health insurance. They let me keep the job. The thumb grew back!! Took about 6-7 months to look normal again though.

2) Seems to be more common than I thought, so I feel a lot less of a loser for it, but I have nodded off during sex. Not foreplay. Inside her. During intercourse.

3) Oh and now I remember a bad H nod off, came to being molested by my female boss. She confided in me she was an x-meth addict, I was young and naive, admitted I used heroin. She invited a bunch of us over for a party. I went into her room to fix, nodded off on her bed. Came to with every one else gone, her on top of me, tits out in my face, her trying (in vain) to get my heroin infused dick hard enough to get inside her. The worst part was that I did nothing about it. "I am a man, men do not get sexually assaulted by women". Plus she said if I brought it up she'd have me drug tested and fired on the spot.

Fuck I miss a good Nod. I really do, after all I've experienced. I still crave that state more than anything else. Pursuit of Oblivion or so they say.
On a plane and falling asleep on the shoulder of the person sitting next to you

haha, i wasnt noddin

but on my way back from ohio this past summer, i took some of the xanax my girl snatched through security while waiting at the bar before our flight, had a few drinks n a few shots, n then once on the plain i bought two little bottles of jack n then i went to sleep, i was in the middle my ex on the aisle n a lady on the window, when we were landing i woke up streched my arms out, put my arm around the other lady n went in for a kiss, my ex stopped me before i kissed her n the lady was super kool about it cuz i was nice to her before i ordered my drinks n went to sleep but yea it was kinda embarassing
Oh boy, I could go on and on about inappropriate nodding..(from my use of oxy, H, and benzos) I think my most embarrassing had to be during court for my opiate related DUI and possession!

Then there was the time I fell off my chair during class.. Multiple times..

During thanksgiving dinner, a family friend had to hold my hair in back of my head so I didn't fall face first into my food! Needless to say,I totally ruined that holiday..and I'm not proud of it as it was the last thanksgiving spent with my dear old grandma who passed away the following year :(

At dinner with my fiancé's family (thank god there was plenty of big wine drinkers so they would think I was drunk.. Plus they know im on anxiety and antidepressant meds.) still embarrassing though.. Only my fiancé knew what was really up lol (he was on it too)

And of course, the most dangerous of all, during driving. And the reason I can't drive for another 6 months left :-(. (Not so bad compared to the original 2 years I've been suspended so far)

It always seems to happen when I don't want it to and doesn't happen when I do want it to!! Wtf!
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Once nodded out on Opana + Xanax in front of my grandmother at 6am. Had been on a good run all night and came in around 4am (was staying with them that week). Sat down to play some Xbox in the computer room, and railed some more Opana at some point.

Grandma gets up at 5am or so, comes in the room at some point to use the PC. One second its dark outsde and we are talking, the next the suns up.

She thought I had just fallen asleep and to this day tells everyone what a "sound sleeper" I am.
We've never really nodded off at any inappropriate times until just recently. We'd been invited to a friend's house about a week ago for dinner and sniffed a few bags of dope before getting there; we didn't think that it would be too big a deal as we rarely ever catch a nod these days. Well, I caught a nod all right, a hard nod, too, and it was pretty embarrassing. Luckily, I had a real good excuse for it that no one seemed to find funny or suspicious... but it was still weird.
^^^ if you usually do your bags in the same locations, it could be a part of conditioned place preference. yknow where you get less high when you're in non-novel locations. switch places and bam, high as tits! unless you've been high at this person's house lots, in which case nevermind.
^^^ if you usually do your bags in the same locations, it could be a part of conditioned place preference. yknow where you get less high when you're in non-novel locations. switch places and bam, high as tits! unless you've been high at this person's house lots, in which case nevermind.
yeah at the needle Exchange they taught us about situational tolerance. they said if we use in locations we're not familiar with, we run the risk of an OD since we're not "primed" from the environment for drug intake (pavlovian dog response pretty much).