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Opioids Methadone Mega Thread and FAQ v 2.0

^ If you read most of the board you're aware of the blocking effect of methadone. In my experience I would say that 40mg and up will,relatively speaking, act as a blocking dose to some extent, depending on ones actual dose. In reality,the longer you are on methadone increases the blocking effects even in doses lower than 40mg. I would get that initial rush but 10 min. later I did'nt feel any higher and after a few trys increasing the dope I gave it up as wasting money. That's why peeps turn to BZs,coke,booze,cannabis cause aside from coke the other 3 tend to add to the dose a subjective feeling of a true opiate buzz than methadone alone.If nothing else,at least you feel high on something.That's why many start doing coke(some for the first time) because drug addicts need to get high on something and once your at your stable dose for a while all methadone really does is decrease cravings and staves off WD. You have to be real committed to not use ANY other drug when you're on methadone.
Thanks for the response. Hopefully by next weekend I'll be at 40 mg or at least much closer. I'm just not held 24 hours or anywhere close to it right now. And I have a good thing set up right now doing runs for this guy, so saying no to free dope when I'm somewhat sick-ish is hard. I want to do well on the program and get take homes as soon as possible because my mother is very sick right now in the middle of radiation treatments for a cancerous tumor. Other than that I don't mind going to the clinic every morning, I think the structure is good for me at this point, but I just want to be able to visit her for 2-3 days at a time. They live 2 hours away and unfortunately there's no clinic in their town otherwise I'd just guest dose. The closest clinic to them is an hour or so away and I don't have a car, otherwise I'd just make the drive every day while I was down there.

And I totally understand the urge to use other drugs on MMT. When I was on bupe, the same thing happened to me. I ended up on the only coke binge I've ever been on in my life about a month after starting BMT. After that I was good for about six months, only using oxy once a month when a friends script came in. Then I discovered the benzo/bupe combo, and after I quit the benzos I was never able to get any substantial clean time because I never felt held by bupe at any dose. Could have been the benzos, could have been the constant switching between bupe and oxy/dope, could have been the fact that I started working finally. But I'm determined to not use benzos on done, it's a door I don't want to open this time. And I will never go on a coke binge again. Crack, maybe, but there's no crack in my small town. The coke is such garbage that last time it just tore my nose up, and I'm already worried enough about my nose since I snort dope too and used to snort blues regularly. The garbage stepped on coke here isn't worth a deviated septum.
Hi. I'm on 340mg of methadone along with 12mg xanax,6mg klonopin, 2 mg lunesta plus neurontin, Zoloft and clonidine. I'm prescribed all of this from my doctor. I have never bought drugs off the street,no judging... just haven't had to. I for the most part have been handed pills like candy.
I have to have a very painful surgery and my Dr. said " well we're just going to have to really up your methadone ".... I'm thinking "huh?" , I mean what is the toxic level? I know that's hard to answer but c'mon we gotta be getting close esp with the benzos I'm on. I hullicinate all the time!!

But I'm determined to not use benzos on done, it's a door I don't want to open this time.

I'm just curious why you said this? Thanks in advance. I am a brand new member to BL, but have been reading for years. But please excuse my inexperience for now. Thanks!
Hi. I'm on 340mg of methadone along with 12mg xanax,6mg klonopin, 2 mg lunesta plus neurontin, Zoloft and clonidine. I'm prescribed all of this from my doctor. I have never bought drugs off the street,no judging... just haven't had to. I for the most part have been handed pills like candy.
I have to have a very painful surgery and my Dr. said " well we're just going to have to really up your methadone ".... I'm thinking "huh?" , I mean what is the toxic level? I know that's hard to answer but c'mon we gotta be getting close esp with the benzos I'm on. I hullicinate all the time!!

But I'm determined to not use benzos on done, it's a door I don't want to open this time.

I'm just curious why you said this? Thanks in advance. I am a brand new member to BL, but have been reading for years. But please excuse my inexperience for now. Thanks!

wow, man.. you must be WHACKED THE FUCK OUT! then again, if you have been on all that shit long enough, you probably feel NOTHING and get NOTHING FROM IT! am I right or what?

sounds like great stuff, tho! I was done at 95MG but was only a 6 month program or I would have went to 150+ easily and tapped out at 2MG xanny but they took it all away once I OD'd when I shot dope/coke/xanny in a needle (speedball w/ a xanny) and then took another 4MG xanny by mouth and woke up in the ER out of no where.

the Dr. heard me tell my mom, "damn ma, you make me wish I was dead" and put me in the pscyh ward from there, lol. that was about 4 years ago and was KINDA FUN in the psych ward but whatever, it was good experience, ha.
Ya, unfortunately all those drugs are all my body knows it feels like. I've been on them so long.
But I do have to drink energy drinks A LOT or I nod off.
HA---your psych ward story sounds very similar to the one night I went there. It was kinda fun plus it made me think "Hmmmm.... I'm really not that crazy" Watching the other people there was pretty entertaining and I had great stories to tell!!
But I'm determined to not use benzos on done, it's a door I don't want to open this time.

