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Miscellaneous Rants Part V

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Shoelace, I loved the Rap you did at Sounds.
The people sitting next to us even shut up for a minute for a listen.
They change the stupid rules. I practically have to buy a house b4 i can get one.
[hijack thread]
My grandparents have been separated for nearly 13 years and he’s been with **** since then, in fact he was cheating on my Nan with her which is what led to their divorce. Now putting aside all the issues that stem from the whole cheating thing. There are a number of things that led to the situation that we’re in today where we all refuse to see her or him if he insists on bringing her.
I’m not going to go into any personal attacks on her because she is not worth the time but suffice to say she’s not a nice person and it’s not only our family who refuse to see her.
I personally can’t see how anybody would let their significant other come before their children/grandchildren/family. When I was growing up I was always taught that family comes first. Now I don’t like one of my sisters, in fact sometimes I downright hate her but I’d have to think twice if she told me she wouldn’t be in my partners company.
It’s his loss, but it hurts something fierce doesn’t it :(
**** = substitute any word that means horrible human being
I think you a little off track there sydkiwi, need to buy a house to get a medicare card??.. more like combined income of the household yo uare living in..
Now about defacto's i know how it goes.. dad has remarried 3 time's since my mum, and well they have all been bitch's and try to call me son and all that other bullshit....
Just stick to your gun's, if your dad will listen to you great.. tell him exactly how you feel.. if otherwise... it's friggon hard.. especially when your dad tries to please you both, thats where the fun really begins :\
Originally posted by deeCee1:
NZ ;)

Nice one ay deeCee :)
I'd like to meet the person, or people, that they based the 'serving size' for all products on. They must have the smallest appetites known to man. I bought some of that Latina pasta stuff, which was apparently 2 GENEROUS serves, ate the whole thing myself. Granted that I have quite a large appetite, but I fail to see that it'd be generous for two people.
This seems to be a problem across all of these serving sizes, across all products.
Ah well, given time, I'll get over it.
Originally posted by elevhein:
I'd like to meet the person, or people, that they based the 'serving size' for all products on.
hahah. i can eat one of the pasta packs that suposedly serves 4.
but again, a stupid thing to be whinging about. imagine if someone from the third world saw this thread?!
(ok, i'll stay out of here from now on)
Jumping on the serving size band wagon, i was hiking in NZ and me being a lazy bastard allowed the people I was with to buy the food, they fucking followed the 'serving suggestions' so we didn't even have half enough food stuck on a track in the middle of NZ. Fuck! I know its cause i was lazy, luckily we was able to scam other peoples food. I hate them, they are never even close, cheap bastards!
I want to know which fucking moron they're talking to with their "serving suggestion" tag next to the picture on a packet of food. You buy a packet of pasta, and there's a picture on the front of some pasta in a bowl and the words "serving suggestion" on the front. Well thank fuck for that! I was all ready to tip it on the floor and eat it there. Lucky I saw that "serving suggestion", otherwise I'd be totally lost.
^^^^^^Heeheheheheheh.....the other day i walked past a store which had plastic fruit out the front and a sign sayng "DO NOT EAT!!'
Shoelace- ur story is very similar to mine, lil' bro. And right now I'm in the mood to rant about it-
I havent seen my Dad in over two years because he continues to live with a psychotic bitch who once, in a drunken rage, told me she hates me, that I am nothing but an inconvenience to my father, insulted my entire family (even the members she's never met) and then proceded to smash up the house.
I was living with my Dad in QLD at the time and moved back to Newcastle soon after. I havent been back there since and, even tho I regularly tell my Dad on the phone that I will come up there some time and visit him, I really don't want to go back there.
I cant pretend to like her. In fact, I cant even look at her.
I feel bad in a way, but then I think- fuck it! My Dad should know that he is alienating me by staying with her. Is he ever gonna go out of his way to come to Newcastle to see me?- No.
Yes school holidays is a time I get really shitty. Screaming babies (I kinda try to ignore that tho, cause the poor baby can't talk and really say what's wrong ;) ), toddlers throwing tantrums, 7-10 yr olds running around the streets and shopping centres almost knocking old ladies over and the worst one of all is at school holiday time you see teenagers hanging around the bus stops and shopping centres causing trouble by trying to scab smokes off people who are old enough to buy their own, and who fucking spend hard earned money to feed a habit. Oh yeah if you don't give them one sometimes they crack the shits at you and try to pick fights with you.
