  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

Michael Vick: Dogfighting Master of the Universe

Well PETA has gotten involved. They're protesting outside the NFL office in NYC, planning to protest at the Falcon's training camp, and they may boycott his sponsors. What the hell, they can't wait until the trial is finished?
TheDrizzle said:
I have a good feeling he will be tried, convicted, and shunned. Sadly though this doesn't happen to those sports figureheads who commit manslaughter or the like. For some reason human life is not held as highly as animal life.

It depends on where the celebrity is tried. California is notoriously celeb-friendly when it comes to court. Where I live in Pennsylvania, O.J. would have fried with little jury debate.
Benefit said:
Exactly. Moral outrage is definitely a privilege reserved for rich white people.

Exactly . . . The people who CAN'T afford the high-priced attorneys to get them out of trouble. Sorry, you earned 8)
He may have grown up and witnessed these things happening... but simply having a 'victim' status doesn't give him a free ride.
If I was raped there is no way that it's less bad that I rape someone else.

It's just sick.

What's wrong is the fact that there is no natural order or ethical consideration toward the dogs. He didn't use them except for exploitation.

After considering all the options, if Vick is guilty...he should be dealt with in the style of Roman justice.

i.e. Vick should be placed in the center of a coliseum full of people, He will then have to battle a lion, a bear, and an alligator. Simultaneously.
alasdairm said:
you have no idea of the opinion of bowdenta (or anybody here for that matter) on the subject of bull-fighting so your point falls flat.

My post was not directed at bowdenta.

I may not know how anyone on this site feels about bullfighting, but I do know there isn't a Bullfighting thread with 30 replies calling for all bullfighters to be castrated for engaging in animal cruelty. And while that is purely anecdotal evidence, it can be extrapolated to encompass the larger issue: which is that the public outcry against Vick is totally out of proportion to his crimes.

Much of my previous posts was hyperbolic nonsense, but I do feel the people calling for him to be "dealt with in the style of roman justice" or "shot in the back of the head" are the kind of people who allow themselves to be consumed by reactionary media hype and I despise groupthink. Certainly, dogfighting is brutal, ugly and inhumane... but it is not any more inhumane than bullfighting or the living conditions of chickens who are destined for a KFC bucket. Yet, there is no thread and very few mainstream news articles lambasting these practices. When PETA mounts a campaign to bring attention to them, most people consider it annoying bleeding heart liberal rhetoric.

But Vick is a celebrity, a public figure, and as such he is a lightning rod for negative attention. Of course, the door swings both ways here, but it just irks me when people appear to lose perspective amid a media frenzy and suddenly an issue (in this case the unethical treatment of animals) which had previously received very little attention becomes a hot button issue for 3 weeks and then melts away into oblivion. When this blows over, the issue will be forgotten and everyone who was up in arms today will have a new moral dilemma to fawn over. And just to preempt you Alisdair, I don't know this to be true for every person on this site, but I do know there is an overwhelming amount of data that can support this claim with regard to the general populace.

The main thrust of my original post, therefore, is not supporting what Michael Vick did; it's condemning the public overreaction as I see it.
SonOF said:
Throw "decently?" His accuracy has been questioned, but he has one of the strongest arms in NFL history. Other than John Elway, I can't think of a QB who looks as effortless as Vick when throwing a deep ball.

I think he may be the one of the top few greatest physical specimens in the history of the league. And yes I know that physical skills don't always equal performance...just throwing that out there.


Being able to throw the ball all the way down field doesn't mean shit when you can't put it where you want it. And don't compare him to Elway, Elway was a great QB, hall of fame material, Vick is a fad.

"Greatest physical specimen"? Please....He really only has one thing going for him now -- he's fast as hell. He can't really throw worth a damn, and his ability to dance around and avoid people has gotten worse and worse each year. I should know, I've had to watch his overrated ass in each and every game he's been in.

I'll admit, that year we went to the playoffs, he was spectacular to watch. That's the year everyone fell in love with him. His performance has gone downhill ever since.

He does not need to be a QB. He's not a leader at all, which is what the QB needs to be. And he has no class. Flicking off the fans on national TV when they disapprove of something stupid you did is definitely not the way you should act when the fans are responsible for the 10yr $140million contract you have (or something like that, I don't really feel like looking up the exact amount atm lol).
Benefit said:
And just to preempt you Alisdair, I don't know this to be true for every person on this site, but I do know there is an overwhelming amount of data that can support this claim with regard to the general populace.

The main thrust of my original post, therefore, is not supporting what Michael Vick did; it's condemning the public overreaction as I see it.

That's because the general populace is full of sheep that use their TVs and local newspapers (and most don't read those) as the only source of information and guidance in their lives. Control the media and you can control the world IMO.