I'm just curious why you said this? Thanks in advance. I am a brand new member to BL, but have been reading for years. But please excuse my inexperience for now. Thanks!

Why I said that? Partially because when I was on suboxone, I started to develop a benzo habit trying to catch that nod, and started having functional blackouts... well semi-functional anyways... My girl says I tried to eat a napkin instead of my grilled cheese while we were out to dinner... I was breaking her heart and I can't do it to her again. She'd rather see me do dope than do benzos while on maintenance opioids any day.

Also because if I piss dirty for benzos at the clinic, I'll immediately be put on an administrative taper, and my dose will be cut in half and then rapidly tapered from there on out.
Oh I see. You're at a clinic. The closest one to me is a 6 hour drive. So a lot of doctors just prescribe it without all the rules and conditions. They are SO uneducated about methadone.

I was just curious about the benzo thing. Good for you that you're not doing it for the reasons you stated. Esp. breaking your girlfriends heart. My fiancé died a few months ago from overdose and I wish he'd of been able to be that strong. I know he didn't want to hurt me though. The addiction had taken over. Thanks for your response.
^ for real? Where are you located if you don't mind my asking? We just got one here last year, before that closest one was three hours for us... Or there's one about half that far but it's waitlisted 18 months, and it would cost $20 a day just to take the ferry across the lake to get there.
I've been searching everywhere online but can't seem to find anything. Since starting methadone I have been freezing all the time. Especially my hands/feet, to the point where sometimes fingers and toes go numb. Has anyone else had this issue? From what I can tell, no one has... I also have been having a dull pain in my abdomen on the left side right below the rib cage. Anyone know what that could be?
wow, you guys have clinics no where near, huh!? I am in Boston and there is a clinic every few miles, ha. every other day in the paper you hear about dope and how its taking over the state, so many dead, be careful, blah blah.

but yea, so many cities around here dont want a clinic in their town but many already have one. seems like every city wants to open one up in their OWN city nowadays.
To "fully caffeinated " I live in the Midwest, Minnesota. I'm brand new here so sorry for such a dumb question but can you tell me how you copy a post and reply to it (the yellow box above your reply?). I've tried but to no avail. I'd just like to know how so I can respond to people. Thanks!
No, I've never even seen one and I've lived all over the Midwest. The Midwest for the most part just get it from their primary Dr. or a "pain dr.". I've also lived in Boise, Idaho and Utah and they didn't have them either.
Just recently they opened a suboxone clinic a few hours away but it's just a dr who's licensed to prescribe it. But they take no insurance (it's all cash) you make an appt., on appt day you check in, the receptionist takes you in a room and you wait to see the dr. Sorry, maybe that's just how some suboxone clinics work, I was just surprised that there's no nurse, no vitals taken. You just see the dr. once a month and he gives you a script for suboxone. You just pay cash to see him every month plus you pay $110 for a UA to make sure primarily that you aren't taking any illegal drugs. Crazy shit!
I've been searching everywhere online but can't seem to find anything. Since starting methadone I have been freezing all the time. Especially my hands/feet, to the point where sometimes fingers and toes go numb. Has anyone else had this issue? From what I can tell, no one has... I also have been having a dull pain in my abdomen on the left side right below the rib cage. Anyone know what that could be?

Pancreatitis ? Get checked out for diabetes too cause your pancreas makes insulin and may be related to numbness in your extremities. The three major symptoms of diabetes are hunger,thirst and peeing more than usual.
I've been searching everywhere online but can't seem to find anything. Since starting methadone I have been freezing all the time. Especially my hands/feet, to the point where sometimes fingers and toes go numb. Has anyone else had this issue? From what I can tell, no one has... I also have been having a dull pain in my abdomen on the left side right below the rib cage. Anyone know what that could be?
That's pancreatitis ,go and get some blood tests , I had it. Ask for a cbc ,liver blood tests and amalyse (pancreas) stat! When you have a attack they will be through the roof and it will hurt to eat . They should do a CT of your abdomen .
I don't know where to post but I only have two days of methadone left and I'm going cold turkey off almost 100 mg today I did it once last yr going to have 80 mg a day . Was clean for nine months I hope I'll be okay last year I was sick for like two weeks and I thought it was the flu I didn't realize it was bad withdrawals LOL
Pancreatitis ? Get checked out for diabetes too cause your pancreas makes insulin and may be related to numbness in your extremities. The three major symptoms of diabetes are hunger,thirst and peeing more than usual.
That's pancreatitis ,go and get some blood tests , I had it. Ask for a cbc ,liver blood tests and amalyse (pancreas) stat! When you have a attack they will be through the roof and it will hurt to eat . They should do a CT of your abdomen .

