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Methamphetamine Discussion Thread

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The point isn't how far you made it in the car, the point is you made a decision to drive directly after ingesting the drug. This is not the way people should act if they are at all interested in helping the cause to cease the demonizing of drugs and drug users. If you skulled a bottle of spirits and jumped into the car with the intention of driving, however only made it a few meters before you began throwing up all over the place, would you still be defending your actions? What if you crashed your car and killed a child, a parent, a drug user or a person who is all three? Would you then be defending your actions? Where do you draw the line?
Looks like hes an hero abd ignoranus.

Go drink a fifth of vodka and jump on the emoty freeway. Help us speed up natural selection...

Youre not goung to get one iota of sympathy from anyone in here, bosman.
Catch him a fucking break. I find it hard to believe you haven't driven intoxicated before, and it sounds to me like Bosman learned his lesson. We all learn one way or another; bosman was just late in regards to this.
Youre not goung to get one iota of sympathy from anyone in here, bosman.
speak for yourself tentram. thanks for sharing that with us bosman. a friends heart got out of rhythm once from way to much caffeine and they had to hit him with the paddles. what did the hospital say the heart stopping thing was?
Catch him a fucking break. I find it hard to believe you haven't driven intoxicated before, and it sounds to me like Bosman learned his lesson. We all learn one way or another; bosman was just late in regards to this.

I didn't read any kind of acknowledgement of wrongdoing or regret at all, except for the fact that some people at a hospital were trying to warn him of the dangers of doing what he was doing, and construed that as a personal attack.
I didn't read any kind of acknowledgement of wrongdoing or regret at all, except for the fact that some people at a hospital were trying to warn him of the dangers of doing what he was doing, and construed that as a personal attack.

Yeah, I agree with you there. Don't fucking disrespect Ambos or nurses.

But telling the man to go fuck himself isn't going to help him get his head screwed on.
Hmmm Smack and meth goes together a lot better than I would have thought! I always had the smack when coming down or at least the tail and of the meth high but I had a .1g shot of H a few hours ago that absolutely hammered me(My tolerance has gone down so much in the 2 months that I quit h/bupe its amazing! I was doing at least 1/2g shots and barely feeling it not long ago) then had a 1/2g shot of meth(yes bigger than my usual shots) which was about 5 hours after the H and fuck its feels good. I feel not one bit anxious when anxiety is almost a given to some degree nearly every time I use meth, sometimes to the point of nearly losing the plot. I feel horny as fuck, euphoric, my hearts not pounding too hard and I generally just feel GOOD! Only downsides are that im still grinding my teeth which is something I recently found out has somewhat flattened a few of my teeth and I have never used speed a whole lot. And I still have the itchies from the H, last time I used H I had a few bad scratches down my face which didnt look to good, my mum reckons im slightly allergic so opiates, than fuck its only slightly. Apart from that I feel fucking amazing.

The quality around here is certainly fluctuating a lot, I had 3 points the other day and wasnt very im pressed but this 5'er was definitely better. I have a feeling its racemic stuff though because its big white coke looking rocks but not smokable, still very pure though my sure. I highly doubt it but it even feels like maybe amphetamine and not meth, its much more mellow, less jittery and almost total euphoria(I find dexamp to be like this) but id say its just coz of the underlying heroin.

On the negative side ive broken sobriety that I maintained for 8 days then 6 weeks prior to that binge but I will keep trying. I just needed to use today and im in a good headspace which is obviously when I have a good time on drugs so I had to use it. Im sure ill spend the next few weeks hating the shit until this happens again and I use. Plus there is no fucking way im getting dopesick for another week!!!

Have fun bluelighters! But also stay safe, I wont go into it but ive been on here for years and always too it so carefully but I came pretty close to dying in hospital last week from drugs use, doesnt matter what drug really ill just say be careful with anything you put in your body. I see way to many of us bl'ers become complacent about things :/

P.S Bosman I feel ya, im a health proffessional but when I OD'd the other week I was definitely treated like a juny when all I was was nice to them, I treated them all respecfully but didnt receive any of that in return. Was given dinner 2 hours after everyone else, she fucking stabbed me when taking blood and everyone was just totally rude. I just nearly died for fucks sake, im not asking them to treat me like the queen of england but a little dignity would have been nice :/ Dont agree with the driving fullstop tho that was very silly, glad to hear you didnt get far, I thin getting behind the wheel after a bong or two is a bad idea I think.

Sorry that was so long
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Looking for sympathy ...HA yeah that's why im here ,I didn't realize trying to warn others about OD'in on meth from smoking which is "impossible" from what I hear, was a topic of judgement, I respect everyone I meet and tell the truth about what is going on so they can tell the best way forward(where are you getting this shit from that im abusing staff and wreck less behind the wheel).. I shouldn't be pushed away because I told the truth that im on drugs and made to feel like I don't deserve to be in ER. Been addicted to meth fucking sucks but It will happen to anyone who uses it, if you use your already addicted you just haven't realized that it will be back for you someday and hopefully you dont go back, its a major burden on my life but I still do it and I don't know why...hell I did it after I got out of the hospital and only a FOOL would do that, I will use then quit and despise the drug, only to start again, even though I really believed I was off it for good, this experience was a close call, I hope it will stop me using all together but who knows. Situations like this just somehow get turned from negative to, not too bad to, who cares and then next thing you know your back doing meth again. Driving a car high doesn't really come to mind when your high all the time, telling me not to do it isn't going to stop me, especially your attitude that your somewhat superior to me because you don't drive on under the influence or wont admit to it. Sure I drive high ALOT of the time, I did my driving test high, its a shit thing to do and could possibly ruin mine or another persons/families life, its fall in with the same category as tail gating, texting, speeding, talking on your phone, rules just do not matter at present, if I have to drive to work ..Im driving, I don't know about you but I am selfishly hooked on this drug, hence I come on here... I don't really follow any thought about law and order, meth does the majority of my thinking for me. Im not proud, but Im honest, progressively I just stopped caring about shit that got in the way of doing more meth. The one who is ignorant is someone who thinks you are any better of a person and wouldn't make bad decisions if they had a drug problem. Meth creates it own mind to pass rational thought and logic if it involves a way to get more, You either haven't reached the bottom and kept digging or you just think you know what meth is because you have tried a few times without problems and now you have the right to pass judgement.
^ Hard to read, can you please drop a few enters/returns after some of the full stops? It would make it much easier to read. Thanks.

