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MEGAMIX-Intro to Shrooms

HAHAHA why would they sell you all those stems if you were to throw them away.This isn't weed.

The stems are fine you could eat only the stems and trip your nuts off.

I never used a trip sitter fuck that grab your nuts and go for it.It shouldn't be bad at all just remember what your doing and no where you are.

Looking in the mirror for me was awesome.It wasn't even me I was looking at.

Man it is possible to hurt your self with out mushrooms so I'm pretty sure you can hurt your self on them.

Man I like the taste of shrooms I've only had one type that tasted bad.The rest I acctually enjoyed eating.

Well anyway good luck with this whole thing.How it turns out better than my first trip.
oops, I already threw away the stems...not!!!

Ok folks, some of you are surprised that I don't know if stems are good or not. Well I really didn't know. And yes I was thinking weed when I thought maybe I don't need the stems. But now that all of you nice BL'ers enlightened me I will be chewing on those as well. Maybe I'll make a steak and cheese sandwich with onions and mushrooms. Sounds good.

But I tell you this stuff smells like cow shit. I am more scared of the taste than the trip itself. I agree with theLostOne on the tripsitter part of my concerns. I don't have balls but I will grab my boyfriends and do it without a sitter.

I just hope that this doesn't turn out to be a life changing experience since I am changing my life drastically as it is.

Another question to the experienced... Should I keep the mary jane completely out of this experience? Or should I roll a fat one to ease the comedown if there is any?

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Yes the taste is bad, but it's way worth it for the experience. IMO i would avoid going to great lengths to hide the taste. Just chew em up and swallow. They really smell worse than they taste...mmm...salty, chewy goodness.=D

As far as herb goes, it's a must when i shroom. If you're anything like me, you won't even think about weed, until you're starting to level out a bit. Everyone's different (of course) but after the peak, i'm needin a joint....or two..Best advice I can give is eat them when you're in a good mood, with good music available, with good friends you trust.

Good luck, and happy shroomin..
I'm sure your first shroom expirence will be wonderful, how much do you plan on eating ?

I would *NOT* recommend a trip sitter for your first time on mushrooms, but I would recommend that you take a very light dose to test the waters before taking a real trip. (1 to 3 grams should do just fine )

As for smoking some MJ during the trip I definitly think it is a great idea. In my expirence the holy herb helps with transition periods like coming up, and coming down. While your peaking I doubt you will even think about it, there are a lot more interesting things going on and smoking at this point is usually pointless. It should also be noted that smoking on the tail end of the trip will 'recall' the trip for a while.

To consume the nastybuggers I suggest just throwing them on top of a slice of pizza and chowing down. It works like a charm to mask the taste of mushrooms, all you will taste is your yummy pizza.

If you want to avoid the taste all togather just grind them up and put into a few gel-caps.

Have fun,
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nah... dont be a pussy.... throw those fuckers n ur mouth and chew em up like soggy potato chips... be a soldier
shroomr7311 said:
nah... dont be a pussy.... throw those fuckers n ur mouth and chew em up like soggy potato chips... be a soldier

lol no pain no gain huh?
in a few hours....

OK you mofos, I am set to go, no sitter... just me and my boyfriend.

(Some of you think I am a guy, "don't be a pussy, be a soldier"ha ha ha ..Well I am a pussy and I wouldn't be a soldier for a million dollars)

I guess I talk like a guy because my boyfriend and I are always doing stuff together. And I am still learning English. So he is kinda like my teacher.... So here I am at a job interview saying, dude that's sweet" "Hey that is the tits!" Whatever...

Anyway we are each going to digest 1/8 of what's said to be a highly potent cow shit, we don't really wanna start out with a gram, or nothing we're just gonna put what we have in PBJ sandwiches and eat it. I am getting ready to go buy some glowsticks. I wanna dance a little tonight but I am not sure if that's the kinda state of mind I will be in. We have a lot of sasha and digweed, satoshie, and danny howells handy...

so if ya'll think I need anything else lemme know...
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sounds like your getting ready to roll, i dont really like doing that much stuff on mushrooms like i do on ecstasy, i dont no tho have a good time
First of all, let me say that this is addicted2trance's b/f.
Second, it's about 2hrs and 48min into it so I'm sure anything i type from here on out is just going to get moved to Trip Reports so I'll get back online tomorrow. Besides, i can't even type anyway....this took an hour to post
awww. nice to see your having a gd trip... i ate 2g and didnt have a goodone...

best of luck :D and tell us more wen u are reborn
thanks for all the helpful info

Mods, i guess u can close this one out since we've just proved to ourselves that u should definitely eat the stems!
the magic of mushrooms

so me and my boy are going to shroom together this weekend. We are thinking about doing it at home adn enjoying the experience. So I have ??? for those who have done it before.

