  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

Michael Vick: Dogfighting Master of the Universe

AmorRoark said:
I'm guessing once the trial goes underway one of his counterparts will rat to get less jail time and Vick will be behind bars. It's what he deserves IMO.

I don't really think anyone is going to snitch on Mike Vick, at least not on the stand. Whatever their supposed sentence may be, I'm sure Vick could some how compensate them for their loyalty.
Curious Quetzal said:
If Vick is behind all this he deserves to be exiled to Siberia.

A while ago there was a New York Times article(with video) about dog fighting in Siberia. It's apparently common there, so I'm sure he'd fit right in.
how is electrocuting dogs in inhumane? dont we still do this to humans?

except for the last 5 minutes of the dogs life, i think the conditions they live in are pretty similar to that in the fur industry - but the fur industry doesn't allow dogs to be "cultivated"...why? well basically, dogs are mans best friend

what sets dogs apart from other animals? look in their eyes, there is a higher level of intelligence than there appears to be in lets say a chinchilla. also most people have a stronger affinity for them than other animals. they co-evolved with humans and I guess we still think of them as being a part of us

side note: its pretty hard to call him a psycho when he was probably exposed to it a lot as a child. riding around some of the streets here you can see rediculously thick foliage in urban street areas. they are used as places for bums to sleep/smoke crack and stage dogfights. I even recognized one of these areas on CNN. dogfighting is rampant, and almost unavoidable if you live in the poorest parts of certain urban centers
regardless if it is common in poor areas and if he was subjected to it as a child what he did still was wrong.
It's baffling to me that people do not find his actions troubling and disturbing. From what I've heard and read, there's plenty enough evidence to bound him over for trial. He has a preliminary hearing the end of this month, and I have no doubt that the judge will find sufficient evidence to bring him to trial. These are felonies he is charged with. What's the big deal? Jesus christ people, the breeding and raising these dogs just for fighting, then disposing of the losers they way it was done is absurdly disturbing.

As far as his "talent"? BAH. He's a running back that just happens to be able to throw decently. I've been wanting him off my team for years. He is way, way, WAY overhyped. Blank should shoot himself in the foot for giving that moron a contract of that size. If Vick plays at all this year, I will be extremely surprised, and very disappointed. If he were a third-string player, this wouldn't even be an issue, but since he's a starter, we're giving him special treatment? Fuck that. Face the consequences of your actions just like everybody else on the street.

bowdenta said:
I even recognized one of these areas on CNN. dogfighting is rampant, and almost unavoidable if you live in the poorest parts of certain urban centers

Exactly. Moral outrage is definitely a privilege reserved for rich white people.

And strictly speaking, cultivating cows to murder and eat them is not in any way necessary for human survival. Many people believe it is unbearably cruel, and in their eyes, you are no better than Michael Vick.

People are only reacting so strongly because it involves cruelty to dogs. People are such suckers. In your vapid worldview you only really care about the fate of aesthetically pleasing animals. If Michael Vick had a rat sodomizing farm, no one would care. Cockfighting would never elicit such an emotional public response. And where is all your indignation when it comes to bullfighting? Give me a break.
bowtenda said:
(from other Vick thread)
considering we live in america, and he is a megastar worth more playing than sitting on the bench, I dont understand why everyone is calling for him to be suspended before he is convicted.

i mean haven't we learned anything from the duke lacross case?

this is exactly like kobe bryant!!!! - (that last statement is purely for joy of hearing lovelife respond)

At least Kobe had the decency to let his "victim" enjoy his cock.
Benefit said:
Moral outrage is definitely a privilege reserved for rich white people.

Hear that upper middle class and lower people? You aren't allowed to have morals or find some things morally repugnant.

Benefit said:
People are only reacting so strongly because it involves cruelty to dogs. People are such suckers. In your vapid worldview you only really care about the fate of aesthetically pleasing animals. If Michael Vick had a rat sodomizing farm, no one would care. Cockfighting would never elicit such an emotional public response. And where is all your indignation when it comes to bullfighting? Give me a break.

This is just ridiculous. I don't give a fuck to the fact that it's with dogs. Anyone that specifically breeds and raises any animal for no other purpose than destroying themselves for the amusement of low-lifes deserves exactly the same ridicule.
Benefit said:
People are only reacting so strongly because it involves cruelty to dogs. People are such suckers. In your vapid worldview you only really care about the fate of aesthetically pleasing animals. If Michael Vick had a rat sodomizing farm, no one would care. Cockfighting would never elicit such an emotional public response. And where is all your indignation when it comes to bullfighting? Give me a break.

