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Opioids Methadone Mega Thread and FAQ v 2.0

Well it's only been 7 days

I got 40mg left from my take homes until Monday morning

Ills see how I feel
Methadone ... An odd thing it is... I can honestly say I battled more of an addiction to methadone than the opiates prior to the methadone . I live life with as few regrets as possible..regrets meaning something you had a hand in the outcome. (One of which was passing up free tickets to see Ray Charles & Van Morrison at The Point Theatre in Dublin Ireland...total regret in retrospect - but at that given moment I was in great need to get to the Western parts of Ireland.. Desperately.
And I missed it. Damn! The only other true regret is that I became complacent for a good majority of time while on Methadone. I wish that every 3months, I would've had a planned "evaluation" w/my counselor. ( after the 1st year). That I regret. But oh well, no looking back-only looking forward.
^so how long do you think I should stay on it ?

Keep in mind I've been to nine Rehabs and subs twice
^so how long do you think I should stay on it ?

Keep in mind I've been to nine Rehabs and subs twice

It all depends on what your long term goals are. Some people stay on for ever. I personally couldn't see myself having to turn up to a clinic 5 days a week for the rest of my life but if it were a choice between that and a lifetime of heroin addiction then I suppose it may be the lesser of two evils. It depends on your situation. If you were to come off quickly do you think you would be able to stay clean? I've been on it for pain for more than 10 years and while I just pick it up at a pharmacy and don't have to go through the whole methadone clinic/piss test/stigma....I still wish I was off it. One thing I would say though is that when you do feel like you are able to get off make sure you taper nice and slowly as those who do a rushed taper usually regret it. In short, how long you stay on or how long you take to get off is a highly individualised and personal thing that only you can answer based on your goals and the reasons why you got on in the first place. I wish you all the best of luck tbough
Ya I guess I wanna get off it when I feel like in mentally and financially stable so like a year
Also is it normal at first to nod all day long and pretty much have conversations with people who are not there but in my nod dreams Or think I was talking to someone but wasn't
It all depends on what your long term goals are. Some people stay on for ever. I personally couldn't see myself having to turn up to a clinic 5 days a week for the rest of my life but if it were a choice between that and a lifetime of heroin addiction then I suppose it may be the lesser of two evils. It depends on your situation. If you were to come off quickly do you think you would be able to stay clean? I've been on it for pain for more than 10 years and while I just pick it up at a pharmacy and don't have to go through the whole methadone clinic/piss test/stigma....I still wish I was off it. One thing I would say though is that when you do feel like you are able to get off make sure you taper nice and slowly as those who do a rushed taper usually regret it. In short, how long you stay on or how long you take to get off is a highly individualised and personal thing that only you can answer based on your goals and the reasons why you got on in the first place. I wish you all the best of luck tbough

At every clinic I've ever heard of, you eventually only have to go once a week(takes 1-2 years of clean screens, though.)

In GA, you can legally come in just once a month after 2 years, but the clinic I was at made you wait 2.5-3.

So really, if you plan in actually being clean, depending on your state(IDK other countries) you just go in 1-2 times a month, which is no different than seeing a doctor. But every state I know of allows once a week, which isn't bad either.

(Of course, you're in England so I don't know if it applies, though I'm pretty sure even HAT eventually goes in once a week)
Also is it normal at first to nod all day long and pretty much have conversations with people who are not there but in my nod dreams Or think I was talking to someone but wasn't

Um no, that is NOT AT ALL normal. If you are actually hallucinating, you're dose is way too high. What was you're DOC before, and what dose did you take?(I mean, what was you're dose?)

(And don't dare merge my posts, they're separate for a reason!)
As a result I was always curious about Methadone, being that it's another maintenance drug and yet it's a full agonist unlike Bupe.

I've always liked it, though I've never used it daily for any length of time (or as a maintenance drug). I first used it for abuse/whatever a few years ago, and always found it a pleasurable, plus it was nice that it lasted so long--more easy to dose. It's also much better anxiolytic, on par with anything else I've taken for anxiety (benzos and SSRIs included). I've recently started taking just 5mg in the morning as part of my pain management program and it's been really helpful. Doesn't seem to make me angry or moody in the same way as oxycodone, and it still has the wonderful anti-anxiety effects it used to. Plus because I'm not so up-and-down with blood concentration I'm more able to eat consistently--and the long half-life has a more even effect on GI motility (compared to oxy IR).

