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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Mephedrone) - New Experience - Absolute bliss

The ecstasy around here is decent I suppose. Or so all of the people I have done it with say as they're "rollin hardd". The ones I've had were pink stars, they were euphoric and lovely and didn't make me hallucinate so I guess there were no pipez and after the comedown I fell asleep very easily. But I was oddly disappointed at the results as I had always imagined e to be MUCH better. I did Meph before I ever did e so since everyone calls it an E knockoff I was expecting much more from it..I expected it to at least be somewhat as good as Meph. It was good but nowhere near the intensity unfortunately. So either I got good pills with no pipez and e just isn't that good. Or someone sold me pills in the shape of a star and told me they were e and I ran hog wild with placebo.

Maybe one day i'll come across some Molly and she'll surprise me.

I love surprises.
^^ i weigh 100kg, and i need about +500mg of mephedrone to have a really loved up, speedy, energetic rave...
Do you mean 500mgs in one dose or over the entire night? Do you snort or take it orally?
The ecstasy around here is decent I suppose. Or so all of the people I have done it with say as they're "rollin hardd". The ones I've had were pink stars, they were euphoric and lovely and didn't make me hallucinate so I guess there were no pipez and after the comedown I fell asleep very easily. But I was oddly disappointed at the results as I had always imagined e to be MUCH better. I did Meph before I ever did e so since everyone calls it an E knockoff I was expecting much more from it..I expected it to at least be somewhat as good as Meph. It was good but nowhere near the intensity unfortunately. So either I got good pills with no pipez and e just isn't that good. Or someone sold me pills in the shape of a star and told me they were e and I ran hog wild with placebo.

It sucks that E isnt easy to find around here i have been looking on ecstacydata.org lately and would love to get pure MDMA, or pills that are omost pure, as for the star shaped pills i wasnt able to find any with even a small trace of MDMA i belive they all had DXM and nothing more. as for mephedrone -VS- Ecstasy I belive they are in there own classes i really cant talk about E that much as for i am a single time user :( but i know it was nothing like the feeling of Mephedrone ^.^
Good report.
Came up really quick, short lived effects, but experience was like doing ecstasy for the first time again and every time you dose you get the same full effect, which is not so easy to reach again with MDMA once you have peaked.
Auditory sensations arent the same as MDMA, doesnt quite have the same effect with music, nor is my head as messed up.
Still I was a rushing, gurning mess.
Very informative but one question

Starting time - 11:25

Mood - Excited, a little tired but overall, happy and ready to go, no
anxieties etc. After hearing about this research chemical a couple of months
ago and reading numerous experiences, this sounded like it could be the
"perfect" drug for me and I couldn't wait to get my hands on some. I ordered
1g to try it out and excellently it arrived the next morning. MDMA (tested
crystal/powder) always gets me feeling really good but I lose all motivation
to move/talk or interact with other people at all. I feel great on it, and
enjoy seeing other people having a good time, just don't expect me to join
in! Mephedrone is supposed to be slightly stimulating which I want, and the
empathy, which has been sounds great as this has been slowly dwindling with MDMA over the years sadly.

Stomach: Empty. Nothing eaten in 12+ hours

Prior drug use: 3ml GBL + 3-4 beers 14 hours ago. (Just getting over a
slight/mild GBL addiction so I have a tolerance)

T+0:00 - 160mg weighed out (0.001g scales) then wrapped in a Rizla and
swallowed. (I decided against the nasal route due to people complaining of pain and I'm not in a particular rush to get started, I have all day free). There
seems to be a large amount compared to MDMA crystal but this is a very fine
powder so it isn't unexpected. There is a bitter, chemical taste to the
powder wiped up from my scales with my finger. Although not as bad as MDMA.

T+0:10 - Fist effects felt. Slightly fuzzy body feeling. Only mild, similar
to the first effects of MDMA although none of the bad feelings that I
sometimes get yet (Slight nausea, heart speed increase etc)

T+0:15 - Above effects increasing. Getting tingling waves coming over my
body from head down to toe now.

T+0:25 - Definite mood elevation. I keep feeling a smile start to pop up.

T+0:27 - I'm into computer music production so I boot up my sequencer.

T+0:30 - Head feels heavy, not in a sleepy way, more like it's put on a
couple of pounds. I feel like I'm on the come up of MDMA. Very nice.
Increased need to move.

T+0:35 - Fuck, I feel like I've had a good dose of proper good quality MDMA
although I'm typing stupidly fast. My brain is racing. I feel like I'm so
energised. I feel absolutely amazing. The effects are getting stronger and
already it feels better than MDMA!

