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Opioids Methadone Mega Thread and FAQ v 2.0

I would sweat massively...skin would get red-turn white to the pressure of a finger(due to my temp.) but yea, that sweating was horrible and difficult to explain away at times- (i.e. work... People always asked if I was ok...it sucked!)
@englandg74- so I should BEST be fit to leave my S&W .357 at home next time I hop over & do NOT "bring your guns to town" (always insert a Johnny Cash line when possible) ;)
@ Lorne??? As for the pain-bit more manageable, I had my 1st set of x-rays&follow-up. All showed it was well&in place...until I came home&ventured further into the yard to check on my flowers and as fate would have it- I tripped over a now despised cute metal bunny-fractured the bridge of the already mangled foot.(irony-I fractured the bridge of my "good" foot about 3/4 yrs. ago. So both feet match-breaks, screws, staples, etc....I am OCD for balance-so maybe it was a blessing in disguise) I ended up in hospital due to the pooling blood, ( on blood thinners & needed it to be monitored for internal bleeding). As for the taper, I'm on day 18 w/no methadone. At times, it's been tempting... knowing what I COULD feel...it's w/in arms reach too. Funny, not so funny self-torture. I do certainly wonder...if I took just 4mg. today , how bad could that hurt me. So yea, it crosses my mind.
As for the taper off the shorter acting -hydrocodone 5-325, I'm at 1 hydro a day...I've tried 1/2, but my foot is just still so simply too fresh. It LOOKS the way it feels . I've saved bit of dilauded , and have a script for 5mg.percs. I am starting to feel aches&uncomfortable spine, frustration , very freezing cold( no hot flashes)cold to the bones.Odd, as it's
107° outside! I'm bed bound thru next week still. Experiencing some major anxiety. Pain level (foot) & Anxiety are the biggest issues at this point. So, that's me! I hope all is well in Lorneland ;)
^ indeed, very smart - in the beginning, I feel the most critical/crucial points of Methadone Maintenance is to first get yourself stabilized. That has to be established. Find your dose. Stay there for as long as it takes to make all the appropriate adjustments to make for a different life...sometimes the hardest part! Bit I'm glad you're not on a gigantic dose and that 60mg. Is holding you. I know you said you've been through 9rehabs, subs twice- but if you can find a determination to beat this, you can do it! You can change the world in you. I believe. I'm realizing right now...that I'm soon to be facing a life W/O pills..a life w/o my daily liquid- it's just phasing me now. Indeed, an odd feeling. It's feeling like I'm being released from 10yrs. Of prison...let out into the big wide world again& for some moments, it's scarrrry.
Well, I hope methadone does it for you DWE. ;)
Yabin decided I'm going to give it a real shot in methadone since it's really my last option just trying to not nod out every time i sit done lol
It really is something this methadone. I can honestly say that I believe that I never would have gotten off the needle if it hasn't been fit methadone. At the time I was going to the doctor to get 70 to 80mg of oxy per day, ruining out if those 120 20s uh a week the supplementing with morphine, oxy ir, dilaudid, proxy, basically anything.my doctor suggested methadone for my musculoskeletal issues, he obviously didn't know I was sitting 300-500mg oxy or 200-300 mg of morphine a day, I didn't want to give up shooting so I declined. Then I tried methadone and find I could get as high on methadone orally a I did if with oxy or morphine but without the rush. So I switched and eventually quit shooting altogether. When I moved my doctor sent me with a script of 54 forty mg wafers and mailed me one more script but when I got a doctor up here the guy wouldn't prescribe methadone because of stigma and he wrote for oxy. Within 2 months I www shooting again. Fast forward 4 years and I have gone in out in out at clinics then got hooked on coke while getting methadone from a clinic in Montgomery which I never expected to happen because I never liked it that much. Moved back to tN in 06 and never shot up again. A family member supplied me with methadone at first now I have a doc that write s fit 70mg a day.was 80 but I could sense she was getting nervous so I took a10mg hit so I could keep the doctor.

I have taken a long time getting to it but my question is why are other opioids and opiates blocked by methadone is it because of affinity for the receptor site?

