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Most painful pharm to snort

Ham-milton said:
Huh, I didn't find 2C-B to that horrible. I mean, we're talking about 20mg of material.

hurts a hell of a lot more than mdma, which is quite painfull imo... i guess it's all relative...
Yeah ive got that feeling from those Extended release morphine as well but i found it more of a "flushing" feeling as like when your getting a fever kind of burning sensation not an instant pain upon insulfation .. and yes i did tear for a while on thsoe too.
I remember that my friend dared me to snort part of a diet pill...I was tearing up and spitting in his sink for about 7 minutes.

That was back when I didn't really know too much about drugs :p
Ham-milton said:
Huh, I didn't find 2C-B to that horrible. I mean, we're talking about 20mg of material.

Huh? It's an accepted tenet of harm reduction not to snort research chems. That's an awfully high dose even if eaten.
while I disagree that 20mg is a high dose to take orally I do say its a high dose to insufflate. It doubles the intensity ime with phens of that class when you snort them.

it also REALLY burns don't let anybody kid you about that!
most painful pharm ive snorted would have to be oxycodone. ive never snorted anything stupid like benadryl or flexeril. oxy gives me a pretty good burn but i find it to leave fast, especially when i taste it.

most painful thing i've snorted would have to be 2c-e. je-sus-christ.
Mariposa said:
Huh? It's an accepted tenet of harm reduction not to snort research chems. That's an awfully high dose even if eaten.

Where exactly was I endorsing the idea? I said it wasn't too painful, which is a far cry from endorsing it for the average moron out there.

There are people here who can handle it safely, and those who can't.
fucking Seroquel. n it wasn't just snorting it that bothered me, i dont like the way those fuckers hit me neither...
tof said:
ive heard zoloft will destroy your muscas tissues prertty viciously too
Omgsh. I snorted a zoloft one time...NEVER AGAIN. That was so incredibly painfull. SO PAINFULL. I litirally, thought I was going to die..and I snorted drugs litirally every day...my poor little friend who didnt was crying. It was horrible...
Zoloft in all it's forms was just hell...oral and snorting was just hellllll
Don't try to get high on zoloft O.O
K1Ng5p4d3 said:
fucking Seroquel. n it wasn't just snorting it that bothered me, i dont like the way those fuckers hit me neither...
MMmmMmMM I looove Seroquel! But...not the part where you can't walk. That sucked. Had to make my sammich on the floor.
Scale of 1-10
8- Sudafed. Holy shit. O.O
That burned like.. wow.
10- Zoloft was worse though..
3- Crystallized Caffeine hurts a little..only cause it's tiny needles...
Ive only really snorted pharms that are good to be snorted (oxy, dilaudid, roxi, demerol,morphine).

One kind of generic oxy I had was pretty bad. I also tried demerol once and remember it burning a lot.

The first time I ever did oxy I had no idea what I was doing and didn't take the coating off of the pill. That didn't feel too good.
zolpidem (with coating) is painful.
amisulpride (Solian) is memorably the foulest pharm I have snorted, like insufflating brickdust - not painful but wretching, sickmaking.
mdma crystal up the nose is pain. repeated rails is like being punched hard in the face.
What else can you blame, than the movies, for making people snort practically everything? 8)
Ham-milton said:
Where exactly was I endorsing the idea? I said it wasn't too painful, which is a far cry from endorsing it for the average moron out there.

There are people here who can handle it safely, and those who can't

Yeah, I would have directed more at this quote:

phatass said:
2C-b hurts like a bitch, but thats a chem thats meant to be snorted... i think the worst thing i snorted was a nitrazepam (mogadon) tablet or maybe a doxylamine tablet....

Since when are any RC's meant to be snorted? Sure, you cut the come-up but the same thing can be achieved with rectal administration. Personally, I found that snorting 2C-E made the experience more shallow. :\

What else can you blame, than the movies, for making people snort practically everything?

Agreed... we need to start a campaign about movie stars glamorizing snorting over better MOA's. =D
Amitriptilyne :eek: , I was stupid and drunk but still had an intense pain for over an hour and a bloody nose the day after :(
I can think of a few.

Zopiclone (Done snort this shit, it even hurts when you taste it, and no point snorting it)
Trazadone (Another one not really good to snort)

I cant think of any more off the top of my head, I am addicted to snorting shit, I dont know why, but I will snort any pill at least once. I KNOW that clonazepam doesn't isnt water soluable and doesn't absorb in my nose but I still snort two of my pills a day, then chase it with water. My nose is made of steal I guess, but gotta stop the routine. 2 mg of clonazepam wasted basically.

I got a question though, if I chase my clonazepam with water, like white a bit of water usually about 4 little puddles in my hand, will that send it down my throat? I cant really taste it but I usually gag if my stomach is sore or something. Am I still wasting alot?