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Opioids Methadone Mega Thread and FAQ v 2.0

Hi guys, my pain management doctor has switched me from 50mg Oxy to as-yet-unknown-mg of Methadone and I should start it some time next week.

My only fear is that although the Methadone will provide better 'round the clock' support than Oxy, I wont be able to use any opiates for breakthrough pain?

Is there anyone out there who uses Methadone and also takes another opiate for breakthrough pain?

It's giving me 2nd thoughts about switching now...
Also, really annoyingly I can't find a definite answer that is reliable.

Why, if so potent, does methadone not get you high once acclimatised to it? What is the mechanism that stops the user from getting high, than say opposed to heroin or oxycodone?
^^ I'm not positive Rybee but I think it has something to do with the very slow onset of methadone. It works gradually over several hours so you don't get a rush, more of a glow
I need help urgen i have a drug test today and i took a sub last night 3/4 of a 2-8 and i need to know if sure gel will cover it i did not know i was being tested or i would never have done it please someone help me !!!!!!!!
Methadone has been a very effective analgesic and anti-addictive for nearly a century. Drugs such as oxycodone and hydrocodone(Percocet, Vicodin, codeine) are synthesized from thebaine(the part of the opium poppy which gives an energetic feeling known as a rush, high, or euphoria). Methadone is synthesized from morphine, the pharmeceudical form of heroin(the part of the opium poppy that just plain kills pain without so much the energetic feeling associated with thebaine.) Both forms are full agonists of the mu-opioid receptor, however, except the "oxy-like opiates like Vicodin offer a more energetic, "get up and go" feeling than the morphine-like drugs like methadone... Some would argue that the morphine-like drugs are more effective for killing pain. Methadone is roughly 3.5 times stronger than morphine per mg. With that being said, methadone has proven effective due to its low cost and its properties as a strong analgesic with a very long half-life, allowing users to become stabilized, meaning the opioid receptors in the brain are being occupied for 12-24 hrs. These opioid receptors being occupied is the same as an addict would normally consider a 'high' minus the energetic effects found with the thebaine derived opiates (O.C., roxi, etc.).
It's also important to note that unlike other opiates with longer half-lifes such as OxyContin or Morphine sulfate Contin (contin standing for continuous release) the amount of methadone released in the bloodstream varies as it comes in waves rather than the time release concept.
Methadone has been a very effective analgesic and anti-addictive for nearly a century. Drugs such as oxycodone and hydrocodone(Percocet, Vicodin, codeine) are synthesized from thebaine(the part of the opium poppy which gives an energetic feeling known as a rush, high, or euphoria). Methadone is synthesized from morphine, the pharmeceudical form of heroin(the part of the opium poppy that just plain kills pain without so much the energetic feeling associated with thebaine.) Both forms are full agonists of the mu-opioid receptor, however, except the "oxy-like opiates like Vicodin offer a more energetic, "get up and go" feeling than the morphine-like drugs like methadone... Some would argue that the morphine-like drugs are more effective for killing pain. Methadone is roughly 3.5 times stronger than morphine per mg. With that being said, methadone has proven effective due to its low cost and its properties as a strong analgesic with a very long half-life, allowing users to become stabilized, meaning the opioid receptors in the brain are being occupied for 12-24 hrs. These opioid receptors being occupied is the same as an addict would normally consider a 'high' minus the energetic effects found with the thebaine derived opiates (O.C., roxi, etc.).

Umm I think your "facts" are off a little bit buddy. Thebain is an inactive alkaloid and is actually very toxic in high doses. Many believe it has no agonistic properties at all. The reason why many pharmaceuticals are derived from thebaine is basically to limit homebrewers i.e limit competition. You see , at that time in the early 1900s the market was saturated with Heroin and Morphine, very easy to manufacturer no money was being made. So to eliminate competition a team of German scientists manufactured a few semi synthetics and you bet your ass they came with PATENTS. Cha ching.... Monopoly time. All they needed to do now was criminalize morphine and heroin. Which they did shortly after. And that''s how you win an opium war LOL. Nah, but it's really fucked up.

As for Methadone, No, it is not synthesized from morphine. It's just synthesized. It's 100 percent synthetic, made from the ground up in a laboratory. Unlike it's semi-synthetic counterparts, No opium alkaloids are needed to make it.

Another thing, the effects of opiates/opioids are completely subjective. It really depends on the user. So to say that one opiate is exclusively "energetic" whilst another is exclusively "pain killing" is completely redundant.

Just my 2.
The thing that I find amazing is methadone and how it can allow someone who's dependent on opiates to regain their life thru simple synthesis.. Pretty cool. I realize it's scientifically simple but cool concept.
i wonder if "polamidon" is available all over the world? i never saw anyone say something about it here. its basically a refined version of methadone. polamidon is optically pure methadone. its the levo-isomer which is two times as potent as methadone racemat. l-methadone or polamidone also provides some advantages over methadone. it got a longer half life and you aren't sweating as much..... i am on 80mg of (regular) methadone / day, but i regularly buy polamidon from a friend and i.v. it on top of my methadone. polamidone comes in a clear solution without any sirup, so it is perfectly suited for i.v.ing, isn't it?
Hello everybody.
So I have been on Methadone since 2010.
Was on 120mg/day until this late summer where I ended up hospitalized and went down to just 10mg/day which Ive been on now since about august 2014.

