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New year's plans?


Staff member
Aug 16, 2019
What is everyone planning to binge on this thursday lol

i'm deciding between drinking, amphetamine, and LSD (all i have in my stash rn)

i'm honestly more torn than i should be lmao
Best of my luck my friend

im going to be phasing weed out of my life in the new year which may sound easy but for me it never is. once the new semester starts it simply isn’t worth my time anymore
Best of my luck my friend

im going to be phasing weed out of my life in the new year which may sound easy but for me it never is. once the new semester starts it simply isn’t worth my time anymore
Thanks. It is academic demands that are compelling me to quit also. I’ve seen that weed is really tough for some people to quit. Good luck.
the fact that is so “benign” means that I often overindulge

certainly not the worst problem to have :)
I’m leaning towards tripping too, but I probably won’t do it unless my friends join me lol

i just rolled last week so that’s off the table unfortunately. A “peak” experience on any drug would be great ofc haha but Im not sure if I’ve been in the right mental place lately to be meeting with Lucy this week, the other options probably won’t be anything too special of a night I’m thinking
true, one friend of mine mentioned having a small thing but I still don’t wanna expose my roommate to COVID potentially
As I did last several years I will be at home with my wife and my kid. I could be sleeping before midnight. No drugs, no party... When my kid starts to party on new year's eve that's the time when I will be back in game. Or not. Actually I am not a big fan of partying because calendar told me so. I don't need an excuse to party, I need an excuse not to. XD ...and my family is a great excuse to be sober and present. Have fun you all. :)
probably some LSD but it will probably wait til very late when its already the new year maybe drop 1 or 2 am once i am done socalizing with people. If i manage to be alone i will take 2-3 tabs so like 250-375 ug.
A new, fresh batch of fucking terrific speed, some ket, some beers with 4 friends - gonna be a wonky evening.
Last year we celebrated the new year around 02.30, when everyone was a bit baseline.

As for resolutions - my only resulotion is stop trying to be a better person and acccept who I am.
A new, fresh batch of fucking terrific speed, some ket, some beers with 4 friends - gonna be a wonky evening.
Last year we celebrated the new year around 02.30, when everyone was a bit baseline.

As for resolutions - my only resulotion is stop trying to be a better person and acccept who I am.
How is the ket and speed combo lol?
I'm hoping to just chill with my mate from downstairs and go to bed shortly after midnight. I'm burnt out this year....from work, but the binges just add to that dumpster fire of the soul. Did a pretty heavy binge Christmas Eve-Boxing Day, and now two days later, I still haven't been able to sleep and just started eating normally this morning. Mouth still tastes like homelessness and hate.

Wouldn't mind just starting the new year almost sober for once in my life*.

*Ok, since like 2001.

I could be lying to myself, but the plague and our current restrictions give me the perfect excuse to take it easy.

Maaaaaybe some mushrooms, but like weak, 1g type tea.

I'm genuinely getting sick of being high, on anything, I think. Blaming the liquor but it all falls in together for me. Genuinely always felt best on endorphins from sport and exercise so I'm going to try and get back to that.

Back to fucking tea and kombucha, and kefir and non-alcoholic cocktails for the new year and keeping it going til at least my birthday.
And leavin the psychedelics for music festivals and weddings that will hopefully happen next year.

I have five pints I have to get rid of though....they're taking too much space in my fridge and I'm not staring at that shit every time I open my fridge for the next 3 months.

Need to stop smoking again as well, and I only smoke when I drink (8 months later still not getting any cravings when not drinking), so not drinking will be great in more ways than one.

Getting kind of sick of myself....and that's a shit way to start a new year.
Cheers on the exercise mate

I’m still runnin but not like I once was.. definitely the best ~high~ life has to offer
ohh. my neighbor just grew some homemade medicine. and that helped tremendously.
Most likely the usual Fetty with some goofballs (Fetty and Meth) added in; I'm more really concerned with, "Who's pussy am i going to taste on NYE?". I am looking to rent a presidential suite in one of Boston's Hi-Rise Hotels, with jacuzzi's, decks with multiple rooms, etc. If anyone is interested in throwing a last minute soiree. Please PM me. If you'd like that box taken care too, also PM me !!!
I think this will be the first year I won't go to some kind of new year's party, mainly due to the many restrictions courtesy of our renowned sars-cov-2.
Weed is in my plans though, probably meth too and 1 or 2 morphine pills I've been saving.
Also planning to smoke DMT but that may have to wait till the new year.
How is the ket and speed combo lol?

I like it, alot. I don't do massive amounts of ket, just tiny bumps of that dreamy dust so I don't have to drink too much alcohol.
I tend to do hole-dosages as the amphetamines wear off and I feel the comedown raging.
It has to be said though, I've only done the speed + ket combo a handfull of times.

Most people seem to do the Calvin Klein (coke+ket), but coke here is about 14% cocaine and cut with fentanyl, RC-benzos and babypowder.
Per gram the price is five times that of amphetamine, so it's also an economic decision.
I also get hella fiendish on coke, and prefer the long lasting effects of good speed.
I’ve never done ket (really rare in my area) but that sounds like a fun combo

i love speed (well adderall actually but same thing). If you like dissos Amphetamine + whippets is incredible