  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

NCAA Football 2006 Thread

Lets hear it for UCLA! And a Florida Gator SEC championship.

And to everyone who says SEC was overrated this year. We werent. Its just that even the Vanderbilts and the Ole Miss' are better than the shit teams of the ACC and the Big East, the PAC 10 etc.
^^ you can say that when the bowl season is over... until then you sound like a homer with a shaky grasp of the english language;)
cravNbeets said:
^^ you can say that when the bowl season is over... until then you sound like a homer with a shaky grasp of the english language;)

Agreed. :D. SEC=overrated. Just a bunch of teams that are decent to good, but no greats.
my father said it best:

"watching an sec game is like watching 2 heavyweight boxers in the 12th round"

i still have respect for the sec as a conference but individually i dont see a dominant team in the bunch
Well, the theory is that no dominant team can emerge from the SEC because the whole conference is so top-heavy with talent that it ends up cannibalizing itself and rarely producing a clearly superior, undefeated team. I don't watch enough SEC games to be able to comment, primarily due to the fact that the uniforms give me seizures (purple and orange are not intimidating colors!), but the argument seems to hold some merit I think.
You gotta love the fact that the Big12 championship is between #8 and #19 (I hate NEB too much to root for the upset), but it isn't as good as the ACC championship between #16 and #23 - goes to show how freaking weak the ACC is this year :\

As much as I love the SEC and muh Gators, I'd have to got with the idea that we saw the best two teams play already - OU and MI. And, tbh, I wouldn't want to face either one in a bowl. I think just about anyone is gonna lose to them, though the idear of a Rose Bowl w/ MI vs LSU does sound intriguing :) Back to conferences...I'd agree the SEC was over-rated, I mean look at Auburn, TEN, and UGAly that all cracked the top 10...and where are they now? Beating eachother up is one thing, but just falling for your own hype and then not showing up on game day...shameful.

Though, I peek a gander over at the Big10+1 and what do I see? Two kick ass teams and....a badger? A badger that worked its way into the top 10 by NOT playing one of the two good teams in the conference? And lord, how these Ohio people clammored when they played their 'other' big conference game at Iowa...who is where these days? Uh, yeah. And lord, how these big 10 people clammored when they got a third team back in the polls....and the SEC has been averaging 4-5 teams in the top 25 all season long :\ Overrated SEC, yes, but still considered better than the non-top teams of the ACC and Big10...and I'd put the middle of our conference against anyone else's. I mean ANYONE.

Take the top 2 or 3 out of any conference, then toss out the bottom dwelling 2 or 3. So, the every major conference except the SEC has just lost their ranked teams from consideration...and we don't even need to waste time comparing who's got the worst bottom feeders 8) Gimme a playoff between the middle of the pack, and I'd bet money on nearly every game played that the SEC would win the matchups. I'd like to see how it shakes out in the bowls, but then again, conference ties and regional biases tend to skew a good matchup into something lopsided :\

Eh, I could jump in the debate about why UF should get ahead of USC if we beat Arkansas, even with the whipping USC put on ND (who is the king of overrated...don't even get me started about the NotredameBroadcastingChannel :x ). But even if I think UF deserves a shot at OSU more than USC, I can't say we'd perform any better than they could - tbh, I'd expect us to get out doors blown off since we've not been to our own conference championship in so long, our players wouldn't have a clue how to handle a big stage like the BCS championship :\ At least USC has been there, they players know what's involved - and THAT is why I think they ought to go. MI? They had their chance - didn't get it done. I know, I know, OSU was at home and it was by only 3 points, but the fact is YOU HAD YOUR SHOT. Next.....
huntmich said:
Michigan 27
Vanderbilt 7

Ohhhh yea, SEC was real powerhouse 8(


Thats so Awesome that Michigan can beat one of the all time worst teams in the SEC. The fact is, there is so much competition in the SEC that on every single saturday each team must play their starters. While in conference play, there are no days when an SEC team gets a gimmie game. The SEC is so weak every single year an SEC team finishes in the top 5 in atleast one poll.

Currently there are 5 SEC teams in the top 25. 3 in the top 10. There are currently 3 Big 10 teams in the top 25. There are 2 Pac 10 teams in the top 25. There are 4 Big 12 teams in the top 25. There are more ACC teams in the top 25 than Big 10 teams with 4, granted the Big 10's teams are all in the top 10. Were talking about strength of conference though, not individual team strength.