Ive came off heroin, bupe but never methadone so im really looking for some info how the jump from 10mg to 0 is gonna feel ?
Yeah man, u don't have to tell your girlfriend if u don't want too. But eventually, if u stay together, u will have to tell her, because it will be IMPOSSIBLE to hide forever
Not to be negative DELEE, but I have heard that the last 10 or 15 mg is the hardest...but I don't think so...by the time u are down to 10mg per day, a lot of the problem is mental, NOT physical. Stay strong delee, u can do it. Keep us updated :) :)
I have been a member of bluelight for a couple of years, but I havnt been very active because I used another forum. But they are extremely childish there, I got in trouble for writing the word you.....as U....they said no abbreviations. Lol. Long story short, I quit that forum
ill say this real quick.

I am FUCKING HAPPY TO BE OFF METHADONE! I am no longer having to get up every fucking morning and go to the clinic. I no longer have to leave the clinic and head to work, or wherever I am going, and having to worry what my next best thing to do. no longer leaving the clinic and going to grab dope and use on top of the done'. no longer withdrawing from the dope as I TRY TO COME OFF and NOD OUT because I went from 95MG to 35MG and just cant stay away during the day like I once did. NO LONGER have to jump off at 18MG like I did and go though the withdrawals like I did a few weeks/month back. no longer worrying about waking up, doing my thing, going to my place, having to get a ride since I had no car, etc. I just no longer have to worry. I am HAPPY I USED DONE' to TRY and GET OFF DOPE but I still used heavy on top of my DONE' and used dope even when at 95MG of DONE' and didnt feel a thing but would use and just shoot cuz I am sick in the head.

I got off and used right away and kept using; between dope and bupe I couldnt stop before I went to detox; I left detox and stayed clean before I slipped up and used again but NEVER PICKED UP A HABIT AGAIN. I'd go 3-4 days and then shoot a G. again, 3-4 days and shoot a G. finally I scheduled an appointment for a Vivitrol shot and I fucked up TWICE before I was able to get the shot I got the shot today and even pissed dirty but signed the paperwork to get the shot regardless and all worked out; I am NOT DOPE SICK and havent been in over a month but I am thankful I was able to get through this and able to NOT USE ANYMORE!

we'll see how it all happen because the LONGEST I STAYED CLEAN FOR WAS ONLY 3 or 4 DAYS! I like to think that means I am clean and will stay clean but who knows but I do know since coming out I have FELT FINE ON MY DAYS OFF and DAYS NOT USING! I start back to school next week for a license in the field of construction and will be back at the job within 2 weeks; lets see if all goes well and I am able to get back to where I was, get back to the money and keep the money and hopefully all goes well and I am able to take control of my fathers business and make the money I deserve and keep things straight.
Hi, so I tapered down over a course of 7 years MMT to 1mg. Stopped at that point, having mild withdrawal symptoms. Taking the typical meds, a few benzos here and there for sleep, colidine for RLS & sleep. Loperamide for wd symptoms (yes it does actually seem to help). My biggest issue is constantly FREEZING 24/7 and sweating constantly. But the thing that has me concerned the most is the endless pain in the back of my head & the fact that my joints seem to get very stiff when I get as cold as I do. And when I say cold, I mean COLD! My husband has to move away from me in bed because I make HIM cold! I feel like I am turning into a freaking corpse! I don't feel all that bad, nothing I didn't expect in terms of normal wds. Just the head pain and freezing my ass of! Anyone ever experience anything like this. No health ins, so really going to the docs is kinda out for me. Thanks in advance for any insight or suggestions
Hi, so I tapered down over a course of 7 years MMT to 1mg. Stopped at that point, having mild withdrawal symptoms. Taking the typical meds, a few benzos here and there for sleep, colidine for RLS & sleep. Loperamide for wd symptoms (yes it does actually seem to help). My biggest issue is constantly FREEZING 24/7 and sweating constantly. But the thing that has me concerned the most is the endless pain in the back of my head & the fact that my joints seem to get very stiff when I get as cold as I do. And when I say cold, I mean COLD! My husband has to move away from me in bed because I make HIM cold! I feel like I am turning into a freaking corpse! I don't feel all that bad, nothing I didn't expect in terms of normal wds. Just the head pain and freezing my ass of! Anyone ever experience anything like this. No health ins, so really going to the docs is kinda out for me. Thanks in advance for any insight or suggestions

How many days have you gone without methadone now?

And weither or not you end up getting back on or not. YOU GOT DOWN TO 1MG. That in it self is amazing. IN my clinic about 850 people and being there 3 yearrs, never have I heard of getting down that low. So congradulations. Your post truly feel like I can do the same.

I'm sorry about you not feeling well. I've been through it many time are well. Besides what your doing I dont know what more you can do. BUt the lopermide might be very bad for you. Its also an opiate and may prolong your withdralws. I'd weigh out the pro and cons of how much its helping you to risk having longer withdrawls.

Either way good luck.