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Methamphetamine Discussion Thread

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I've tested positive to police drug swab for meth 22 hours after last dose. It was substantial.

Point is: allow at least a day.

A friend got a positive 48 hours after last shot.

, Massive Attack's Mezzanine and Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from mars are all pretty good albums in general - especially late at night.

Yeah those albums are great.

I listen to a huge range of stuff on gear. The one thing I'm not big on these days is hard dance music, and that screamo metal...never much cared for the screamo metal.
A friend got a positive 48 hours after last shot.

Yeah those albums are great.

I listen to a huge range of stuff on gear. The one thing I'm not big on these days is hard dance music, and that screamo metal...never much cared for the screamo metal.

Yeah, Crystal Castles is only one of the few purely electronic dance musicians I can listen to. I got tired of that "doof doof doof" shit when I was a teenager. I really like Neil Young too, and other classics just Jefferson Airplane, but they're usually relaxing.
bosman.. I had an experience like that at the end of a bender :/ I'm convinced I almost died after totalling my gf's car in a head on collision, I remember trying to escape and crawling through the smashed car window then collapsing on the footpath! next thing I woke up in hospital surrounded by nurses, didn't know WTF was going on, very frightening!! no license for 3 years and shitload of court appearances and fines etc.. fucking annoying but deserved them I spose
woah thats full on . . this forum is a great read to hear about peoples experiences. I've never had a bad driving experience apart from the fact it scares me too much . . so I have no intention to ever drive again whilst positive
Yeah, Crystal Castles is only one of the few purely electronic dance musicians I can listen to. I got tired of that "doof doof doof" shit when I was a teenager. I really like Neil Young too, and other classics just Jefferson Airplane, but they're usually relaxing.

Crystal Castles? A musician?? surly just a spelling error, but getting sick of doof and retiring to Neil Young? Do you mind if I ask your age.. Just out of intresty..BTW I am not trying to be funny or a smartarse..honestly intrested in your age....
Worst possible experience happened today, that I thought would never happen.

Just got hold of some really HQ stuff and had too much..probably the strongest D-meth iv ever had. I jumped in car to go to work and my heart proceeded to shutdown, confused as hell, had massive pain down my left arm and started spewing up, think I blacked out but cant really remember. Pulled over a car and called a ambulance, didn't really know what was going on, by time it got there I had started to feel bit better. There was one point my heart was, beat and then nothing for 5 seconds and then another two beats then nothing for even longer... which made things 10 times worse. All kicked in by a ciggarette, I actually thought this was the end of me. Im Healthy and fit, with no pre existing problems and look after myself most of the time. Got out of hospital 7 hours later, after been treated like shit all day because I was so high and Im still so fucking wired..pupils are almost all black to the edge. WARNING for anyone who likes to push the boundaries... this has scared the absolute shit out of me and will not be doing meth in the foreseeable future.. was pretty lucky to not have had a full heart attack
What made it worse was the hospital treating me like scum, even though I work hard for 40 hours a week and have so for my entire working life. As soon as they heard meth, It starts.. "Why were you driving" "Its the most addictive substance, dont you know how dangerous it is"... well obviously not :/ Its a bit late to worry about how addictive it is once you've already started.
Anyways best be careful, Meth/RC fuck knows it was powerful shit though, almost too powerful.

...Is it just me or wtf is he/she on about?? "Just got hold of some really HQ stuff and had too much..probably the strongest D-meth iv ever had. I jumped in car...." enough said then to quote "Meth/RC fuck knows it was powerful shit though, almost too powerful."

Firstly and lastly...you had no idea what you injested...and then jumped in a car...? Big difference between HQ D-Meth n R/C's and you pushed yourself to the limit again not knowing what you'd injested.... Not sure if it's your Greenlighter status or your age (which I dont know) but can you make any worse decisions? If you dont know what your doing, just dont fukin' do it dude... You told the hospital meth... No wonder they treated you like shit... and fuck... no its not to late to worry about addiction once you've already started... Im going to go out on a limb here and say your young and have no clue.