I don't see how that matters. People care about certain things, like things that they are closer to, more than others. It's human nature. Are you implying that their feelings don't matter because they wouldn't care about rats getting sodomized?
i normally really enjoy your posts but you're really stretching here and i'm not sure why.
Benefit said:
In your vapid worldview you only really care about the fate of aesthetically pleasing animals.
that's an assumption on your part with nothing (in this thread certainly) to back it up.
Benefit said:
If Michael Vick had a rat sodomizing farm, no one would care.
you have no idea whether that's the case or not so chalking this up as a point in your favour is weak at best.
Benefit said:
And where is all your indignation when it comes to bullfighting? Give me a break.
you have no idea of the opinion of bowdenta (or anybody here for that matter) on the subject of bull-fighting so your point falls flat.

sure, there are things which are more troubling than dog-fighting and things less so. all that does is place this in a relative context (which is obviously different for everybody).

there's little disagreement that dog fighting is an inhumane, cruel practice - and for the loser generally fatal - which has no value whatsoever beyond 'entertainment'. further, there's a public safety issue arising from training dogs to fight.

i hope, if guilty, they throw the book at him.

^so true. I for one find all forms of organized animal fighting to be incredibly cruel.
bowdenta said:
how is electrocuting dogs in inhumane? dont we still do this to humans?

they are both inhumane.

except for the last 5 minutes of the dogs life, i think the conditions they live in are pretty similar to that in the fur industry - but the fur industry doesn't allow dogs to be "cultivated"...why? well basically, dogs are mans best friend

again, they are both inhumane

i recognize and accept the societal factors that produce criminals, but that in no way excuses or lessens the damage of their actions
Yeah that's pretty disturbing. I could never imagine doing something like that to an animal.. People think they're cool or tough when they beat up on animals, when talking about kicking little dogs and what not (I myself hate little yappy useless dogs, but could never hurt one just because).

But of course, he wont be tried like any other person because he's a celebrity and an "icon" to some people (I really don't like sports at all, not because I'm overweight or nonathletic or anything, I just don't understand why there's so much hype about watching people run around), but I think he should be shot in the back of the head.

But of course, I'm just a middle-class full time working nobody american drug user so who cares what I think?
I have a good feeling he will be tried, convicted, and shunned. Sadly though this doesn't happen to those sports figureheads who commit manslaughter or the like. For some reason human life is not held as highly as animal life.
TheDrizzle said:
I have a good feeling he will be tried, convicted, and shunned. Sadly though this doesn't happen to those sports figureheads who commit manslaughter or the like. For some reason human life is not held as highly as animal life.

Simply enough animals don't have the mental capability to be sick, evil or disgusting. Yeah, some dogs are mean as are most animals but that's how they've grown up. Just like people.. Pit bulls for instance can be some of the nicest dogs you've ever met while the majority are raised to fight, be tough, protect, etc.. It's all instinct, you can't blame it on the animal.

While on the other hand, people make their own decisions. How someone could look into a dogs eyes and want to see it be torn apart and hurt and die is just so far fetched and disturbing that I think the planet would be better if that person just killed himself.

Sometimes when I'm rolling and look at my dog I feel that they're more down to earth than humans are. Seems like they have everything figured out and try to live life the best they can while we're still struggling to find out why we're here, who we are and what we're doing while being unhappy.

Looking at my dog now I could seriously have no remorse for anyone condoning that type of thing. Got her as a puppy from the pound just left for dead.. I dont know what I'd do without her, and she doesn't even know it...
TheDrizzle said:
I have a good feeling he will be tried, convicted, and shunned. Sadly though this doesn't happen to those sports figureheads who commit manslaughter or the like. For some reason human life is not held as highly as animal life.
care to give a few examples of sports figureheads who've been found guilty of killing and were not shunned?

St. Louis Rams: Leonard Little. He killed a woman drunk driving. Thats really the only thing I can think of at the moment. I am from St. Louis and believe me he was not shunned at all here from anyone. As a matter of fact he has been here ever since.

The statement I made was probably off base now that I look at it but w/e.
Even though the NY Jets are my team, I was always a huge Vick fan. MV is an amazing, unique talent to watch, and I always felt like if he had a decent group of receivers, people would realize what a great QB he really is. I would say he is easily my favorite non-Jet to watch.

However, being a huge animal lover, if the charges against him are true, I will lose ALL respect for the man. There is no excuse for such behavior. Besides violence toward women or children, I can't think of too many actions that are as reprehensible as dog fighting.

I really hope somehow these allegations aren't true, but I don't think that will be the case. :(
alasdairm said:
care to give a few examples of sports figureheads who've been found guilty of killing and were not shunned?


Jayson Williams former NBA player. He was semi-retired anyhow, but people really didn't make that big deal about the fact that he blasted his limo-driver in the chest with a shotgun.
Zagenth said:
As far as his "talent"? BAH. He's a running back that just happens to be able to throw decently. !

Throw "decently?" His accuracy has been questioned, but he has one of the strongest arms in NFL history. Other than John Elway, I can't think of a QB who looks as effortless as Vick when throwing a deep ball.

I think he may be the one of the top few greatest physical specimens in the history of the league. And yes I know that physical skills don't always equal performance...just throwing that out there.
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