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Most painful pharm to snort

Pharmaceutically the most painful thing I ever snorted was actually the first time I snorted a little green klonopin. I cried and it burned like the devil was nose-f**king me with a glass shard condom on. The most painful thing I ever snorted in all realms would have to be an herbal energy pill from 7-11, I think it was called a yellowjacket because I remember there being an angry looking BumbleBee on the packet and the capsule was yellow and black with little black lines on the yellow part. That was incredibly stupid of me. Sometimes I thank goodness for the ridiculous amounts of coke, oxy, and heroin I put up my nose everyday for the past two and a half years because I use to wake up and blow out these gigantic plugs that kind of looked like roaches, I mean they were literally an inch long and a half inch wide let alone thick, but after I got clean for a few weeks they stopped coming and now my right nostril is a friggin Juggernaut of nose fun. I can snort just about anything without it clogging, burning, or running and its a whole lot better than trying to blow my nose every half hour to try and squeeze another pebble up there, and god forbid if I sneezed back then, it cost me at least 20 bucks. Geez, these oxy's really make me ramble on.
flexeril was the worst pharm for me, just barely topping ambien.

out of everything, molly powder hurts the worst overall, because it doesn't just hurt my nasal cavity, it feels like a hot slug shot through my nose and lodged firmly in my brain stem.
The only pharms I have really snorted are opiates and amphetamines. I really don't see a reason to snort any other pharm.....benzos are worthless to snort.

One of the worst pill I snorted was a 40mg yellow generic oxy, the big ones. It wasn't horrible but bad enough that I wouldn't but that brand of oxy again.

I can attest that demerol also burns a good bit.
Bzp/tfmpp (aka molly) hands down, felt like my right sinus cavity was being bored through to my eye. Had an unpleasant burning sensation lingering for a good 12 hours. And the high for me was a lot shittier compared to oral ingestion, in contradiction to most trip reports.
When I was young and dumb I snorted some methadone. Jesus flying fuck that hurt. I'll stick to coke and oxy.
Originallybudtokem said:
Vicoprofen. Far worse than ambien in my opinion. Haven't tried demerol tho and now I never will.

maybe it was the 200mg (approx.) of ibuprofen that makes snorting vicodin/norco/lorcet/vicoprofen/percocet/endcoet anything with APAP not a good idea...not to mention the 50-200mg of binders/fillers.
mikemikemike said:
Ambien, jadas priest, I'd say its 4-5x worse than snorting glass

generic? i've bumped brand name and it was fine, just peel off the outer layer and its perfect, not a burn at all.

flexeril is worse than snorting wasabi sauce
enoughorangejuice? said:
generic? i've bumped brand name and it was fine, just peel off the outer layer and its perfect, not a burn at all.

flexeril is worse than snorting wasabi sauce

Yup, Teva's version of 10mg Zolpidem
Flexeril is pretty horrible... ah, the desperation of jail.

Outside of pharms, 2c-i hurts like a motherfucker.
enoughorangejuice? said:
maybe it was the 200mg (approx.) of ibuprofen that makes snorting vicodin/norco/lorcet/vicoprofen/percocet/endcoet anything with APAP not a good idea...not to mention the 50-200mg of binders/fillers.

Although I agree that they are both pointless to snort, Vicoprofen is a 100X worse than Vicoden in terms of pain.
-2C-x compounds (I know they're not pharms, but holy fuck are they awful to snort)
-Diprivan (Propofol) - Yes, I've snorted Diprivan (dried out some of the emulsion). I have a large vial of it and have no intention of IVing it on account of it being too dangerous, so I've been trying other MOAs. I've also tried it sublingual, which burnt as well. Seems as if every MOA burns with Diprivan as when it's given IV, it apparently burns like hell, to the point where a local anesthetic is often injected before the Diprivan
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Originally Posted by DoubleTrouble said:
I can't relate with the people who are saying that snorthing Methadone, Ambien, and various Benzos is horrifically painful. Sure, if you're intent on putting a huge amount of powder up your nose your nostrils will evenutally clog up and shit, but that's the worst case scenario. No horrible, searing pain in my experience.

I know it isn't a pharm obviously, but nothing mentioned in this thread even compares to the sheer CAUSTIC burn you get for a good few hours if you snort 2c-e. Now that was real pain...eep

Yeah I never got to try any of the research chems but I bet they do some serious searing ... but I don't know, snorting methadone might as well have been snorting capascin peppers, it was pretttty bad.
There was a time in my life (when I was young and stupid) when I became accustomed to snorting pills containing APAP. I got so used to it I didn't mind the taste or the burn from it at all. While snorting APAP is bad for you and should never be done, I believe there are other chemicals that burn a hell of a lot more. Ephedrine is a horrible drug to snort.

I think they intentionally put something in darvocet pills that burns like hell so they can't be abused. I've never snorted darvocet, but as I said earlier in this thread, the one time I attempted to take it sublingually it burned my mouth so badly that I had to neutralize the pain by putting toothpaste with baking soda under my tongue to ease the pain. Jasoncrest says that IVing propoxyphene can actually get you high, I guess that is why they go to the trouble of doing this.. or maybe propoxyphene burns this bad on it's own?
^ Are you talking about marinol? Or are you trying to be funny?
doxepin some sleeping pill in capsule form with very fine powder. felt like nails going into every inch of my sinuses for a long ass time. passed out ten minutes later for hours
Demerol, hands down, is the most painful pharm I've snorted. I haven't snorted any of the stupid shit alot of you guys have, only recreational drugs.