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MEGAMIX-Intro to Shrooms

Air drying is a good way for mold growth, and heat drying could damage the mushrooms...

To do it the "professional" way, you need to go to a hardware store and purchase some "Damp-Rid" or similar products... Basically it is a chemical that sucks the water out of the air, and is used to dry out closets and stuff..

Get the damp rid and line the bottom of an adequately sized tupperware container... Then take a piece of mesh window screen and work a way so that you can have it in the container, suspended over the chem.. I would personally just sit the screen ontop of the tupperware, then encase the whole setup with a larger tupperware container.. Eitherway, your mushrooms/weed should be at least a few inches away from the damp rid, escpecially make sure that they dont touch..

Place your shrooms/weed on the screen, and seal off the setup with a lid, or larger box(make sure its see thru)... I would rotate your product every 12-24 hours or so to make sure drying is even... The amount of time it takes is gonna depend on the shrooms and the humidity... The less you open the setup, the quicker they dry.. They are dry when they feel like styrofoam... If they feel damp at all, they are not done.. If they are brittle and snap and dust apart, they are over dry.. though prolly still active.
I would use the fridge, but i dont like what my mom would think when she found that in there...
does the honey storage thing actually work? any other short term storage ways? im assuming that unrefrigerated, even if it was in an airtight container, woudlnt be good, right?
silverfucked said:
Air drying is a good way for mold growth...

Many people recommend using a fan for 2-3 days before using desiccant. If you place fresh mushrooms directly in a desiccant filled container, it will take longer to get them cracker dry and it will use up a lot of desiccant. Also, he's only saving them for a short time.

r stems of mushrooms any good?

Ok, i finally scored some shrooms. But I realize I don't know jack shit about them. I looked around at shroomery and erowid and found out a bunch of stuff, but am still left with a couple of questions.

The bag contains a few caps and a lotta stems. Are stems any good? Or do we just throw them away or something?

Do we have to have a trip sitter? As it is I don't think that is gonna be possible. Besides I am not sure if I would want someone around me that is sober. I don't like it when I am rolling, because I worry about self image. Is it possible to hurt yourself while tripping?

Is it true when people say not to look at mirrors because it may freak you out? Has anyone had any experiences about that?

I am sure there is more but these are a few I can think of. I am looking forward to this experience. I have some thoughts and questions of mine written on a piece of paper which I will try to read and think about while tripping. I wonder if I will even remember what I think of. Any suggestions on what to have handy?

Thanks to all that responds.
Don't toss them stems and have somebody you trust as a trip sitter. I may be wrong but I think this belongs in Drug Basics
I have a hard time believing you didn't find the info you needed on the shroomery...

Re: r stems of mushrooms any good?

Trip sitter is recommended by most, especially your first time. Some may get freaked out by looking in the mirror, but wheneevr I take a psychedelic I just HAVE to stare at myself in the mirror just to see what all the fuss is about. It's usually scary yet fun, as I tend to see bugs on my skin and shit like that. I tend to have great experiences watching my face morph in the mirror.

addicted2trance said:
Is it possible to hurt yourself while tripping?

All I can say to that is,

Dude of coarse eat the stems!!! They have just as much if not more psylicybin than the caps.

Yes, trip sitters are cool, but you listed a reason like self image, which can make them sick... either way you should try to deal with it and have one. Its just plain safer. Get a best freind, someone you ABSOLUTULY trust. Someone who isn't an asshat, and thinks its funny toi fuck with you while you trip.

That is really annoying when they do that.

Have a good evnyroment to shroom in where you wont feel pressured at all. ie Not by your parents, in public, etc.
Re: r stems of mushrooms any good?

addicted2trance said:
Is it true when people say not to look at mirrors because it may freak you out? Has anyone had any experiences about that?

Looking at yourself in a mirror is really awsome, I think you'll find
it fascinating. I don't say that you wont freak you out but slowly
approach the mirror without makeing any dumb moves trying to scare
yourself, you'll enjoy it. The only bad report I've read after watching
yourself in a mirror was with a guy who'd taken Datura and got really
pissed off because there was another person in the room who imitated
every move he did. But it didn't freak him out.

If you like being scared on psychedelics, (which can ofcourse turn
out bad if you don't have a strong psyche and a good sitter.) stand
in front of the mirror with the light turned off. Ask a friend to quickly
turns the lights on and then off again while you are staring into the mirror.
If I'm splitting a bag of shrooms with someone, I'll always give them the caps. I think stems are better, if anything.
Mirrors are hypnotizing. If you stare into your eyes, youll become stuck on it, and if you dont think to move away, youll stay there for awhile.
I would recommend looking into a mirror, I got stuck in one for like 30 minutes after eating 4 ounces of freshly picked mushrooms. The depth of the mirror seems endless (like another world) and the "other" person in there intrigued the hell out of me.
Stems and caps supposedly have the same amount of Psylocybin in them. So either way, eat them up.

What I say to do, is eat mushrooms and YOU do the deciding, YOU tell us whther or not to look in a mirror etc.

People are different, YOU will have YOUR own trip the way YOUR body wants it.

LSDelicious said:
I would recommend looking into a mirror, I got stuck in one for like 30 minutes after eating 4 ounces of freshly picked mushrooms. The depth of the mirror seems endless (like another world) and the "other" person in there intrigued the hell out of me.

ahah 4 ounces??? you mean 4 grams? thats just to unbelievable, sorry
nope... thats FRESH mushrooms

being so much of them is water... dried that would be anywhere from a few grams to 7 grams dry...

thats no a WHOLE lot :)

I believe it.

and yes, stems are just as potent AND taste better, IMO