Thankfully, there still are a few people out there that retain the ability to read and can research topics and think for themselves.
SonOF said:
Jayson Williams former NBA player. He was semi-retired anyhow, but people really didn't make that big deal about the fact that he blasted his limo-driver in the chest with a shotgun.
as fas as i can tell, he was not convicted of any charge related to that matter.

aanallein said:
Raising animals to eat them is entirely different than having them kill each other for your own enjoyment and then bashing them to death.

Guy should never play football again. He should also face criminal charges (and be tried like anybody else, not a celebrity).
I agree entirely.
benefit you think people are overreacting to this, or underreacting to cockfighting, bullfighting, etc?
I posted this in the other animal cruelty thread. wasn't this news 2-3 months ago? for a sports junkie looking for his fix in these summer months I suppose anything will do, but you all are pretty late on this thread.
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I heard about it like two months ago too but i think the reason that it is just hitting the site is because he was just indicted by a grand jury which had not happened before.
^exactly. at first it was he may be implicated in the dog fighting ring. then the way the animals were disposed of came out. now they even have witnesses. alot has happened since the first outbreak of the news. i see where axl is coming from to a point but i don't want this to get closed just because ppl are tired of hearing it. i think this is a huge part of sports and should definately stay open.
it's staying open, man. if I wanted to close it I already would have, don't worry. you should know by now how I mod my forums (hopefully not Nazi-like ;))
Zagenth said:

Being able to throw the ball all the way down field doesn't mean shit when you can't put it where you want it. And don't compare him to Elway, Elway was a great QB, hall of fame material, Vick is a fad.

"Greatest physical specimen"? Please....He really only has one thing going for him now -- he's fast as hell. He can't really throw worth a damn, and his ability to dance around and avoid people has gotten worse and worse each year. I should know, I've had to watch his overrated ass in each and every game he's been in.

I said that he isn't very accurate with his throws. But just looking at PURE PHYSICAL, ATHLETIC ABILITY (Arm strength, speed, quickness), Vick is probably the most gifted QB in history. Obviously I am not saying that this physical ability necessarily equates to success on the field.

However, the Falcons have refused to pick up a legit receiver for MV to work with, so he has to try to force throws to Crumpler or make the play himself with his feet. Vick will never reach his potential in Atlanta if they do not surround him with some other talent. You think Vick likes running for his life every play because his mediocre receivers can't beat the db's covering them? And then if they do get open, they drop his passes.

Oh this thread was about dog-fighting? Yeah, I don't support that shit. ;)
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Axl Blaze said:
I posted this in the other animal cruelty thread. wasn't this news 2-3 months ago? for a sports junkie looking for his fix in these summer months I suppose anything will do, but you all are pretty late on this thread.

he was just indicted this past week bud... the initial story in may was when the feds found all the maltreated dogs on his property when they were trying to find dope.
I know he just got indicted in our country's most honorable court of law, but are you sure the initial case was "maltreated" dogs? because I remember very specifically the day the news broke and I was listening to AM sports radio (like always) and they didn't mention maltreated dogs, but more specifically dog fighting. this of course, like it is now, sparked an uproar of debate about the relevancy of dog fighting, Michael Vick's past troubles, Michael Vicks past shortcomings and forthcomings (he has been through both), and the rules of the NFL's behavior policies.
Axl Blaze said:
I know he just got indicted in our country's most honorable court of law, but are you sure the initial case was "maltreated" dogs? because I remember very specifically the day the news broke and I was listening to AM sports radio (like always) and they didn't mention maltreated dogs, but more specifically dog fighting. this of course, like it is now, sparked an uproar of debate about the relevancy of dog fighting, Michael Vick's past troubles, Michael Vicks past shortcomings and forthcomings (he has been through both), and the rules of the NFL's behavior policies.

Jim... I would totally kick your ass in a game of flag football.
Axl Blaze said:
I know he just got indicted in our country's most honorable court of law, but are you sure the initial case was "maltreated" dogs? because I remember very specifically the day the news broke and I was listening to AM sports radio (like always) and they didn't mention maltreated dogs, but more specifically dog fighting. this of course, like it is now, sparked an uproar of debate about the relevancy of dog fighting, Michael Vick's past troubles, Michael Vicks past shortcomings and forthcomings (he has been through both), and the rules of the NFL's behavior policies.

well, if i recall correctly, the story in may was a raid @ the home in va that vick owned but didnt inhabit. the cops were investigating a something involving drugs, and when they raided they found something like 60 dogs (some of which were maltreated) and loads of evidence of dog fighting. at that time it was assumed (at least on my part) that vick was involved, but the hammar didnt get dropped until very recently.

im probably rambling... solly