T+0:40 - New mobile phone has just arrived, I stumbled slightly getting up
to answer the door. I now have a new toy to play with. I feel like I could
type 1000 words a minute. I'm typing faster than I ever have before and not
making a mistake other than the occasional time where I press 2 keys instead
of 1. I feel amazing. My peripheral vision keeps wobbling. I feel SO
motivated. This really will be an amazing party drug. I'm starting to feel a
bit warmer, although not hot so I turn my fire off.

T+0:45 - I just had to count on the clock to get my T+!! I feel as good as
I did on my first ever pill. This really is amazing stuff. Legs are tapping
even when there is no music. And music appreciation has gone up, I would say
on par with MDMA.

T+1:00 - Feels like I've peaked. I feel very similar to my first ever ecstasy
pill. Feel a little bit disappointed that I've peaked and am now
contemplating trying a little line intranasally. I now see why they say this is
the Cocaine of MDMA. It is VERY moreish. Just checked in the mirror and there
doesn't seem to be any pupil dilation.

T+1:10 - effects fading so wet finger dabbed into bag and taken orally. It
really does taste pretty bad. It is slightly salty, very bitter with a
chemically taste very similar to GBL.

T+1:15 - I'm done with typing now and am going to enjoy the experience so
the rest of this report will be retrospective.

Written the day after:

I re-dosed twice, this stuff is very moreish, having 500-600mg on this
occasion. I had to lock it away after the third dose or I would have carried
on re-dosing all day! Even then I had to use lots of will power not to get it
out and dose for the fourth time! I have built up quite a strong will power
with having to resist GBL to stop my strong psychological/mild physical
addiction. I did notice that after each re-dose, the euphoria never got past
a certain point, it seemed to peak and then the re-doses just kept it at that
level, although the stimulant effects did seems to increase slightly.

I've read quite a few anecdotes about people's hearts really pounding and
racing while on Mephedrone, I have to say that I didn't notice any problems
although I was sat down for the most part. My resting heart rate was
approximately 78bpm at the peak of the third dose. I did have a slight heart
palpitation which lasted a couple of seconds about 1hr 20mins after the last
dose but this was no-where near as bad as after I have amphetamines.

I needed to urinate a lot but I was also drinking quite a lot too
(Non-alcoholic fluids). Unlike on MDMA, I had no problems getting the flow
to start although I did notice the teeny tiny pilly willy that I (and many
others) get on amphetamines or MDMA.

The euphoric effects where easily as good as my first ever pill but only
seemed to last 35-45 minutes before the desire to re-dose was felt (very
strongly) although the stimulation lasted quite a while afterwards,
approximately 4-5 hours after the last dose. But after the euphoria dwindled,
I felt very straight headed. Music didn't sound any better than usual and
the world seemed normal. I went to the supermarket and noticed that there
seemed to be a LOT of nice looking ladies in there. This may have been due to
the Mephedrone, or it may have just been a day that I noticed them. While in
the supermarket, the speedy effects started to ware off and I felt pretty
scatty (nauseous, drained and generally a little bit shitty) pretty similar to
how I feel when I come down on MDMA. When I got home, I took some Nitrazepam and 30-45 minutes later I went to bed. I had 11 hours sleep with vivid and pleasant dreams, although I usually do after a dose of Nitrazepam so that may be nothing to do with the Mephedrone.

I woke up feeling refreshed with an uplifted mood. Usually, the morning after
a dose of Nitrazepam I feel a little groggy but not this day. I felt no
noticeable hang over at all.

A lot of people have said that Mephedrone smells really bad, like stale urine
even, I found the smell rather pleasant. A little bit like buttery mashed
potato with a slight chemically hint. I did notice that I could smell it
all day. All over me. I had a bath and after a couple of hours, I could smell
the Mephedrone again so it seems that it may be partly excreted through your pores.


I believe Mephedrone has overtaken MDMA as my favorite drug. This is
something that I never thought possible. The only noticeable down side for me
was the short duration of action and a binge seems VERY likely if I had a
large supply so I'll have to keep the amount I have on me pretty low. The
euphoria was amazing, the empathy was great ( I had an overwhelming urge to phone ALL of my friends to have a little chat) and the mild stimulation was
perfect, not too much, not too little, just right, making me feel just as
comfortable having a little dance in my room as I was sat at the computer
listening to music. Also, the price at the moment is a big upside, being
about 30-40% cheaper than I pay for my MDMA gram for gram.