Why does bupe cause as intense a precipitated withdrawal as it does if it is a partial agonist? My thinking is that you go from a full agonist to partial you leave the receptor in a somewhat occupied state leaving you in a state of partial saturation so you should have some withdrawal but not as bad as if you were totally without for days. This is not the case however. The withdrawal if precipitated is much more intense than normal. Speaking from personal experience, so where is my logic faulty?

Lastly does anyone know why a kratom extract of tincture be different than other opioid and give me a strong buzz on top of my methadone, in the same dosage as got my opioid naive brother a 4x hydro 10 buzz, when I personally have shot an eighty milligram oxy before while on daily 80mgs and felt absolutely nothing?

You can tell I don't shoot anymore I'm still talking about oxy contin. Almost Nobody prescribes it any more.
That will certainly pass . I admit, it felt kinds nice the first.. 2weeks (?) there about. But it does pass. Give it a little time. Next thing you know, you're not "looking" for a fix. Life is more available to you. Get stabilized...sort life , then day taper when your affairs have changed. Then it's goodbye methadone! I was on WAY too long... starting dose was too much. Like I said, it's strange... Today is 19 days methadone free...first day if taking no painkillers from the surgery-so far so good.
Commit to it. I believe in ya!
Yea...it's actually crazy as fuck to have been on it for basically all of my 30's...part complacency , forgetfulness ( We'd talk... I'd forget to say "reduce!" , part clinic wanting all to often up my dose..I was never encouraged to go down-even though my file in computer was flagged a as "Reducing / Tapering off -every 4 weeks" & maybe even part fear. For about 8years I was pretty solid in life. I left a lot behind. Life changed- I went back & completed my studies in college. I know that I could've/should've been off MUCH earlier. But, I lost my 30's to methadone and a degree I'm not doing anything with. I ended up tapering off with all my take homes - I was stocking up as I decreased on my own to 4mg. then basically switched to tapering on pain meds from surgery odd, I know. .Oh well, can't look back. Today - 20 days no methadone. Still hurting w / the surgery, but I'm on either 1 or half a hydrocodone a day...so far not bad-foot hurts like hell more than anything really.
Methadone is a complete life saver. I just wish it hadn't been a near 10yr. stint ! I'll be 40 this year, but I swear I'm 29 ! I've done a lot thus far - studies & worked overseas( a DREAM come true ), got to be a cave tour guide, promote bands, write reviews, work with publishing companies...at least all of my 20's were all spectacular. I do know methadone saved me though.
Here's to my 40's being more solid chaos & more journeys ahead of me-the way it was in my 20's ;)
A lot of reflection going on for me lately.

Oh, yes, I did try / use the loperamide. I'd quite a stock if it. I was truly surprised how effective it was on wd's. Wish I'd known about it before! And you?

ANYWAYS, keep us/me updated on how it be go in' for ya ! ;)
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I know methadone has nmda activity and that can cause feelings of trippyness for lack of a better word. I know the feeling you are talking about tho I've gotten it from taking phemegren with my dose before, also Ambien gives me that feeling big time. I remember once being on 30mgs and telling my roommate there was a million ppl in the room and they were all yelling lol.
^ you've gotten that feeling from Phenagren ? How much did you take? I get loads and loads of that as well as ambien...and zofran. Large doses? Usually 1 Ambien& I'm out cold in an hour. Lately, due to circumstances , it's been 2 Ambien to knock me out.
Ya unasked my dr I wanted to change my dose and he was alright I can put you up 10 mgs and I said noni want to reduce and he was all surprised lol

