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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Mephedrone) - New Experience - Absolute bliss

500mg ish. i dont like to go wild with it due to the side effects, which i experience more and more with its use. i havnt done enough mdma to be able to compare to be honest... id say its almost as good though, from what ive done. if you get good meph you'll know it... read my report :


try it.
if you read the report, you would see that i had been clubbing on the substance.
if you read the report, you would see that i had been clubbing on the substance.

just read it now my bad.

I wonder if it is effective if placed in capsule rather than lines. As I would bomb about 300-400 mgs in one dose rather than worry about taking more as the night progressed.
should be fine in caps. do not bomb 300-400mg in one dose. it will fuck you up. last time i did that it floored me, even with tolerance then wore off within an hour and a half. space out the doses
should be fine in caps. do not bomb 300-400mg in one dose. it will fuck you up. last time i did that it floored me, even with tolerance then wore off within an hour and a half. space out the doses

Intersting, I have heard from a few people on this site in orsder to get the most MDMA like experince you should start with a bomb. I have used MDMA for this last summer. So idk yet, on wether to do multiple does or rather do the one as the club I club at searches people at the door and there rather observait of what gets in and etc.
yes do one dose... like 200mg... then do another a bit later... dont go doing big doses. trust me. if you get decent meph it will blow your bollocks off
Alright coltdan was just wondering can you still get meph? Not asking for a source but was wondering if you can still get it at all as im really missing it lol. Ive found sites abraod that sell it but i dunno how dodgy it is to get it sent through the post.
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I love drone but I can't get hold of any, I got closer to a lot of my friends through that drug... bloody mental.
great report. That sounds like some good stuff. I would love to give it a try someday
Intersting, I have heard from a few people on this site in orsder to get the most MDMA like experince you should start with a bomb. I have used MDMA for this last summer. So idk yet, on wether to do multiple does or rather do the one as the club I club at searches people at the door and there rather observait of what gets in and etc.

DON'T space the doses out. Short term tolerance develops quicky on this stuff, and you'll end up sessioning for a long time trying to chase the intitial high.

300mg in capsule. Try not to re-dose (easier said that done)
I'm Well amazed! I loved that stuff, Do people really still get hold of this these days?
I think its still legal in some places......it was the best ever feeling I can remember if only I knew then what I know now!
Mephedrone is a great experience ... energetic, rushy, musical, sexual, makes you want to talk, dance, smile... but is positive only if you have a lot of willpower, as it's just too good.

Unfortunately it's a hell of a drug. The urge to redose and the psycological addiction can be very, very difficult to control.
- Sourcing is not allowed here at bluelight. Do not ask this type of question again. -
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Good meph smells lovely to me :) Sweet and chemically all over! To anyone taking it, please don't bomb anything over 200mg's....if it is your first time, take it easy with it, small amounts can be great. Make sure and post any negative problems you encounter with it over in the mephedrone progress report(long-term effects) thread.