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Melb - NRG 7 - July 17 - Altona *REVIEWS start pg 6*

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^^^ wow...

i bet newitt has nothing to do with promoting this event at all...

nope... not a thing..... ;)
^^ LOL :D Lookin forward to runnin into you again there bro...lots of laughs shall insue i am sure :D

Confirmed, my ticket is purchased, as is my mates' ones that are comin down with us....lookin good people ;)
ahhh fuck, i shoulda got a ticket at g.o.d ... can someone get me intustry ticket... or do i have to call someone
just pay an extra 5bucks man
wont hurt your pocket THAT much will it?

- moe
There may still be a few industries about but they're probably pretty much close to gone so I'd grab a ticket from the stores - I know this will sell out so I'd get em as soon as you can - you def don't wanna miss out.

I'm looking forward to exploring NRG like always - there are soooo many things to look at and play with - BRING IT ON!
ToM-OoO said:
ahhh fuck, i shoulda got a ticket at g.o.d ... can someone get me intustry ticket... or do i have to call someone

Like I said the other day I can get you a ticket, you just give me $32 for a industry ticket and it will be yours!! PM or text me..
onetwothreefour said:
i'm there.

everyone always talks up these parties, so i think i might have to make the journey down to altona for one final night out until i give my very soul to the hellishness that is uni :)

will be great to see some of the above faces there =D

8o , is kenny & liesh going as well?!?!? it'll b fun to party with u's again
back to NRG

Well last year at NRG was my first rave, and I loved it. I continued to do raves for a while but the last 6 months have been pretty laid back. I kind of have a sense of nostalgia towards this year as it like my new years or something.

Hopefully, like last year I will meet some wicked people who become friends and share some quality time with the friends I already have.

That's all I really have to say about this year, except that if it's as good as last year I will be more than happy with that.

Originally posted by ToM-OoO
8o , is kenny & liesh going as well?!?!? it'll b fun to party with u's again

indeed they are - should be a good old skool kinda night of fun =D

Ooher. :D
Getting excited, guys!

-=Pulls out phatties, and starts looking for accessories=-

I'm thinking of going green again, much like BASSIC.......or should I go back to pink?
Erk, decisions. ;)

Btw, newitt, those avy's are awesome..using some on my LJ to promote a lil' to friends.*
i can't believe it is only like 2 weeks away...damn it has snuck up on us aye! Hmm, what needs to be prepped:

- Shirt designs + production
- Cd's burnt for road trip down to melbs
- Accomodation organised
- Confirm time off work
- Have a fucking kickass time :)

Yayness! ;)
^^ hehe, i've said it before but i'll say it again.....half the fun of going to an event is getting excited beforehand ;)

Nice one buddy :)
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