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Methamphetamine Discussion Thread 2.0

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sorry I don't know how I was dicksizing but that's why I've decided this forum isn't for me and from a lot of comments I sound like a huge jackass and dicksizer. I think it's because I sometimes post just to mention that I've shot some & the dose. I realize that's pretty egotistical.

I deleted my above msg but I'll just say it in short so hopefully it can't be misread.
I'm going to leave Aus discussion to the people still providing HR. Somewhere along the line I started Bragging and doing dangerous doses & combos then coming on here telling everyone how good it was but really I was suggesting they kill some more of your soul and possibly your physical self. Meth has changed my personality so much. I used to be all about HR.

I just meant to apologize. I'm going to rehab.I just hope I haven't influenced anyone to do anything silly. Sorry to the mods & I'm going to delete my posts over time.
Ok this stuff is quite weird now that i think about. But i question my gear often probably due to paranoia. Different rush, pro longed come up, getting much more crazy then usual. Also i had alot of horrible cramps in my legs. Which maybe vasoconstriction, tense muscles and awkward positions. This stuff is the most pro-sexual shit i have ever done.
I UA'd a few needless and negative posts in this thread.

Ketaman you really don't have to leave the forum mate, just tone down the behaviour that you have been spoken to by the forum mods about. You have contributed a lot of value over the years. Perhaps if you are trying to clean up your act any way then a hiatus from this website may do some good in helping you with that goal, but don't feel like you have to leave, or if you did leave for any reason that you would not be welcome back.

I sincerely wish you the best in cleaning your life up and getting yourself to where you want to be.
Ketaman, I actually think that although you proclaim not to be doing HR, from reading your posts, it shows to the observer what a difference a meth addiction can have on one's outlooks, perspectives and priorities, and so there is a lesson unfolding as one reads your progressive posts.
Just from memory and not going back over them, so please feel free to correct me if I am mixing up stories, exaggerating or not getting the story straight... You started using meth, believing that you could keep your addiction under control, but found it spiralling, so then you decided to keep it under wraps, i.e. lying or hiding the fact that you were using from your partner/potential new partner.

As this is occurring you started to make bad health and relationship and harm reduction decisions while at the same time realising that they were not good decisions, but saying wtf and doing them anyway, while becoming somewhat boisterous/grandeouse in demeanor.

(personally I did not notice or take affront to any of your behavior possibly because I am used to being around meth-heads, and possibly their behavior, maybe because I don't know that that is not what your like in RL, possibly because I am not great at reading social cues)

However, your wee journey into meth land is a well documented journey that is, if nothing else, interesting and shows the stages and impacts that this drug can have on users. Some people are not as lucky as yourself and don't realise the changes that they undergo in attitudes and priorities and that its use seeps into your mind, body and soul.

I hope that you don't think that I am being dismissive or that I have summed up what I observed in a callous or inaccurate manner,, if I did, and thats not really how it happened, I may be basing some details from other stories I have herd or observed.
Either way, I don't think that you should be too harsh on yourself, get the help you need and good luck with it, you will probably find that once you start a new environment, the draw will not be so bad, but it will always beckon you back when you find yourself vulnerable.
I hope that we see future posts from you, and would like to hear your opinion on whatever therapy or rehabilitation you may get into.
Thankyou for the awesome support guys. I'm actually in the middle of a meth caused anxiety attack and I haven't even had much. The posters helped a lot.

I think a break from this specific forum is what I should do. Its a massive trigger to me & when I am using I just post completely irrelevant shit.

I'm trying so, soooo hard to have time off so I am clearheaded for possibly the only mushroom trip I'll ever have & it's 3g of subs so I'm hoping that may help me steer my life in another direction. But I'm in no way willing to waste such an amazing substance/experience/spiritual teaching/ positivity and everything else that psychedelics are :) on a meth frazzled brain & while I technically have had mush before. It had no effect so I don't want to taint such a natural experience with synthetic crap!