Bluelight is an excellant resource and tool to use to learn about the exact shit you know nothing about.... Read this thread...and many many more regarding drug use before you start to use or continue to use anything... I cant believe what I just read....(Someone please let me know if im being to harsh, as I've commented on similar posts, but certainly dont wanna come across as a bully know it all...cause I aint no bully and no one knows it all..
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...Is it just me or wtf is he/she on about?? "Just got hold of some really HQ stuff and had too much..probably the strongest D-meth iv ever had. I jumped in car...." enough said then to quote "Meth/RC fuck knows it was powerful shit though, almost too powerful."

Firstly and lastly...you had no idea what you injested...and then jumped in a car...? Big difference between HQ D-Meth n R/C's and you pushed yourself to the limit again not knowing what you'd injested.... Not sure if it's your Greenlighter status or your age (which I dont know) but can you make any worse decisions? If you dont know what your doing, just dont fukin' do it dude... You told the hospital meth... No wonder they treated you like shit... and fuck... no its not to late to worry about addiction once you've already started... Im going to go out on a limb here and say your young and have no clue.

Bluelight is an excellant resource and tool to use to learn about the exact shit you know nothing about.... Read this thread...and many many more regarding drug use before you start to use or continue to use anything... I cant believe what I just read....(Someone please let me know if im being to harsh, as I've commented on similar posts, but certainly dont wanna come across as a bully know it all...cause I aint no bully and no one knows it all..

Yeah so what if I did, as I said im not proud of it. I become a completely selfish person on meth and make terrible decisions, which is why I need to stop. I go to N/A weekly, Im doing a PTO along with outpatient 12 step program and waiting to get onto a rehab farm. Iv been to rehab a couple of times when I wasn't ready to quit, so I didn't make much progress.

Before you assume that I have nothing to offer in this thread, I have alot of valuable information about what it will do to you and how it has effected my life, Iv been in and out of mental health wards, lost dozens of jobs, had a house repossessed by the bank, been on high waged job with a fiance to stealing food from the supermarket sleeping alone homeless. I fell off and never have managed to get back to my original self, even though I get close I have a habit of self-destruction.
I have no idea what RCs like 4-fma do, nor do I care for trying them. For all I know it could of been as I have no experience with it.

Explain to me why I shouldn't tell the hospital I used meth? The fact that being around meth most of my life I don't hide it anymore, I wasn't even angry about meth, it was because they were cracking jokes about my previous admission to the mental health ward in that hospital. Greenlight status doesn't mean fuck all? is this a hierarchy of the first person to join knows the most, I feel sorry for you if that's hows you view things.
As for knowing about meth, I probably know about as much as every other person on here, most meth Iv used was D-meth made from PSE like most of the meth in my area and this was either cut with something else to create this effect, or of really high quality and I over did it.
By the way I didn't drive right after having meth, I don't think I have ever done that. This was 4-5 hours later but my bad I didn't explain things very well because I was high
You need to relax mate its a forum and your ego is worthless here.
last time i had 150mg or a point and a half. I started cough, cough, coughing half way through pushing it in and though should i keep pushing, but i was alright. Do you all cough as you push it in or just after?
150mg is a fair bit. At what speed do you push off? Once I register my shot is usually in in less than 2 seconds. The cough will usually come a second or 2 after I pull out the needle. I'd be a bit worried I'd fuck up my shot if I started coughing midway through the shot....mind you I'd also know it was about to blow my head off :-D
last time i had 150mg or a point and a half. I started cough, cough, coughing half way through pushing it in and though should i keep pushing, but i was alright. Do you all cough as you push it in or just after?