I have read some people's thoughts that it *may* be cardiotoxic along with
the fact that little to no research has been done on it so I will keep my
usage to a minimum (Once or twice a year) which will be about the same
frequency as I used MDMA which is never the quality it should be nowadays.

Thank you for reading my report, I hope you found it interesting and I hope
that some may find it useful.

Great post but I gotta ask, have you ever had pure MDMA? Of course not,that is imposable, but I mean real molly not pills?

nice... i'm digging on meph (and buty, and mehyl, and MDAI, as my new stims) since theres no more pure MDMA going around ATM! and the coke here is about 10%pure... beurk!

Man that sucks:( I wouldn't even fuck w/ that shit.
who can say but I now a little

Still, depending at what price you get mephedrone for, it may not be that much cheaper than coke. Without going into detail, if I buy several grams at once, I can get it at a price that's almost twice as cheap as coke. What about the rest of you? (I hope this isn't derailing the thread...)

Yayo varies so much in price. If you find a good connection and buy quantity it is actually not that expensive, for black market drugs. Also generally the more one picks up at once the better the quality. Also a good hookup will be willing to haggle (right word? drunk ATM).
I hope you do

The ecstasy around here is decent I suppose. Or so all of the people I have done it with say as they're "rollin hardd". The ones I've had were pink stars, they were euphoric and lovely and didn't make me hallucinate so I guess there were no pipez and after the comedown I fell asleep very easily. But I was oddly disappointed at the results as I had always imagined e to be MUCH better. I did Meph before I ever did e so since everyone calls it an E knockoff I was expecting much more from it..I expected it to at least be somewhat as good as Meph. It was good but nowhere near the intensity unfortunately. So either I got good pills with no pipez and e just isn't that good. Or someone sold me pills in the shape of a star and told me they were e and I ran hog wild with placebo.

Maybe one day i'll come across some Molly and she'll surprise me.

I love surprises.

I think she will, very gentle yet very powerful. Do yourself a favor and take her home rather than to a party/concert.
Good luck such woman are hard to come by

Sorry for flooding this thread when I sober up I will reformat things.
oral vs snorting?!

I'm not sure if this thread is still alive, probably not!
but i came across it whilst looking up meph
I've used it once already, snorted it and smoked (which was really weird and i'm not sure was a very productive way of doing it!)
but i wanted to know what is the difference you get between taking it orally and snorting it?
like, in detail if possible?
thanks for any replies ^^

Best time i've had at a gig, even though i can't remember it!
though i did get a serious case of grinding my teeth, and chewing my lip violently without realising, blew my lip up to about twice the size and completely tore up the inside of my mouth, two days later and my lip and mouth are still sore, slightly swollen and bruised! S:
I'm not sure if this thread is still alive, probably not!
but i came across it whilst looking up meph
I've used it once already, snorted it and smoked (which was really weird and i'm not sure was a very productive way of doing it!)
but i wanted to know what is the difference you get between taking it orally and snorting it?
like, in detail if possible?
thanks for any replies ^^

Best time i've had at a gig, even though i can't remember it!
though i did get a serious case of grinding my teeth, and chewing my lip violently without realising, blew my lip up to about twice the size and completely tore up the inside of my mouth, two days later and my lip and mouth are still sore, slightly swollen and bruised! S:

Take a magnesium supplement or if you need a quicker way, just get some chewing gum.
Ok, I'm going to give my perspective on this drug. Firstly, because there still seems to be some confusion, and secondly, because I am currently high on it for the first time and feel the need to just type and type and type and.........


Anyway, I'm 28 years old and I have a very sucessful career. My social life is less sucessful and I have recently split with my girlfriend who I have been with for the past year. For whatever reason, I tend to plough my all my energy into a relationship and forget friends to a degree so what the heck, I'm having a few decent nights in on my own with my 5g bag until I'm motivated to dig up old friendships.

I digress.

^ first obeservation!

My drug history consists of a stupid amount of green at college, moving onto a silly amount of pills at university. SInce then I've been fairly clean, with only a mild alcohol problem.

Only recently (last 2 years) have I tried pure MDMA (well, seriously high grade anyway), and coke (probably seriously low grade).

I can confirm, with quite some confidence, that Mephedrone is significantly better than most of the coke available in the UK today. Plain and simply. It is more euphoric but you feel more in control. I had my dinner (for 1 :/ ) and bombed what I estimated to be about a quarter of a gram. Didn't measure it, but cut what I would consider to be 2 hefty lines (if I were using coke), and wrapped it into a risla.

After an amount of aprehension / placebo, I was fully up within 45 minutes (just eaten, probably 20 mins without pasta!). I've been this way now for over an hour without much sign of let-off.