I got my counsellor listening to Shpongle & Psytrance...... How cool is that!!!
Hey Ketaman, just want to apologise whole heartedly mate, I shot my mouth off before without any consideration of what you are going through. I should have known better as I was there 4 years ago myself. Stick with it mate, it's worth it - ride through all those anxiety woes, be honest and believe in yourself.

Apologies again mate, I was out of turn


No worries at all my friend. I understand. I've done similar things countless times due to my irrational behavior. Usually involved more abuse & personal attacks though lol :/
When i was trying to lay off the drugs for a bit i had to quit bluelight for that period as well. Cuz just too much triggers :)

so i completely understand where your coming from dude

full blown meth addiction, it just happens these days man.

Epidemic, definitely.
Just to think how many of us will die of a heart attack in our early 40's in our generation ;P
ketman if you ever get the chance goto Bali and have shrooms, they were thru the roof strong, most intense amazing trips ever. And they were (are?) pretty much legal there, you can have them in bars and stuff, we had them in shroom milk shakes a couple of times.

I'm not sure if they are still sold all over the place in Bali, but back when I went ages ago they were, signs on loads of places selling them, I cant believe they are so strict on weed and shrooms are ok, wtf.
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So I've just started banging meth and I gotta say it's real disappointing. Much prefer the rush from smoking.
And I love how easy it is to discover the tweakers in the gay community. Why else would you be on Grindr/Scruff/Growlr at 5am Monday morning.
And I love how easy it is to discover the tweakers in the gay community. Why else would you be on Grindr/Scruff/Growlr at 5am Monday morning.

I'm online at those times occasionally, not because I'm on meth but because I'm busy gaming my life away on my laptop.

What I find to be the most interesting thing is that people would go:
"Are you [slang term for meth user]"
"Got anything?"
"No, you?"
"I'm on it now"
"Have anything, happy to chip in since I don't have know the right folks"
"Nope, sorry. I don't know anyone."

Dude, seriously. The F. How are you on it but not know where to get it? Such is life in Auckland.
I was always under the impression that P was readily available over there! Has there been a crack down?

I would not know, as I cannot make a comparison but according to old news articles....yes, there's been some concentrated push to keep it off the streets for quite some time now but apparently, all it did was drive prices up and quality down.
Got a few questions for you guys, I'm going to be hitting up the ol' pipe after a 3 year hiatus but even back then I wasn't really an avid user. Anyway what I want to ask is what are your little tips and tricks for the high and the comedown?

Off the top of my head I remember it was good to have a cup of lukewarm water with a teaspoon of salt dissolved in it for meth mouth, drinking a bottle of ginseng drink with the root for the morning after and protein shakes as a semi decent meal replacement but I can't remember much else to be honest, would love to hear your personal tips and tricks.

Also, have any of you guys in the past foolishly entered the metheroin limbo? One of my most funniest and cherished memories was being in this god forsaken state. My friend and I would be tweaking and he would always have some spare gear and we would agree that it would be a stupid idea to use it because we know full what's going to happen and as always, every. single. time. he would pull it out and we would chase some china and feel fucked up for the next 8 hours.

The only thing we could do is sit there and laugh at our stupidity, haha man, good times.

Edit Just found this saved on a random notepad on my hd :
It depends on what you eat though. Eggs and cheese are stacked with tryptophan which is a precursor for serotonin. If you make sure to drink some milk before sleeping and eating eggs and cheese first thing you should feel a lot less of the comedown.

Then again you can just take 5-HTP which will pretty much restart your serotonin supply while you sleep
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sounds like good stuff to me, could be a cathione of some sort, easy to make , more trippy sometimes, tense muscles etc.
wait , your saying you would chase the dragon while doing the meth? yeah YEAH good times! but sort of a waste eh?

you laugh because you know how much of a stupid little devilish child you guys are being; and even in your adult awareness, couldn't help but give into the fiendishness of it all.... been there, am there. but always when I have an abundance of both; try to ration it though at least now.


