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NEWS: smh.com.au- April 14, 2008 - 3:10PM"Plan for painkillers to be on script only"

One thing that hasn't been discussed yet though, is if you actually have a legitimate need for codeine pain relief in the future. How stupid, time consuming and expensive will it be to get some pain relief?

I use codeine only for pain relief and I have no trouble getting a script for forte etc. I don't have need to visit a GP very often atm (touch wood) but when I do I usually add codeine/ paracetamol to the requested pharmaceuticals. As this is not a weekly, monthly or even 6 monthly thing, I've never ever had a problem.
How is Panadeine 15 not the strongest codeine tablet available OTC in Australia?! 8(
yeh its not a bad point in terms of this hitting the news and people previously unaware of codeine highs licking their lips and going to buy some. Thing is the newspapers dont care about that or harm reduction probably just doing what they do, namely selling news.

If the subject hadnt reached news perhaps that would have had a better outcome than retards saying it must be rescheduled (like to S8 wtf) because 'Nurofen Plus' is addictive.

They would be better putting more resources into tobacco/alcohol problems imo, rather than something thats by far more likely to be used properly than abused across the board (though maybe not pple here lol, but in reality that is a vast minority)
I don't want to join the forum as its just gonna inflate there number of 'people addicted to codeine' - be interesting to see how they derive the 5% of the population addicted, I bet using similar logic on the Aus Drug Discussion I could claim 100% of Australian's could be addicted to Bluelight ;)

Does the forum in question heavily promote CWE?
The forum in question deletes threads pertaining to CWE IIRC.

Yes, it's true. I always found that strange. Their argument is that by giving info out on CWE's, people's total number of pills used daily will go up. However, by using a CWE you're not gonna be able to get that many useful doses in a day (due to the ceiling effect), and you'd sure avoid a lot of the health problems that are causing this headache with codeine now.
rogan said:
Does the forum in question heavily promote CWE?

Absolutely not. Its like AA for codiene, i believe

Thank you for the link Sir Hoptis. I have been there before.

Ive just applied my facial putty, moustache and trenchcoat.

Cover me boys, im going in......

Just registering now....



[EDIT: Photo removed. hoptis]
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lol spread the CWE word and get banned,

just noticing the extra nurofen plus adds on TV "with the added strength of a second ingredient" I think the line is hehe
So heres what some people on the forum are saying....

mc2 Codeine Addiction help cente said:
mc2 forum Making Codiene Products Prescription Only
Posted by: Sue French

Hi Everyone, I have to say I have not seen or heard the news about codeince products being made prescription only, but we of all people should support it. If nurofen plus had not been so readly available, I would not be an addict right now and would not of spent years taking something that is slowly destroying me and has possibly done some serious damage. Think about it, most of us would probably not be in this situation had that been the case. If they make it prescription only, just think about how many people wont end up addicts like us and how many people will be saved from the grief we all know. We all started taking the tablets for real pain reasons, had we done so under a Doctors supervision alternative pain management would of been looked at instead of long term use of Nurofen and the abuse of it. I have made the first step in stopping by seeing a Doctor about my problem but I know I will have a huge task ahead of me. Those who are scared about this, please look at it in a postive way and go get help to get off the codiene and get help with alternative pain management if it is necessary. You may have been putting off making the move to do it, look at this as a way of encouraging you to act sooner. We can all help each other, thats what this site is for. Thinking of you all Sue xxxx

Heres another of our limited-liver friends....

Alexandra Fox said:
In this mornings Sydney Morning Herald, and on the website www.smh.com.au there is an article about N+ - due to greater recognition of the abuse of N+ there is discussion about putting it as a prescription drug. The decision will be made in June. The link is below.


In my opinion, just for me, I sincerely hope it does become a prescripton drug. I am sad at the though of how many people are struggling with this, in secret. And just from a selfish point of view, since I am the most useless doctor shopper on the planet, this will remove access for me.

I am yet to find Kyle's Jewish mother.

The site seems pretty legit.

It doesnt appear they are pushing an agenda...... yet.....


Are you going to let her take your precious codiene away ?

Well are you?

[EDIT: Photo removed. hoptis]
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looks like i'll be buying a 48 pack of chemists own at every pharmacy i pass until they reschedule it.

Or they'll back down and i'll have a fucktonne of codeine
Holy shit. "20% of people got stomach ulcers from using N+ daily!?!?

I have a fractured skull therefore genuinelly use it to function and take 6 a day.

Does this mean I'm a dead man?

Also, what if anything is of similar strength and can be used safely every day?

Just legalise 10mg codeine tablets so I don't die!!

I've used codeine extensively for recreation in the past, but my sole reason for opposing this rescheduling is because, at the directed dosages (16-20mg codeine) it is excellent for mild pain relief. I've never found panadol or standard nurofen to be very effective for anything but such weak pain that I needn't take a pain killer for it to begin with. Low doses of codeine on the other hand are quite effective for a strong headache.