MDMA is a different beast altogether. This drug does not come close to MDMA (weight for weight) in terms of the euphoria. HOWEVER - I actually prefer this, I think to MDMA. The latter being an incredible experience, but one which quite scared me last time when I tried to swallow a lit cirgarette!! - can't see this happening on Mephedrone at these limits (clearly anything can happen on any substance when used to excess). Drunk people walk in front of buses. That's dangerous.

Don't believe the negativity. If you're used to a bit of this and a bit of that, then this drug will delight you and not fuck up your life.

The bad news stories come from the pot heads who've never experiened anything stronger. They've got this because it's legal and they're amazed and therefore addicted. It would be the same for them on any number of class a drugs. I suppose what I'm saying is, that Mephedrone as a drug is no more addictive, or capable of fucking things up for you than coke or MDMA.

Probably a lot less because even now, I feel fucked, but in total control.

The rest of this report (and sorry for hijacking!!) will probably be retrospective where I aim to comment on the urge to re-dose, and the come down.

Oh, and if any like minded people happen to live in the Surrey / Sussex area in the UK, I'm in need of a new social circle!! Shout me up. I work hard and play hard, and am a good friend!!

How sad.... :(
The bad news stories come from the pot heads who've never experiened anything stronger.
Dude, that's so crazy that you know everyone who has addiction problems with this substance. Small world eh?
enjoyed reading it, def. something worth to try, for mdma lovers, count me in.
Hey All,

I've been reading all sorts of threads on Bluelight and have learned a great deal despite having the typically faux confidence of a guy in his late 20's whose tried a very wide variety of drugs: some more extensively than others but generally reflecting a well rounded repertoire of experiences. I'll spare you my personal drugalogues in lieu of offering a general thank you to the Bluelight community for the candid, wisely regulated, and on topic free flow of harm reduction information sharing.

Prefaces aside I want to describe my (first) experience with mephedrone yesterday. I ordered a gram from a (US) domestic distributor whose service and responsiveness were professional and courteous. After picking up my order from the Post office I took it home and had the following experience which I should note came after reading literally hundreds of posts on Bluelight and other, lesser--SWIM loving--forums so I felt well informed from an academic standpoint.

I started with a crudely eyeballed line which I would guess was 150-175mg. A fierce burn manifested the second the glittering white powder hit my nasal passage (much akin to MDMA) which subsided within a minute or so.

COMING UP: (t+8) My initial reaction was one of trepidation since this is the first "new" drug I had tried in a few years and I am used to knowing with some certainty what I am getting into. There was about 5 minutes of body anxiety and my mind bracing itself for the unknown.

SETTING IN (t +12) : My nerves calm as the drug shows inklings of a rising mdma roll. Euphoria and enthusiastic energy are lacking so far.

COMING of AGE (t + 25): Overall I feel an increased level of patience and mild "oneness" with my surrounds but nothing compared to that which has been described by past trip reports both here and on Erowid. I also do not experience the fabled social skills exacerbation. I am enjoying it at this point but no more than taking a mid dose benzo.

PLEASE SIR CAN I HAVE SOME MORE (t+50) I decide to lay out a roughly 200mg line and see if if my initial dosing had been sub threshold. Not so much in my opinion. At this point I add a xanie bar for good measure. Effects of the re-dosing were slightly more pronounced than the first dose but again lacking in euphoria aka fun factor.

BOMBS AWAY (t+4 hrs): I had read that parachuting creates a longer lasting and reportedly more intense trip so I took the rest of my gram and poured in in OJ for a down in one. (I now this isn't actually parachuting but the key point here is that it was not insufflated. It took 20 min to come on and it definitely came on stronger but not better. I was sweating like I had just stepped into a sauna with my Caribou hunting gear on. Again, no real euphoria came on and I had a hard time focusing on the tv. It did last more like 2.5 hours and seemed to be a more efficient method of ingestion.

DENOUEMENT (t+6.5 hrs): Annoyed with the excessive sweating/flushed face and despite it only being 10pm or so I want to retreat to my room and give a try to my ipod and do some reading (if possible). I now have greater sympathy for those with ADD/ADHD since I had a very hard time following along with the book I was reading nor did I notice any appreciative affinity for music which is odd for me because I love music, all music. Finally I took 2 ten mg diazepams which put me to sleep.

The AWAKENING (530am): much to early for me especially with benzos in the mix but I was surprised to wake up feeling rested and with negligible to no side effects.

