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Nodding off at inappropriate times

In class is a classic one, i mean, come on, that shits boring. Chilling on park benches. Standing in line at the college cafeteria. Waiting at a stop light (shouldnt be doin that) and havin the dumbfuck behind you honking that the light turned green 30 seconds ago.

Sometimes when im driving and im at a stop sign and no ones behind me and im listening to a song ill let go and just chill there. Ive been accidentaly rude to people a coupla times theyll be talkin to me and ill be in my world and then my friends like lets go and ill just walk away :\
Does anyone else nod off on the toilet a lot? Like, in your own bathroom but you wake up and wonder how long you've been in the bathroom...?

lol yes, i used to do that all of the time. when im extremely stoned or on high dose psychs sometimes I get that as well, that feeling of "how did i get here? how long have I been here?"
I dont have any stories because now a days it seems like i have to have an extreme amount of drugs i nmy system along with alot of alcohol and weed to catch a true nod.
Does anyone else nod off on the toilet a lot? Like, in your own bathroom but you wake up and wonder how long you've been in the bathroom...?

This was was worst nod ever and it was in the middle of the night. I just had filled a brand new script for 30's and over-did it. I was trying to go to the bathroom but nodded. Woke up by my head hitting the tile. Ouch! I was bleeding profusely and seeing stars man but too fucked up to drive myself to hospital. Applied ice and lie on the sofa for a couple hours to sober up (yeah I was drinking too) I finally drove myself and the attendant took me straight back. The doctor said I waited too long and cold not stitch me up but used that glue sealant. The scar is still quite visible. :(
Goddamn. From what I've gathered from this thread, nodding out during sex (and related acts) would probably take the cake as being the worst, though I have no personal experience with such, haha.

Anytime in front of my mother after she found out I was heroin addict. I nodded out in front of my laptop once with a cigarette in my hand and found out that I had burned/melted two keys on the keyboard. Shitty.
I was in a serious fucked up situation a few days ago. I never catch the intense nods like when I first started using.

But one day everything worked out perfectly...I took a pretty decent break from heroin and then when I finally copped...I bought a lot and it was of great quality. So I snort that and resume driving.

O my that has got to be the most inappropriate time EVER! I was seriously scared man imy eyes would keep closing even if for just half a second and I was consistently jerking my head up along with my whole body in a complete panic coming out of the nod.
As posted before nodding out during sex can sort of embarrasing, especially if your partner doesn't do any drugs lol.

Nodding off and falling of your chair in class is also embarrasing, though to a lesser extent.

Nodding off and falling of your chair in the subway doesn't matter really unless there is a couple of police officers standing behind you that you haven't noticed. Thankfully they only thought I was drunk since I had been out drinking too.

Nodding off while driving is just plain stupid and something you should see to it you never ever do. (never done it myself but I was with a friend and we hit the metal bars at the side of the road doing 90km/h)
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Museum (lol), Cafe's (Starbucks mainly), sitting with parents if sis is over (stresses to to high hell).
nodded in interviews, court, talking to my lawyer, family dinners, work, sex (not like Ima get off anyways lol, Damn opiates)
Wayyy too many places... Work, IOP rehab, family dinners, NA meetings just to name a few of the ones I felt the worst about. I hate when your around a group of sober people and your fuckin rocked and you open your eyes from a nod and catch everyone staring at you and you start spewing some bullshit about not sleeping the night before that nobody in their right mind believes.
last night i kept nodding off in front of my sober friend while i was eating cheezy fries lol, couldnt even lift the fork without noddin'. work is another one that happens all too often. i love noddin but i hate actually falling asleep cuz the high gets wasted!
Nodded off at a job interview a few weeks ago, pretty fucking dumb to go there high but somehow I still got the job - score!
I wentvsu fuckin high to work on superbowl Sunday that I couldn't even do my job. Oh man I was so fuckin retardedd on dope n xanax (I m a waiter). Come in Thursday my boss is like guess what! Yer fuckin fired! Yeh 4 customer complaints that I couldn't do my job and 3 coworkerkers snitched on me. Motherfuckers. Fuck em I was a waiter and only made 3.50$ an hour. Fuck em.
^ I know how you feel. I lost my only food service job cause I ended up nodding for a few seconds while working register after adding 1.5mg clonazepam to my usual opiate dose before work and they ended up sending me home and gave me medical leave to complete this bullshit employee assistance program for 4 weeks (counseling, IOP rehab) only to get hit with a drug test on my first day back which I failed for THC that had been in my system the whole time. Fuck em...
Oo nooo man! Losing your job because of nodding...seriously? Were you just nodding extremely hard and it was obvious you were on drugs or what?

I would think just deny deny and deny would work in that situation.
Yeh worst thing is I had a 7 hour shift n I only remember the first hour or so. Completely blacked out don't remember workin how I got home. Fuckin zanax man. I took a coupla bars to work n they done gone :O sometimes its like that I got no self control.

The fuckin regional manager told my manager to fire me after hearin bout it all. I know the district manager pretty good were neighbors n she tried persuadin him to not fire me but it was like talkin to a brick wall. Man I fuck up like that big sometimes but ya kno what when ya get knocked down ya gotta get back up. So now I'm lookin for a job. I've got some clandestine work on the side to keep $$$ comin in and to have the bills paid but still, I need somethin legit.

But yeh that's what I done told em. I pulled an all nghter I was tired blah blah blah. Boss was like that's the second time it happnd yer done. I wanted to split his fuckin jaw open n toss him rite through that fuckin two way mirror he got in his lil office.
nodded off during sex
nodded off during a serious conversation w/ my ex bout our relationship n where it was going apparently i mumbled something about ketamine sandwiches n that was about the time she decided the conversation wasnt gonna go anywhere
worked at a sandwich shop where we made the sandwiches n sliced the meat in front of you (jersey mikes) i nodded off at the slicer while making peoples food
nodded of while playing dominoes with my whole moms side of the family n just said i was tired
nodded off at the wheel of the car n wrecked it
nodded off in class n had my teacher approach me after class to tell me if i ever wanted to talk bout anything she would listen n that she knew people n counseling if i ever needed anything
nodded off in front of cops while my friends car was gettin searched (we swallowed everything when they rolled up)
nodded n front of my parents countless times
many many more but those are the ones that stand out to me most
Nodded off while staying at my fam's house one Thanksgiving. There was a bottle of Oxycodone there so I nicked it, of course. Eventually figured out I could shoot it rather than eating 'em or tryin' to snort it. (H is more my game rather than pills.) Would go to my room and shoot, then just sit on the couch nodding and eventually go take a "nap".