I know I'm not a parent, and maybe I shouldn't comment on this but I'm going to anyway. If you have a child please try to dicipline them. It's really fucking bad manners when a kid swears at you at the age of 4 (yes I've heard a 3 yr old call me a cunt, and I was only 10 at the time), then tries to pull your hair out and all the parent says is "pekkie smack the little bastard." It's like NO I don't want to hit your child, it's your job to disipline your kid not mine, also the way I see it is that if they call you a cunt at the age of 4, then either the parent give a shit about their own language and swears infront of their child (I'm not talking about mild swearing either), or some little shit that they're playing with at the local creche has a really bad vocabulary.
By the way I'm not picking on any parents that are on BL, because the parents I know have reasonably well behaved kids, that most of the time act like normal kids, but at the same time aren't naughty either.
I actually think I might start a new thread about this.
1. Ebay users who don't pay or don't sell the item after end of auction / you won. its not too hard to use the system properly! Make sure you want the item and CAN pay before bidding, and make sure you really WANT to sell the item before opening - pretty simple!
2. When you get out of the shower and discover that there are no towels, and that you'll have to use a 25x25cm wash cloth.
4. People who breed commonly bred animals with the intention of sale, there is not a demand for these pets, please stop creating supply.
[ 12 October 2002: Message edited by: CrazyAustralian ]
Punch,try this on for size..
Couple of years back,living in Glebe,My mum and dad had this "Kids stay at either parents house for week then swap over" rotation thing.
Friday night dad drives over to pick me and my siblings up.Mum tries to comunicate with dad about my sisters school needs.Dad just discards this with a quick "yeah,yeah",gets our bags and leaves the house with me and my sisters.
We get to the ront of the house to see dads wonderful dog..uh,girlfriend sitting on the car hood.
"Everything ok on the west side?" She says.
"Oh,just her!" says dad.
"I know,can we get a gun and shoot her?"
All this happening while dad puts our school bags in the boot.Looking forward to my week with dad allready! :(
The whole ride to dads consists of the bitch in the front bagging and cursing my mum.One of my sisters starts to cry to herself.The bitch cares not and continues to swear and whinge.
Its not long after this when I decide to tell het to shut the fuck up and never mention my mums name again.
Dads house,Im out the front pondering mean thoughts for an hour before dad comes out.
"Son,I'm proud of you"
"You are?"
"Yes,you stuck up for your mother and I'm really proud of you for doing that......But we both know you didnt mean any of that do you?"
God I hate it all!
I should write a book on this shit! Sooooo many stories to tell,so little time.
[ 13 October 2002: Message edited by: Shoelace ]
Shoelace, man, I think we need to start our own support group- 'Victims of Psychobitch Defacto's'.
OK, my pycho bitch story.
My Dads bitch of a girlfriend, let's call her, Bitchface, used to try to manipulate us by buying us stuff, that we never wanted, to make us do things her way. I was 17 at the time, and she was the biggest bitch.
Because it was so long ago, I happily forget most of the details, but the worst moment was when I was having an arguement with Bitchface, and she says to me, "I have been better to you than your mother ever has". I had to have two people holding me back to stop me takeing her head off.
Thankfully the rest of the madness is buried deep within my soul, one day to come out during Therapy.
/me hugz the 'Victims of Psychobitch Defacto's' kr3w
represent!! ..
Is there a coralation between these bitches and us being on BL??.. ;) :p
Hmmm... ;)
Well, sometimes I wish I could blame all my 'criminal' behaviour on my family problems, but I've actually got a problem with ppl who do take drugs for the wrong reasons..
eg. one time a friend of mine told me that she reckons she probably only takes drugs cos she's angry at her parents.
I actually lost respect for her when she told me that. I couldn't take that attitude myself. I'm not some 13y.o delinquent trying to scare my parents. And I don't wanna hang out with ppl who r just there to say a big "FUCK U" to the world. They're only gonna dick me around.
And when is our support group having its first meeting? I'm goin' crazy, here?!!
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