AND SO: I am ordering from a different vendor today just to compare products and will follow up with an, albeit curtailed, account of my experience with the second batch. If the results are similar to those above I will probably downgrade methadrone to a drug of only occasional and mild interest on my part and stick to the tried and true combo of benzos and uppers as well as opiates and uppers.

Hope this helps

Knox Harrrington

PS - I hope to post my thanks in a few different threads (where applicable) for all the honest information I had found and learned from though Bluelight. Though I am a new member I have been reading Bluelight threads for years and hope to reciprocate by offering a the best advice I can and more importantly deferring to others with more more experience wherever applicable.
Excitement, euphoria and empathy would characterise my experiences with this substance and I miss it so maybe it is a teeny bit addictive. It did interfere with my sleep patterns though.
Hey All,

I've been reading all sorts of threads on Bluelight and have learned a great deal despite having the typically faux confidence of a guy in his late 20's whose tried a very wide variety of drugs: some more extensively than others but generally reflecting a well rounded repertoire of experiences. I'll spare you my personal drugalogues in lieu of offering a general thank you to the Bluelight community for the candid, wisely regulated, and on topic free flow of harm reduction information sharing.

Prefaces aside I want to describe my (first) experience with mephedrone yesterday. I ordered a gram from a (US) domestic distributor whose service and responsiveness were professional and courteous. After picking up my order from the Post office I took it home and had the following experience which I should note came after reading literally hundreds of posts on Bluelight and other, lesser--SWIM loving--forums so I felt well informed from an academic standpoint.

I started with a crudely eyeballed line which I would guess was 150-175mg. A fierce burn manifested the second the glittering white powder hit my nasal passage (much akin to MDMA) which subsided within a minute or so.

COMING UP: (t+8) My initial reaction was one of trepidation since this is the first "new" drug I had tried in a few years and I am used to knowing with some certainty what I am getting into. There was about 5 minutes of body anxiety and my mind bracing itself for the unknown.

SETTING IN (t +12) : My nerves calm as the drug shows inklings of a rising mdma roll. Euphoria and enthusiastic energy are lacking so far.

COMING of AGE (t + 25): Overall I feel an increased level of patience and mild "oneness" with my surrounds but nothing compared to that which has been described by past trip reports both here and on Erowid. I also do not experience the fabled social skills exacerbation. I am enjoying it at this point but no more than taking a mid dose benzo.

PLEASE SIR CAN I HAVE SOME MORE (t+50) I decide to lay out a roughly 200mg line and see if if my initial dosing had been sub threshold. Not so much in my opinion. At this point I add a xanie bar for good measure. Effects of the re-dosing were slightly more pronounced than the first dose but again lacking in euphoria aka fun factor.

BOMBS AWAY (t+4 hrs): I had read that parachuting creates a longer lasting and reportedly more intense trip so I took the rest of my gram and poured in in OJ for a down in one. (I now this isn't actually parachuting but the key point here is that it was not insufflated. It took 20 min to come on and it definitely came on stronger but not better. I was sweating like I had just stepped into a sauna with my Caribou hunting gear on. Again, no real euphoria came on and I had a hard time focusing on the tv. It did last more like 2.5 hours and seemed to be a more efficient method of ingestion.

DENOUEMENT (t+6.5 hrs): Annoyed with the excessive sweating/flushed face and despite it only being 10pm or so I want to retreat to my room and give a try to my ipod and do some reading (if possible). I now have greater sympathy for those with ADD/ADHD since I had a very hard time following along with the book I was reading nor did I notice any appreciative affinity for music which is odd for me because I love music, all music. Finally I took 2 ten mg diazepams which put me to sleep.

The AWAKENING (530am): much to early for me especially with benzos in the mix but I was surprised to wake up feeling rested and with negligible to no side effects.

AND SO: I am ordering from a different vendor today just to compare products and will follow up with an, albeit curtailed, account of my experience with the second batch. If the results are similar to those above I will probably downgrade methadrone to a drug of only occasional and mild interest on my part and stick to the tried and true combo of benzos and uppers as well as opiates and uppers.

Hope this helps

Knox Harrrington

PS - I hope to post my thanks in a few different threads (where applicable) for all the honest information I had found and learned from though Bluelight. Though I am a new member I have been reading Bluelight threads for years and hope to reciprocate by offering a the best advice I can and more importantly deferring to others with more more experience wherever applicable.

sounds like a weak product as when i first started with mephedrone i was destroyed by a line that was about 75 mg. sounds like weak meph

even when i had been doing it ages 50mg was enough to keep me buzzing and the euphoria was certainly strong