I just had blood work done when I started the clinic, but I'm not sure if they tested that so I will check. I imagine you'd fast for that though? I didn't have to fast for my bloodwork.

Thanks for the quick response.

To "fully caffeinated " I live in the Midwest, Minnesota. I'm brand new here so sorry for such a dumb question but can you tell me how you copy a post and reply to it (the yellow box above your reply?). I've tried but to no avail. I'd just like to know how so I can respond to people. Thanks!

I do everything on my phone, but there should be a button under each post that says quote or something along those lines. Could someone who uses a PC help explain this a little better?

On my phone, there is a picture of quotation marks, then a picture of quotation marks with a plus sign. The first one is to reply to someone with the yellow box, the second one will save each yellow box so that when you make a new post, all the yellow boxes will be there, like I just did.
I've been on methadone for 32 years and am at 180mg/day and I split dose. It was either jail or eventually death unless I got on methadone. I'm a 'lifer' but I'm alive and actually am quite comfortable with my life. Its not perfect but its 500% better than when I was using. I pickup monthly so that really helps. Good luck to ya
I need help because I'm getting mad frustrated with my MMT. I started three weeks ago at 20 mg. Apparently my clinic is the slowest clinic ever as far as raising dose. I've gotten increased once a week - first 5 mg then 10 mg and then 10 again, so I'm now at 45. When I first started I was in between jobs, and my dose was kinda holding me ok, but only til like 10-11 at night and I was using a couple bags some nights. I'm trying real hard to stop using now because I've already failed two piss tests.

The trouble is, I got a new job. I work in restaurants and it's very fast paced, physically demanding work where I'm on my feet 8 hours a day. Now that I'm working, I'm burning through my dose by the time I leave work. Yesterday I was so sick by bedtime that I couldn't even set up my coffee pot or load the dishwasher or anything. I also like to work out 4-5 days a week and that just makes it even worse.

This happened to me with bupe too. Last year I started at 16 mg and kept using the whole time I was working. Then I got laid off and was unemployed for 7 months. In that time I quickly tapered down to about 2 mg a day and was doing great. Then I found a new job, and suddenly bupe could no longer hold me at any dose. I tried all the way up to 32. I tried dosing multiple times a day, which helped a little, but not much.

Am I just screwed?? My clinic doesn't split dose. I know I'll get take homes eventually, but I have to stop using to do that, and I'm afraid when I start working nights, I'll end up using because my dose won't hold me til 2 am when I get done work. I dose at 9 am, and my clinic closes dosing at 11:30, so that's the latest I could dose. I'd get out of work over 14 hours later and so far my dose has never held me 14 hours. The longest it's currently holding me is about 10 and that's on my days off.

I know I can use potentiators, but I can't realistically take Tagamet every day for years on end, that can't be good.

I just want some advice before I get any further along, because right now I've only been on MMT for three weeks. If it's not going to work for me, I'd rather know now and get off it before the withdrawals would be any worse.

I did discuss all this with my counselor at the clinic, but he wasn't much help. He just said to stick with it and hopefully I'll get to a dose that holds me. He is a recovering addict, but he's never been on methadone or suboxone, and also has never done the kind of work I do. I'm looking for advice from someone who's been on MMT and also has had a demanding physical job.

Sorry for the long post. Hope to get some replies ASAP. Thanks.
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you were shooting through 32MG of bupe? what!? I had a 1-2 gram a day habit and I take 16MG/day and I feel fine. take 8MG in the AM and 8MG in the PM and feel just fine; some days I am actually happy w/ life and enjoy life. sure, I've only been clean now for a month after coming off a 2-3 year dirty run where I should have died but I am thankful to be alive and able to do this bupe again. last time I stayed clean for a year, which was my longest EVER, aside form jail time and shit. but I am just happy w/ my bupe; I was on 95MG methadone and it never did a thing for me. I'd get my done at 7AM and be shooting dope by noon. kinda the same way you abuse bupe I abused methadone. they told me at 95MG its def. blocking the dope but I still shot my arms up daily and nightly. I didnt care, I just needed that dope in me one way or another and FINALLY I do not feel like that anymore.

I just hope things stay this way for me.