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Most painful pharm to snort

I'd have to say Wellburtin...yeah yeah no recreational value. But I would say its the worst and I did caffeine pills...not fun that is stupid to, just take the damn thing.
stupid question. in other news, I want my 20 replies until I get post status, what a major pain in the ass this is turning out to be.

im sure its obvious tho
hah , sorry, ignore me.
ambien f-in hurts, tho not as bad as wellbutrin.. stupid mistake i made as a kid. now just the faint taste of it makes me want to vomit. nasty stuff.
Flexeril is pretty bad. Oxycodone and hydrocodone go down easy.
Some really bad burs are DXM powder and...yellow jackets (that last one was a dare that 4 of us had to do. Oh my god, that is the worst thing ever)
Oh and the best thing ever is Klonopins. Gives you that i just had a coughdrop feel
GlassAss420 said:
I snorted a 5 mg orange dexidrine tablet once, hurt like fuck and more than that clogged my nose and made me sound nasal for a couple days.. I never tried to snort a vicoden or other non-OC opiate pill tho, had more common sense than that, the dexi seemed reasonable as its speed and about 1/4 or 1/6th the bulk of a vicoden..

HOW?!?!?!?!? I found dexie shields to be almost pleasurable to snort. 2c-t-2 was my worst. As was said before, feels like its carving a new passage into the nasal cavity. lasts like half hour. cried the entire half hour.
Flexaril sucks, but it aint shit compare to Zoloft. One time I was in desperation and snorted a zoloft and it was the worse pain I have ever experienced in my life. Whenever the sharp pain moved from my nose, it went into my eyes and this whole process was about 45mins to an hour of pain.
A molly that turned out to be DXM snorted that full capsule and it stuffed up my nose and burned and then had a sinus infection for days :(
Oviously the Tylenol containing medications are painful like Vicodin or Percocet.

Other than that something equally painfull or even more painfull mabye is snorting Demerol pills. Although after the first pill snorted you can snort even 2 pills in at once in a couple of lines within say 1 min at most and not even feel it due to the painkilling effects which start to take effect in about 10min-30min max after snorting Demerol, so best is to wait a bit after the first pill snorted and then go again snorting it b/c it won't hurt nearly close to how the first line does. Painkilling effects of Demerol completly let you go on without feeling the pain or the burning.
I thought the Percocet was just fine. the first one I ever did. Ativan is so freaking easy, I would give it to someone for a first time its so easy.
Oh man, that's right- methadone can't compare to anything. Even Wellbutrin isn't that bad in comparison.

You ever suck on a methadone tablet? It even hurts in your mouth- and it doesn't go away once you wash your mouth out. It never leaves.

I dunno which is worse, wellbutrin or methadone. They're both horrid.

2CB wasn't too bad.
me and my buddies snorted wellbutrin when I was like 16 and it fucking ate my skull for like a day, it was miserable it still makes me shudder, one of my friends was literally flipping out, on the verge of driving to the hospital.
orml said:
me and my buddies snorted wellbutrin when I was like 16 and it fucking ate my skull for like a day, it was miserable it still makes me shudder, one of my friends was literally flipping out, on the verge of driving to the hospital.

That is the only shit I ever gave in and blew my nose. You would have to rot out your skull to get anything from that. Whoever tells someone its a good idea needs to be shot in the foot...:p