How much time after you eat shouild you do it?? Is it nasty going down? Any ideasd on what to do? Are glowsticks the bomb when tripping?? Music?? Are smokes incredible while tripping?? Any other ideas or advice would be helpful. Ive checked other foroums too. keep bouncin'
:) Mushrooms :)

Ok here's what you should do:

#1 - Be at a place you feel comfortable and safe
#2 - Have access to nature
#3 - Turn off your phones etc.
#4 - Have some glowsticks, colored lights, etc, anything that glows brightly with colors
#5 - Have some good music around, preferably music your comfortable with and enjoy a lot...I love psy-trance, it trips me out while tripping :) PM me if you want some song suggestions
#6 - I would eat 1/8th for your first time. Some might disagree and say only eat 1/16th but 95% of the good people at The Shroomery recommend going for an 1/8th for your first time.
#7 - They aren't gross at all, just have a drink to follow then down with and don't leave them in your mouth for too long.
#8 - If you enjoy weed, definetly have some around and smoke it lightly, don't just get baked it might trip you out too much if you go all out with the weed
#9 - Have some good movies, something animated and funny, maybe something like old simpson episodes and stuff.
#9 - Have stuff around with strange textures and some fruit around (juicy fruit)
#10 - Look in the mirror!
#11 - Be around GOOD friends that you are comfortable with
#12 - Be in a positive and excited mindset before going into the trip
#13 - Try to have some benzo's around just in case things get too hard for you too handle and you start to freak out, but only use them as a last resort, always try to calm yourself down normally before resorting to other drugs.
#14 - Have a blast!!!

Dan1584(2) said:
:) Mushrooms :)

Ok here's what you should do:

#1 - Be at a place you feel comfortable and safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#2 -------HAVE ACCESS TO NATURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#3 - Turn off your phones etc.
#4 - Have some glowsticks, colored lights, etc, anything that glows brightly with colors
#5 - Have some good music around, preferably music your comfortable with and enjoy a lot...I love psy-trance, it trips me out while tripping :) PM me if you want some song suggestions
#6 - I would eat 1/8th for your first time. Some might disagree and say only eat 1/16th but 95% of the good people at The Shroomery recommend going for an 1/8th for your first time.
#7 - They aren't gross at all, just have a drink to follow then down with and don't leave them in your mouth for too long.
#8 - If you enjoy weed, definetly have some around and smoke it lightly, don't just get baked it might trip you out too much if you go all out with the weed
#9 - Have some good movies, something animated and funny, maybe something like old simpson episodes and stuff.
#9 - Have stuff around with strange textures and some fruit around (juicy fruit)
#10 - Look in the mirror!
#11 - Be around GOOD friends that you are comfortable with
#12 - Be in a positive and excited mindset before going into the trip
#13 - Try to have some benzo's around just in case things get too hard for you too handle and you start to freak out, but only use them as a last resort, always try to calm yourself down normally before resorting to other drugs.
#14 - Have a blast!!!

This is all good advice, I'm going to add my 2 cents though

be wary of the mirror (I enjoy it), but I had a friend who seeing himself really messed with his head. The shrooms were strong as fuck -and I have shroomed enough times to know- and he made a rule that he would keep his hands behind his back so he couldnt see them. I think not recognizing his own hands really fucked with his head. He was kind of a tight ass though.

anyway (do a search, there have been other posts like this in the past), but in case you are lazy, I'll do you the favor of giving you the advice I wish I had been given.

if your shrooms are dry, eat between 2.5 g and and 3.5. I always do 3.5, but 2.5 SHOULD be enough to trip fine without being too overwhelming.

Go out in fucking nature! DONT do it at home. It will prob be ok at home, but it can be a lot better, and I mean a whole hell of a lot. The difference to me is immeasurable.

Find a local forrest perserve. Pick out an area that is pretty deserted, so you can act crazy, or however you wish and not be scared, feel inhibited, or anything like that.

Get a backpack and fill it with all the goodies you want (I'll go over this later). Dont eat for 1-2 hours before hand (I think food makes the trip weaker). Eat the shrooms and have a glass of water to flush em down. I dont think they taste bad AT ALL, but some do. Within 20-30 minutes you should notice a huge difference, so time it so you can get to the woods in time.

Do this around noon I would suggset, so you have the whole day to trip, out in the beautiful sun. Naturally beauty and a sunny day puts me in a good trip mood by itself. Plus you dont want to be stuck in the woods at night and freak out.

In your backpack bring

-PB and J sandwitches to eat when you feel very hungry, which will prob be when you are comming down
-2 sets of headphones and any of your cds that you like or put you in a good mood ( I love rap, but I hate listening to it while shrooming because its so negative, I find happy music is best, makes you feel silly and fabulous)
-this is HUGE - BRING CRAYONS AND COMPUTER WHITE PAPER it doesnt seem like much, but it is incredible fun, I would almost say a must have, a true trip enhancer
-cigarettes/weed/nitrous all go well with shrooms depending on what you like -weed will make you trip harder though, so be cautious
-comic book/picture book if you want
-pen a paper in case you feel like writing
-pictures of times in your life or people who mean a lot to you
-maybe some gum and water (i get thirsty)

Make sure to give your friend space if he needs it. There will be times where you guys are feeding off eachother and talking and getting close, having a great time, but I have trips where me and a friend will feel different auras for a short period of time, and we will both go out and explore. If your friend is all about looking at some patch of dirt and you are not feeling it but like chilling on this log looking at flowers or the tree then do your different things.

People often get an urge to explore new things, mentally or visually, or physically, and dont make him do what you are into. Maybe he is feeling the music and you are doing the crayon coloring. And after 30 mins maybe he will want the see what wonders you have created. :)

if you want to talk more or get more advice/whatever just Private message me
they will be dry shrooms. I got a "bedroom DJ" setup in my basement. thinking about putting on musi and playing w/glowsticks?? any after effects????