Maybe I'm doing it wrong? I don't usually cough at all? I'll think about it next time and let ya know :)
I used to cough only after big shots like 150-200mg its normal.
I'd be worried about going through the vein if I coughed mid shot.
Haven't had one for a long while tho.
Yeah so what if I did, as I said im not proud of it. I become a completely selfish person on meth and make terrible decisions, which is why I need to stop. I go to N/A weekly, Im doing a PTO along with outpatient 12 step program and waiting to get onto a rehab farm. Iv been to rehab a couple of times when I wasn't ready to quit, so I didn't make much progress.

Before you assume that I have nothing to offer in this thread, I have alot of valuable information about what it will do to you and how it has effected my life, Iv been in and out of mental health wards, lost dozens of jobs, had a house repossessed by the bank, been on high waged job with a fiance to stealing food from the supermarket sleeping alone homeless. I fell off and never have managed to get back to my original self, even though I get close I have a habit of self-destruction.
I have no idea what RCs like 4-fma do, nor do I care for trying them. For all I know it could of been as I have no experience with it.

Explain to me why I shouldn't tell the hospital I used meth? The fact that being around meth most of my life I don't hide it anymore, I wasn't even angry about meth, it was because they were cracking jokes about my previous admission to the mental health ward in that hospital. Greenlight status doesn't mean fuck all? is this a hierarchy of the first person to join knows the most, I feel sorry for you if that's hows you view things.
As for knowing about meth, I probably know about as much as every other person on here, most meth Iv used was D-meth made from PSE like most of the meth in my area and this was either cut with something else to create this effect, or of really high quality and I over did it.
By the way I didn't drive right after having meth, I don't think I have ever done that. This was 4-5 hours later but my bad I didn't explain things very well because I was high
You need to relax mate its a forum and your ego is worthless here.

My point being is you had no idea what you injested, and if i though there was I heirachy on here I would be way down towards the bottom. Also , yeah you should have told the hospital meth or R/c, they would have treated me like shit too if thats what I told them, it may have come across the wrong way but yeah you were right to tell them..Also well done on your N/A meetings... Keep them up
Yeah so what if I did, as I said im not proud of it. I become a completely selfish person on meth and make terrible decisions, which is why I need to stop. I go to N/A weekly, Im doing a PTO along with outpatient 12 step program and waiting to get onto a rehab farm. Iv been to rehab a couple of times when I wasn't ready to quit, so I didn't make much progress.

Yeah good luck dude, must be fucking hard, hope you can kick it.
I had a point friday after work, stayed up and another one for brekkie saturday morning. If make myself have a sleep before sunday do you reckon I will get the euphoria when I have another go? The one I had saturday morning got me out of becoming scattered but it had no come on effects whatsoever.
At what speed do you push off? Once I register my shot is usually in in less than 2 seconds. The cough will usually come a second or 2 after I pull out the needle. I'd be a bit worried I'd fuck up my shot if I started coughing midway through the shot....mind you I'd also know it was about to blow my head off :-D
yeah i am a bit slow sometimes and my technique of injecting with thumb and pointer finger sees the needle sneak backwards sometimes so i have to re-register.

Maybe I'm doing it wrong? I don't usually cough at all? I'll think about it next time and let ya know.

Yep after
lol 8o
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If by cough you guys refer to even gagging to the point whereu throw up( which is standard for myself when injecting meth at any dose) but I find 2 points is probably going to make the average person get that taste in there throat and cough it up. That's part of the best bit tbh, cus you know your starting to fly at that moment.
I washed some dope last night in dry acetone and got back what i started with so its either pure-as or the cut is insoluble in acetone..
Meth addicted couple issue #34 - the etiquette involving 'raping of the stem' when supplies run out. After you've both been smoking lots of gear (at least a gram) out of the same pipe on the weekend, is it kosher for one party to melt it all down for themselves while the other is asleep/in the shower/busy doing something else? You snooze you lose... Open slather? Or selfish drug fiend behaviour? Hmmm. Thoughts?
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