A lot of people seem interested in methadone potentiation. Perhaps I should write up a summary? You know, saving the world, one cytochrome at a time and all...

Please, I'd be very interested, I know methadone is fairly unique in some of its pharmacology.
Um no, that is NOT AT ALL normal. If you are actually hallucinating, you're dose is way too high. What was you're DOC before, and what dose did you take?(I mean, what was you're dose?)

(And don't dare merge my posts, they're separate for a reason!)
lol it's just me nodding then coming out of it and asking my mom if she just said this or that or if she was just sitting next to me

It's just like thinking my nod dreams were real life and sometimes it feels like when I'm nodding there's people in the room with me

My doc was any opiate I'v

Lately it's been roxys wasn't using that much a day but I knew were I was going and if I had more money I would be using way more I have been on subs twice and just end up shooting them

I got on methadone cuz my arms were getting fuxked up again and I was in full relapse mode if inhad cash so I decided to stop before i went to jail again

Im on 60mg and asked for a reduction so on Thursday I should be on 40mg

Plus I'm only 125 pounds lol and I'm drinking too which probably doesn't help
Um, no it doesn't!(the alcohol).

Yeah, you definitely need a dose reduction, I've only been that high on methadone before MMT with massive doses. Good call.
With regard to pick up frequency in England it varies from place to place and even from doctor to doctor within the same place. We don't have clinics in the sense that you have them in the states where the drug is prescribed and dispensed in one location but we have clinics where the drug is prescribed and then the script is taken to a regular pharmacy to be Despensed. If the patient is working then most prescribers will allow them to pick up once a week on a Saturday or whatever. If you arnt working then some doctors will still allow weekly pick ups but some will insist on dailys.....depends on the patients history and also the doctor. If (as in my case) its prescribed for pain then you just get it from your normal gp. I presonally prefer weekly pickups as when I've had monthly I tend to burn through it too fast.
Well, indeed it is so incredibly personalized. Considering the other attempts you mentioned , I personally would go with a year-plan/however much time it takes to get your life "stabilized" ... That there is the key. I walked away from a job& friends, "associates"....anything & anyone whom might interfere with my future focus. Turned out , all I thought were my friends...not even 1 supported me. I realized they weren't really my friends. So getting all that sorted out, along with letting your brain , body & heart to... All that ...your feet need to be firmly planted on the ground. Then, I'd say evaluate yourself, your life with a counselor-one associated with clinic and one OUTSIDE clinic ...being 101% honest with yourself. I'd say TRY to obviously get yourself on a dose that holds you. Hard to do at 1st...as there is a honeymoon phase with methadone. Don't let them keep dosing you up...they always offer to up the dose...and many try to chase that tiny high found in the beginning. I would honestly just say 1year, evaluate yourself( by you, methadone counselor & outside one too - to avoid the complacency found in "long term" methadone use. That was my regret- never was evaluated. And I should've initiated it. Looking back, I know I coulda/shoulda been off...maybe 3 yrs. earlier than I was. As any doctor would- evaluate you on a new medication.. So should this be as well. You're feeling better now though, yes? I hope so. I'm at the other end of the rope...no methadone for...as of today, 16days w/o methadone- my end happened in an odd way though.
Methadone is an incredible tool-use it in your favor. Just don't use it for the clinics favor( even if it's free....more clients...more kickback). Find a determined decision, and stand firmly on an unwavering, firm path of action.
Oh yes, those nods...talking to people that aren't there...That those beginning daze... I was found on the kitchen floor, aware/ alert, talking about shit that made no sense. Full on nods for a week or two for me. ;) enjoyed that part while it lasted-then you become tolerant of nearly everything ( was for me ). Glad you be feelin' stable! :D

Rereading, spot on for dose reduction... I was told that the 1st week I may nod , etc. but looking back , again, I was most likely put on too high of a dose . My dose didn't match the prior addiction. Hope you're doing well though !
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I don't know why first timers can't get a 30,60 or 90 day OUTPATIENT methadone detox. AFAIK something like a 30 day detox has to be in-patient,which must cost the insurance co.'s a lot of money. And the methadone clinics won't do anything less than a 180 day detox which is overkill on a first attempt and most often that 180 day detox morphs into MMT. What's wrong with a shorter detox and longer after-care counseling?
In la they have 21 day outpatient methadone detoxes