I am on a juicing craze. I take frozen berry mix, fill up either my vitamix or blend-tek blender half full with the frozen berrys, two good bananas, two scoops Combat protein powder (Costco cookies n cream) which comes with BCAA's and time released proteins, two scoops of both Glutamine and Creatine Nitrate, 2 ROUNDED SCOOPS OF SUPER GREENS (use either IVL's super greens or Macrogreens or soon to be release Blend Fresh from blendtec) 1 raw egg, 1 scoop flaxseed powder with fiber, 1 tablespoon of co-Q-10 enzyme, and then I add some greek yogurt and orange juice along with Ice cubes... sometimes I substitute with low-fat frozen yogurt, or just plain milk ---- but I always put in raw organic honey cause its good for your throat and I'm a singer.

I drink like a gallon of this shit a day, and I FEEL SO AMAZING! I recently went 4 days with no sleep, and everyone was remarking on how I had a fresh "glow" lol

heres whats in those greens

Proprietary Blend 9,724 mg †
Alfalfa Leaf Powder, Soy Lecithin Powder, (99% Oil Free), Carrot Root Juice Powder, Choice Spirulina Powder, Organic Barley Grass Juice Powder, Aloe Vera Leaf Juice Powder, Yucca Root Juice Powder, Rose Hips Fruit Powder, Acerola Fruit Powder, Parsley Leaf Juice Powder, Natural Plant Enzyme Blend:(Protease, Cellulase, Amylase, Lipase), Red Raspberry Leaf Powder, Ginger Root Powder, Watercress Leaf Juice Powder, Apple Fiber Fruit Powder, Apple Pectin Fruit Powder, Chlorella (Cracked Cell Wall) Powder, Horse tail (Aerial) Powder, Organic Beet Root Juice Powder, Certified Organic Flax Seed Meal Powder, Stevia Leaf Powder, Spinach Leaf Juice Powder, Citrus Peel Bioflavonoids Complex, Astragalus membranaceus Root Powder, Damiana Leaf Powder, Eleuthero Root Extract, Milk Thistle Seed Std. Extr act (80%), Suma ( Pfaffia paniculata ) Root Powder, Royal Jelly Powder (5%), Deglycyrrhized Licorice Root Powder, Cactus Leaf Powder, Nova Scotia Dulse (Thallus), Echinacea angustifolia Root Std. Extract (5%), Grape Seed Std. Extract (68%), Green Tea Leaf Std. Extract (60%), Ginko biloba Leaf Std. Extract (24%)

OH yeah, I also put in a lot of Ashwagwanda , Inositol, and other aryuvedic medicines like Muira Pruiens with L-Dopa etc. etc. Sometimes I'll add Kratom powder, Kanna powder, Kava POwder or organic poppy seeds.... I find they work better when not encapsulated and the bitterness it practically nothing when blended with delicious other ingredients.

These are high-calories smoothies I make, I try to use the most cutting edge validated herbs/aminos/nootropics etc based on personal testimonials I find on the internet.

Good luck
Oh you bet it was a waste, we walked right on in to it haha, hell, back then we were kids then again we still are now.

As for that shake you have constructed, I'll be dammed.. I hope you don't mind but I'm going to need to steal that recipe from you, that's amazing. It sounds like a perfect shake to make when you're coming off. Some of that stuff I've never ever heard of before and now I've something to read up on for the next hour, interesting stuff, thank you!
Grabbed a small amount of shardy dards from a new supplier this morning..
Shards looked delicious, all the hallmarks of good rock, so obviously I got very excited.
Got home and gave it a whirl, it smoked and cracked back very nicely, which also got me excited.. but it was a gigantic anticlimax.
I went through the whole lot in about 4.5 hours (once I realised it was shit I figured I might as well get rid of it, no point saving shit house gear), and all I felt was a slight amount of stimulation, that was it. No euphoria, no rush, no nothing! Even more incredible; I am now insanely tired and really think I'll be able to sleep normally tonight, I also have a huge appetite, and my last bowl was only 90 minutes ago.
I know tolerance is an issue, but I don't use much these days, I keep it to once or twice a month whenever I can, and until today I hadn't had any for over a fortnight.