Yeah i bet meth can really take a hold and cloud some peoples judgement, thanks for sharing your story, it's a reminder to people it's a very powerful and addictive drug and to be careful and try and not ever drive.

There's probably a rough time frame in hours that you can drive again after having meth, anyone know it? So that you would be safe to drive and you would probably pass a drug driving test?
^ Hard to read, can you please drop a few enters/returns after some of the full stops? It would make it much easier to read. Thanks.

Yeah i bet meth can really take a hold and cloud some peoples judgement, thanks for sharing your story, it's a reminder to people it's a very powerful and addictive drug and to be careful and try and not ever drive.

There's probably a rough time frame in hours that you can drive again after having meth, anyone know it? So that you would be safe to drive and you would probably pass a drug driving test?

I've tested positive to police drug swab for meth 22 hours after last dose. It was substantial.

Point is: allow at least a day.
Does a swab detect the normal 3-4 day period when meth should still be in your bloodstream or is that just the blood tests? Ive had drugs come out of my system quicker than they should, not sure if maybe they fucked up but im guessing they somehow make mistakes too. I think you may be able to challenge the tests whether that be in court or wherever they swab you.

Man meth is so psychologically addictive! I always thought I was a heroin/benzo addict through and through but meth has been on my mind so much lately and H/benzos havent to the extent meth has. In rehab I was dreaming about it! I had physical symptoms of H WD and had minor cravings but I always wanted a shot of meth! And before I only ever used once a week max. I guess its true what they say about meth being more psychologically addictive than heroin.

I also remember reading that a lot of ex-heroin addicts turn to meth..... If you guys dont mind answering that would be helpful but are there any ex-heroin or opiate addicts in here that have switched to meth? I was the opposite, I used to use a ton of meth but the side effects/comedown got too bad so I started using downers but over the last 6 months ive been using a lot more meth and been getting a huge amount of euphoria out of it..... Just curious :)

Anyway I havent been around bl for a few months and most people post in here, how is everyone? I missed you guys and girls :)
The fact of the matter is that there are grumpy nurses, know-it-all and dont want to listen to you nurses, as well as a big drug stigma in hospitals (*im not inferring this is all nurses, the minority in my exp). A nurse told me to my face that i didnt deserve a bed in the hospital, because my injury was self inflicted and they were way short on beds. Nothing to do with drugs. Sporting injuries are often 'self-inflicted', a result of bad luck too, but still a situation you willingly put yourself in, but thats different obviously.

At the end of the day the situation is the same as if it was some big fat dude (lets pretend hes a paedophile as well, everyone hates paedophiles) who had a heart attack while driving his car. No ones gonna get all angry at him for being fat and a paedophile while hes in emergency. And I think its fair enough, that as long as you treat the staff well, they shouldnt be opinionated jerks to you. In reality it majorly affects the standard of treatment you get. Bosmos had no intention to harm anyone, and no one could argue it wasnt a reasonably unforseeable situation. Lay the fuck off, be glad hes alright at least. I see situations like this asvery related to the drug war and its realistic effect in the population. Was it cut/rc/strong? When bad or really strong drugs go round, this kind of stuff happens to unsuspecting people.
opinions ploize!

Had some bowls early this morn, (last one bout midday).

Getting some Molly tonight.

Are the effects likely to be completely negated? wasting my time am I? Ploize respond. ty
get some of the much needed help you deserve umif youre so hopelessly addicted.

being addicted does not justify nor excuse driving under the influence putting other peoples lives at risk- every time you get in that car high. if you think otherwise youre deluded and totalky self absorbed wuth no respect toward anothers life.

you seem smart ebough. buck up and take responsibility for yoyr actions and think hard about the possible consequences to ever one incolved sgould an accident occur. we dont need ant more ammo used against us responsible users because of irresponsible, idiotic users willing to put their and others lives at risk without an air of care.
get some of the much needed help you deserve umif youre so hopelessly addicted.

being addicted does not justify nor excuse driving under the influence putting other peoples lives at risk- every time you get in that car high. if you think otherwise youre deluded and totalky self absorbed wuth no respect toward anothers life.

you seem smart ebough. buck up and take responsibility for yoyr actions and think hard about the possible consequences to ever one incolved sgould an accident occur. we dont need ant more ammo used against us responsible users because of irresponsible, idiotic users willing to put their and others lives at risk without an air of care.

I'm like a pro street-car racer anyway so I'm fine.
yeah well i own the fast n furious series...and watched them more than once!

so nerrrr :p
on an unrelated yet enlightening note, we rolled well despite the early morning alcatraz.

I would have liked my first and foremost parachute to be half a dot heavier.

cheers for heads up thou
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