Emma I'm doing better I mean I'm not sticking a needle in my arm or stealing for money plus the mmt is free

It's just a hassle to get there everyday tAkes about 3 hours roubd trip
^Well I'm super happy to hear you're on the mend ...& Not like me my 1st week on methadone- laying on the kitchen floor, babbling some odd combination of words that probably only make sense to my dog ! Sux it's a 3 hr. tour round trip. During my clinic daze I have quite a few people a ride home-unfortunately I had to make judgement calls, as I was a small gal with 2weeks of methadone on me...I just hated to see em' walking&waiting. Used my inner judgement. Never had a problem. One lady was sketchy.....odddd.
BUT, in CASE of any funny business ( UNfunny business ) , I do live in a place that I can & do carry a concealed weapon...my father taught me wisely. ;)
How much did you end up going down to?
All da best-Emme .
^Well I'm super happy to hear you're on the mend ...& Not like me my 1st week on methadone- laying on the kitchen floor, babbling some odd combination of words that probably only make sense to my dog ! Sux it's a 3 hr. tour round trip. During my clinic daze I have quite a few people a ride home-unfortunately I had to make judgement calls, as I was a small gal with 2weeks of methadone on me...I just hated to see em' walking&waiting. Used my inner judgement. Never had a problem. One lady was sketchy.....odddd.
BUT, in CASE of any funny business ( UNfunny business ) , I do live in a place that I can & do carry a concealed weapon...my father taught me wisely. ;)
How much did you end up going down to?
All da best-Emme .

I remember being pretty fucked up when I was first put on methadone even though I was on a very high dose of fentanyl and oxy before that. I think its fairly common although it does wear off.

And the closest we get to "carrying a concealed weapon" in the UK is a pointy stick and even that would probably get you arrested lol!!
^Well I'm super happy to hear you're on the mend ...& Not like me my 1st week on methadone- laying on the kitchen floor, babbling some odd combination of words that probably only make sense to my dog ! Sux it's a 3 hr. tour round trip. During my clinic daze I have quite a few people a ride home-unfortunately I had to make judgement calls, as I was a small gal with 2weeks of methadone on me...I just hated to see em' walking&waiting. Used my inner judgement. Never had a problem. One lady was sketchy.....odddd.
BUT, in CASE of any funny business ( UNfunny business ) , I do live in a place that I can & do carry a concealed weapon...my father taught me wisely. ;)
How much did you end up going down to?
All da best-Emme .
Thanks I mean it's cool and all gives me a reason to get up early now if I can land a job on the clinics side of the island that would be prime

Go get my dose then go to work then catch the 830 bus home

I'm on 60mg until Thursday then it's 50 I figured that 10 mgs will be a life saver when I taper

My first few days I was talking some pretty crazy stuff I guess but now I'm pretty much done with the total nod out fucked up stage
It certainly does give you a reason to wake up early and " get goin' ". It's a bit odd for me now- I've made that 30 minute trip every Monday morning( sometimes every other Monday) for nearly 10 yrs. I always went early in the morning- 6am... (My clinic was open 5am-6pm) and it was always a soft beautiful drive -as my Clinic was a bit out on the outskirts of town, so I got to drive into the desert a bit, as the sun was rising..the desert offered a kind soft orange/red glow. It's strange&slightly sad to not have that drive a part of my routine anymore.
I hope you find a workplace at least on the route you take / close proximity to your clinic. Is the methadone holding you? Reducing /eliminating cravings? Keep hydrated is one thing I'd say for sure ! One of the big and annoying side effects is sweating ... RIDICULOUS amts. of sweating. Hate that sweating ! Keep yourself well and do update how the 'done & you be doing!
I never sweated. My only side effect was nausea, but I constantly get that,(from all GOO opioids)which is why I dose 1st gen antihistamines PRN.

Some itching I imagine, but again nipped with H1 antagonists.

How is it going emme? I mean with the pain/taper.

I couldn't imagine getting myself voluntarily down to 4mg. methadone a day, if I had 400mg methadone right now, I'd swallow 60mg and inject 60mg... To start.

I feel like a pussy, going from 90 to 15-30, I lost 20 pounds and thought I was going to die...
I used to sweat terribly but found that losing weight made it completely dissapear.....just my own experience