Most of the replies in this thread seem to be from recreational users who are angry that they willl no longer have access to it, forcing them to either cease use or switch to other, potentially stronger substances. This is quite a justified view to take, and one I can certainly relate to, especially during the height of my codeine use/abuse.

However, it's worth mentioning that high doses of codeine (e.g. panadeine forte 60mg codeine) have always been scheduled and only available on prescription. OTC products containing codeine were never intended to be used at anything more than a very low dose of codeine, but its clear that many people were taking forte equivalent doses (or higher) anyway - doses which were only ever intended to be available by prescription. IMO it's always been just a matter of time before someone decided to close the "codeine" loophole.
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THis is pathetic first they make salvia illegal or semi illegal not 100% sure.now this :( .The idea of making N+ Schedule 8 drug is a joke imo.arent S8 drugs things like morphine,methadone ,pethidine usally only used in surgery or a pain relief for people with a terminal illness ?(authority scripts)

take my mum for example she has problems with allergies has had for many years
and found the best thing that works when it gets bad is pseudoephedrine (sudafed) etc. since they started controlling it a few years back.Every time she needs the sudafed the chemist has to write down her details .Even though he agrees there should be a better way,Buying a pack or 2 of sudafed for allergies or a pack of N+ or for pain relief when honestly needed is a far cry from purchasing thousands and thousands of boxes to make a commercial type yield for large scale manafucture.

Now she only goes to the local chemist who knows her.if she is on the other side of town and needs this medication she would rather handle the symptoms and go without than walk into a random chemist that give her the third degree and look her up and down. the large scale makers of this stuff that use things like psedo in huge quantites to make speed or whatever.have stuffed it up for the little guy who Genuinely needs that med or the person that only uses the stuff for personal use.If they absoultely have to push for this legislation and there is no other way on the N+ surely they could minimize this frustration.At most they should take name etc details but classing it as S8 ! Thats political corectness GONE F@#$%&G MAD!! +++++ my op of course
Like it or not, reclassifying OTC drugs (with any rec value) to prescription is set to become the way of the future.

On this matter, warning bells should be sounding regarding the relative effectiveness of codeine containing analgesics compared to those containing only acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

What will those who take daily, medium to large doses of OTC codeine products do now? One would hope they don't significantly up the intake of acetaminophen or ibuprofen to compensate.
Salvia is 100% illegal in QLD, from what I can remember of the legislation.

Also, peaked has a very valid point. I'm a recreational user, but it *does* provide very good pain relief. I think that they should just implement QLD's system instead if they're worried about abuse, keep it OTC but require personal details to get it.
Sue French said:
Hi Josh,

I understand what you are saying, but the issue for me and alot of others is that we are addicted to the codeine and the way we take it does effect our livers etc. What you are suggesting would still make me addicted to the codeine and would still have negative health effects.

I would probably end up taking more. Most of us here want to be free of the codeine, your solution would not be any good for me or alot of others.

The idea of this forum is to support and help people get clean, not introduce a faulse idea of extracting being safe, it maybe safer but still makes you and addict and still has an effect on your health.

Regards Sue

That was her response to a thread I posted asking why CWE wasn't a major part of their site.
I think I was the one who switched you guys onto that site 1 or 2 years ago.

At the time I was shocked as to why they where not promoting CWE as at least a method for tapering and/or a reduction for withdrawal symptoms. I posted my concerns and made the suggestion and I was promptly raped by the forum users and then had my account deleted by the mods. Given I have been raped in The Lounge before I obviously let the insults roll off my back and rejoined the site - with the exact same details no less. 8(

They send emails directly to my account. Mostly I delete them but on a slow day I read a few. Today I read one from a young man trying to promote the virtues of CWE, I just thought to myself... This has got BL written all over it. Decided to check AusDD and fair enough =D ;)

The basic MO of this group is to direct everyone to their local GP and demand to be referred to a specialist so as they may be then put on a Buprenorphine or Suboxone program. This doesnt matter if the user is on 6 per day for the last 8 months or 60 per day for the past 7 years, always the same answer... GP -> Referral -> Buprenorphine/Suboxone program.

Surely this is a massive drain on resources and further to that point they even provide suggestions on how to get govt subsidies for Buprenorphine/Suboxone and Naltextrone by lying to the drug specialists and convincing them that you are infact addicted to Alcohol because apparently the subsidy is valid for those treating alcohol additiction not OTC med addiction.

The other thing these guys dont do is suggest people look into the psychological or emotional reasons as to why they are addicted to OTC meds. They never talk about the failure rate but there are a number of users on that forum who take N+ etc whilst they are on Bupe!

Having said all of that, I feel sad for a lot of them. One lady recently posted in begging for help because she is taking approx. 500 tabs per week and has been for the last 5 years!
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Also a few months back when this stuff picked up a little media attention one of the leaders/founders of the group was boasting about these regulations as he is the one lobbying MP's and health groups etc.

He also mentioned he was instrumental in having the bi-layered N+ product removed and N+ ultimately reformulated. You fans of splitting an N+ have him to blame.