The SEC is the toughest conference to play in every single year. The SEC never has a rebuilding year. Another challenging thing about it is the championship game. If the Big 10 had one, OSU would have to playMichigan agian, but they dont, so they sit there all smug while the SEC chances fate one more time. Thats another reason why Michigan should not go to Arizona, they got their shot, now their destiny is in USC and Florida's hands. If Florida beats Arkansas which is iffy, They should play against OSU not USC. Simply because we have a championship game which equals more games period.

Im sorry, but you guys dont have a clue. You really have no basis for argument. The SEC is still the toughest conference in NCAA football, this season only showed how tough it really is.

Oh, CravNbeats, I Have a firm grasp on the English Language :)
I think that everyone else should wait until after bowl season to say anything about the SEC.
I just wanted to say the SEC is no pushover conference yall have been making it out to be the last couple of weeks. I'll say no more.
The top schools in the SEC should take a chance and play more of their out of conference games against dangerous opponents the way Arkansas did, rather than the BS games Georgia played against Colorado and UAB.

What people from other conferences dont realize, because they don't follow SEC teams, is that it's profoundly difficult for any team to play LSU, Florida, Georgia, Auburn, Tennessee AND a conference championship game without a loss. That's not to say that the SEC has a team that could predictably beat a USC, Michigan, or Ohio State this year. I don't think there is a team that could beat them.

I'm just sayin that when an unranked UGA team plays a division champion Georgia tech team, and "upset" and "underdog" never gets mentioned, its indicative of their strength of schedule.

I hate to sound like a Cubs fan, but look out for us next season. ;)
christ, why is it so fucking hard to admit that the sec is not having a great year? i'll acknowledge that the sec is probably the toughest conference top to bottom and definitely the most physical from week to week. but they're without a dominant team this year and the conference is an offensive wasteland. agreed?
Chris Leak has more pssing yards than MIchigan and Ohio States Quarterback. LSU's quarterback has more pssing yards than Michigan, Ohio State, and USC's quarterback. Tennesee's quarterback, #19, Tennesee's quarterback has more passing yards than The top 3 teams also. You dont know the numbers CravNBeats, I think you just dont like the SEC, they are not as bad as youre making them out, I think youre looking at ranks instead of numbers...

Therye without a dominant team? Sorry we arent he Pac 10, or the Big 10, with 2 or 3 teams that control the conference year after year. The championship is up in the air EVERY season. Where you have 2 or 3 teams MAX that compete every year, We have 6 or 7. So yeah we dont have a "Dominant" team. We have 7 "dominant" teams that contend every year.

I dont think youve watched enough SEC football in the last 15 years.
What does a QB having more passing yards have to do with anything? Are you talking career or this season? One could argue that it is a sign of a defensively weak conference, you know. I bet you Chris Leak doesn't win the Heisman, what do you think? Everyone knows Troy Smith is the favorite - not Leak.

USC just lost, and that's just fuckin awesome! 2 losses to unranked teams, way to be!

Regarding who should face the Buckeyes - michigan already had their chance, they couldn't get the job done. Sorry, you lose. Next.

Florida looks to be the favorite, so bring on some fresh teams. Besides, I think the country would go nuts if 2 teams from the Big 10 faced each other for the title.
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you don't seem to understand. i dont have anything at all against the sec. the only team i have any rooting interest in is ohio state. aside from buckeyes, i just want to see well played exciting games. im sorry to report that final scores under 20pts dont really qualify as excitement. lucky for us the big ten and sec champions are gonna meet in january :)
If florida can fucking hang on. I think during Halftime they started looking forward to January.
maybe spoke too soon on that one... your golden boy just figured out a way to throw an interception to a defensive end on what looked like an option.
damns, looks like Florida won. and here I was watching the game with my mom hoping Arkansas would win, only so that the Buckeyes could say we beat Michigan twice in one year.
Its great to be a Florida Gator!

Guys, I guess we'll be seein you in Arizona.

I think our Defense has an excellent chance of winning it. But youree Quarterback is pretty damn good. It will be a great game.