Bad times indeed, think I'm going to give up on this shit all together, at least for a while, completely sick of wasting money on this garbage

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Ive stopped IV'ing the shit coz im sure it was going to give me a heart attack or stroke VERY SOON! But now smoking the shit my lungs feel pretty fucked and im still getting chest pain. Now meth has nearly always caused me some level of anxiety but im starting to feel like the anxiety is still there but im maybe beginning to suffer real heart problems from the stuff and the anxiety/panic attacks only make it that much worse. I think its likely if I did have a heart attack that a panic attack will bring it on and without that panic attack I dont think it will happen but I think all the stress on my mind from these episodes causes immense stress on my body as a result and I think anxiety and panic attacks have definitely damaged me physically, im pretty sure I have a stomach ulcer atm caused by stress & anxiety coz I very rarely drink alcohol and my diet isnt too bad.

Heart attacks run in my family and ive known all along that doing this stuff is just asking to be damaged for life or killed due to heart, lung, liver or brain damage but I still cant stop. My habit was intensified the most about 1.5 years ago when I had money and access to the stronger benzos whenever I wanted. So I could shoot/smoke as much meth as I liked without getting anxious or panicky because I doped myself up on benzos so much. Now the benzos have mostly run dry and im still using meth almost daily. I dont know how I stayed alive using all that meth and eating all those benzos, I would have shots 3-4 times the size of what makes me feel uncomfortable these days without xanax or clonazepam(or huge amounts of valium or temazepam) and have shots like this every few hours and stay half-sane by eating handfulls of xanax every few hours plus one or two extra in between. One night I was even shooting cocaine on top of being crazily spun on quality meth! Now if a drug combo is going to give you a heart attack its got to be that one and I very stupidly put my friends life at risk by giving him almost equal shots to what I was having even though it was only his second time injecting and he didnt take benzos!!! Im very ashamed for every time I had any part in the injecting of another person, especially first timers! I often wonder where these people are now and hope to god its not in the midst of an addiction, in rehab(though thats better than....) in jail or dead/damaged in some way because they started IV'ing drugs :(

Now almost ten years after first trying methamphetamine as my first drug other than pot or alcohol, it has become the end of the road for me, very much like things have gone full circle. I used to get speed and use it orally until that became something i really didnt enjoy. There wasnt Crystal methamphetamine around my area at this time and I hadnt even begun to think about seriously injecting anything. I tried an array of other substances before I finally tried smoking crystal which was something I very much enjoyed(I am gay too :p For some reason us gay folk love the stuff, its might be because it enables you to have uninhibited, wild, crazy sex that feels amazing until you come down and realize you didnt use a condom and if the other guy is shooting he probably has HIV along with all the other shit you start worrying about, and these are things I should have been worrying about, they werent irrational delusions, so how do we fix that? Dont come down or stay dumbed down on benzos! Wowee If ive ever mis-judged a future situation in my life then this one takes the cake. When it came time to eventually come down I was so depressed, so scared, incredibly angry and violent, emotional and completely and utterly damaged both emotionally, psychologically and physically. All I wanted was to do more meth and die but then when id think I was dying id get scared, so this says to me I didnt realy want to die I was just in a bad place.

I ended up getting arrested a number of times and put in the psych ward eventually after that one, luckily I wasnt nuts but just angry and there so I didnt do any harm to others or myself. Im glad I ended up there because im not sure what I would havbe done had I continued on like that. I probably would have murdered someone in all honesty. This is around the time that I found out that if I slept most nights, ate normaqlly and took multi-vitamins that I could get high pretty much every day without such a severe affect on my mental state. This worked until recently where I started having some really bad panic attacks whenever id use so I havent been using anything close to before but im still using(2 points today and 2 points yesterday) and while im happy im not injecting, I need to give it a flick fullstop and after my mushroom trip the other day I feel like I can definitely do it, coz I know that I cant have the life I want with meth in there taking up all the space, time, energy and money.

Meth is death!!!
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