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Most painful pharm to snort

DonkeyPunch said:
yeah flexeril is pretty bad lol, desperation, oh sweet desperation....

but IMO the worst is the ENDO oxy's, that gagging feeling you get when you blow them is like hell to me. god damn endo pharmecuticals, damn them to hell

that is the truth. I hate those oxy's, well, its a love/hate relationship. But yeah, i was all fucked up one time and a friend bet me I wouldn't snort a benadril, and I did, and hated my life for the 30 mins before i fell asleep. Also, all this talk about snorting Percs is madness. I snorted a poorly crushed up Vicoden one when I was fairly drunk and threw up immediately from the viscous gag reflex.
Cloaking Toaster said:
Wellbutrin bruised my nose for a week.
It helps to remove the coating on wellbutrins before snorting. It gives a speedy effect when you snort 75mg and up.

Most painful pill Ive snorted was serequel. Ive seen lotsa peolple snort wellbutrins though. They sell for $2-$5 a piece in california correctional institutions. Most painful thing Ive seen snorted was ground up instant coffee crystals.(junkies in jail get desperate)
oh, and I meant the Teva oxy's. God, if I'm forced to get 20mg Teva's I have to gag myself to get high. I've actually thrown up from snorting them multiple times.
Must say it would be seconal, not that I would be brave enough to try.

it's powered in a capsule, if you break open the capsule and simply put it in your mouth - it's f'n nasty and can be acidic enough to make your gums bleed.

perhaps brave isn't the correct word....
Ham-milton said:
Oh man, that's right- methadone can't compare to anything. Even Wellbutrin isn't that bad in comparison.

You ever suck on a methadone tablet? It even hurts in your mouth- and it doesn't go away once you wash your mouth out. It never leaves.

I dunno which is worse, wellbutrin or methadone. They're both horrid.

2CB wasn't too bad.

first time i tried methadone, i did a sublingual administration.... it left a chemical burn in my mouth or something... was on fire all night, long after the pill was gone.
andyman1109 said:
oh, and I meant the Teva oxy's. God, if I'm forced to get 20mg Teva's I have to gag myself to get high. I've actually thrown up from snorting them multiple times.

dude they are not bad at all.. ive snorted a couple tevas before i realized they were better to just eat them.. it sucks but it doesnt hurt,, its just clogs you
andyman1109 said:
oh, and I meant the Teva oxy's. God, if I'm forced to get 20mg Teva's I have to gag myself to get high. I've actually thrown up from snorting them multiple times.

that is why you swallow or plug them 8)

Wait, did someone mention Capsaicin being put in some pills to prevent snorting? Then i wouldn't plug them, that might be the worst thing you've ever felt so far=D
AntonioMontana said:
It helps to remove the coating on wellbutrins before snorting. It gives a speedy effect when you snort 75mg and up.

yeah, you are one cool and entertaining fella :)
Go ahead and snort you wellbutrin and get super high, and smoke some more Oxycodone for the comedown ;) Right on dude!
rave23 said:
yeah, you are one cool and entertaining fella :)
Go ahead and snort you wellbutrin and get super high, and smoke some more Oxycodone for the comedown ;) Right on dude!
Hahaha damn I just laughed out loud from that, which I rarely do. Wellbutrin is another stupid ass thing to snort, I've only done it once and the drip made me throw up.
I'm pretty good about not snorting retarded things that aren't meant to be insufflated. As far as pharms go, I've only ever tried to rail oxycodone, hydromorphone (both dilaudid and HMcontins), morphine (a waste, meant to be eaten/IVd), Xanax (retarded, but not unpleasant), Klonopin (same deal as Xanax), Zopiclone (yup, I'm stupid), and.. the worst of the worst.. Ritalin (only once, a 20mg dose... never again, worst burn I've ever experienced, and made me sick to my stomach.)

So yeah, Ritalin. No wonder I'm not a stimulant person (barring decent coke/freebase, which is more of a religious experience than a stimulant, hehehe.)
LightTrailz said:
Strange .. i found ritalin to be quite pleasant and it was the 20mg ones as well .

Weird... I found the burn and the taste to be positively nauseating! Of course, there is the possibility that it was a generic, not a brand-name Ritalin (I didn't get a look at the pill itself, it was crushed up by my gf at the time for me).. or perhaps the Canadian versions are less pleasant up the nostril. All I know is.. never fuckin' again, man. :)

I know it's not a low tolerance for nasal pain on my part, as I've railed about every pressed cap I've ever come across, including the fairly unpleasant (to say the least..) RC or meth filled ones. :/
Mine with the most painful being

1. The morphine with beads in it, avinza i think. My god like fucking hot daggers in ur nose. Actually brought tears to my eyes.

2. Methadone chalky and hurty

3. Benadryl burny, very burny
bupropion has to be the absolute worst.

Although the guy above me is dead on. Methadone is also one of the top painful drugs.
2C-b hurts like a bitch, but thats a chem thats meant to be snorted... i think the worst thing i snorted was a nitrazepam (mogadon) tablet or maybe a doxylamine tablet....
Huh, I didn't find 2C-B to that horrible. I mean, we're talking about 20mg of material.
Back in the day when I was stoopit, I snorted xanax and ritalin. The xanax hurt. The ritalin didn't.