Ya Imodium is great
Huh ... I got over 100tabs of 25mg. Phenergan....and I just got another 50tabs of 25 mg. from my surgery.... "for nausea associated with opiates"... That part always cracks me up...for obvious reasons-Miss. Heavy I Opiate User over here( wow...I guess I can say "EX- opiate user....... :( Sad, but good.But sad. Does that make sense?) However, I've had morning nausea (even prior to using opiates-so it wasn't that-so I've take Zofran for long time.
How much Phenagren did you take?
^ DWE~ I don't know about everybody else, but for me- I wish I could say otherwise. I lived 10yrs. with the sweat. I hated it. I never escaped it...and while I do live in a desert where it's 107°+ in summer, 65° in winter-it didn't matter, I would sweat with every movement I made. Can't tell you how many times people asked me if I was ok...at work, the grocery, everything everyday sweat. It was relentless for me -as soon as I moved, the slightest exhertion caused the sweat...is that the way it is for you? I was always told it would diminish as my body adjusted. That never happened. I was told in lower doses it would cease. Didn't happen. Now, being 22day off methadone, it's the exact opposite. I was taking painkillers -jumped from 4mg of methadone to morphine , then Dilauded , then hydrocodone. I'm on 1/2 a hydrocodone as needed -which is 0 today. It's 110° outside these days and I'm cold to the bone. Always cold, unless I'm sitting outside. I SO wish that I could say that the sweating went away for me-but it didn't. Unnaturally sweating is what it is. :( some people said it went away- so maybe you'll be one of those peeps.
Tonight I will send out a prayer that DWE stops freakin' sweating! ;)
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I'm... not.. Sweating ...anymore. ON methadone, I sweat the moment I had my morning stretch, every step I took- sweat. It's strange, and nice. Even with my slip up one day, it's not the "I'm on Methadone" sweat signal. It's a nice separation.
Have you ever tried clonidine? I read that the sweating was due to the overactivation of your autonomic part of the CNS, and the anti-hypertensive action of clonidine can help with that symptom. To be honest, the inner bone pain and the wild temperature fluctuations are the most horrible parts to me personally, with the pain being the worst. The anxiety and the acute depression seem to me, to be caused by the other symptoms, at least IMO/IME.

Do you only feel the sweating? It always felt more properly like the 'chills' only leaning towards the sweating side. Like if I turned on a fan blowing on me I would be sweating but all the sudden feel extremely cold AND hot. Or hot and cold in different parts of my body. This to me is worse than merely sweating and being hot.

I have always wanted to try clonidine, shame I can find all these fucking research chemicals, but it is the one drug (it and goddamn naloxone) that I've never been able to find online! The two that could be useful for kicking opioids, and for safety. The purest harm reduction! I don't have insurance anymore so I can't just tell my doctor I want to try it off-label for anxiety, and those cheap paid walk-in clinics probably won't prescribe something like that to you, they'll insist for anxiety you need a steady family doctor and/or a psychiatrist. (1st Note - I AM NOT ASKING FOR A SOURCE.)

Note: I'm commenting on withdrawal symptoms in general, I've never taken methadone long enough (though have taken 200+mg in a day recreationally before) to have discrete methadone withdrawal symptoms.
Doctor Prescribed methadone for Oxycodone withdrawal

I am new to the site and wasn't sure where to post this, so I hope this makes it to the right place. I have been on oxycodone for about a year now prescribed by my doctor for severe back pain, lately I've been taking 75-100mg a day. I got to the point where I was overtaking my medication so the doctor and I decided a taper would be best for me. He prescribed me methadone 5mg with a taper schedule lasting 12 days for a total of 42 5mg methadone. My concern is that I have read so much about how terrible methadone withdrawal can be. I tried to find a similar post, but was unable to, so I did use the search engine. My question is: am I better off using the methadone at a smaller dose for a shorter period of time, or should I stick with the schedule my doctor gave me and use the methadone for 12 days. I just do not want the w/d to be made worse. I also was given #90 400mg Gabapentin capsules, would this be an option to relieve w/d symptoms as well? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
welcome to bluelight. thanks for your contributions in homeless as well. i see you've helped a lot of people out. i'm going to merge your thread now. apologies for the delay.

homeless -> other drugs (methadone megathread)
Methadone Maintenance 3 day skipped dose

I have been on MTP for over a year, on 135mg for 6 months. My clinic closes early Saturday, I was late. No meth for me. Closed Sundays. Was told they were closed Monday for holiday ( they were not). I took 10 mg methadone pill on Saturday night, 40 mg Sunday. Monday I did a bundle of supposed fire dope and cried the whole time. I didn't want to relapse but I couldn't deal with the withdrawal or thought of withdrawal. I'm a headcase, so I made myself sicker than I actually was most likely! I didn't get high but wasn't sick. My question is: How long until my regular dose of 135mg pink liquid methadone kicks in because its been an hour and still feel like hell. P.s why did I feel warm and fuzzy from a lousy 40mg methadone in a pill form?? I thought liquid was stronger? Its cherry flavored liquid.
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