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[MEGA] The green dragon thread- alcohol extracts and tinctures

iewed, I really don't know why. I discovered it by pure chance when mixing it first time with diet7up (only stuff in the house). One notable side effect is that, afterward, you end with surge in energy (energizer bunny). Try it and you'll not regret it.
Teonanactylln, here's the link:


I would, however, recommend that you stick with my recipe. The reason is something called 'The golden rule of cannabis preparation' (my term). I will in next few day post it on this board.
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This sounds interesting, I've made a powerful Green Dragon with the highest % Vodka I could find before and about 10 grams.

What I don't understand is why you cook the buds? What if my bud is cured perfectly and contains a minimal amount of water, if any? If I let perfectly cured buds sit to dry for a week wouldn't that be enough? I'm at a loss for why I must toast the buds.
This sounds interesting, I've made a powerful Green Dragon with the highest % Vodka I could find before and about 10 grams.

What I don't understand is why you cook the buds? What if my bud is cured perfectly and contains a minimal amount of water, if any? If I let perfectly cured buds sit to dry for a week wouldn't that be enough? I'm at a loss for why I must toast the buds.

It supposedly decarboxylates THCA into THC.
It supposedly decarboxylates THCA into THC.

It seems like the heating of the alcohol would accomplish decarboxylation. I've never understood why people decarboxylate pot in an oven before using it for cooked pot food, it seems like the later heating is probably sufficient. I've definitely made strong green dragon before without decarboxylating the bud prior to heating it with the alcohol.
skoat, you're right. Theoretically, if buds are cured correctly + aged for additional 4 weeks or so, you don't need to roast it. But most of the people don't cure their material properly (or they buy it on the street = wet and improperly cured buds in most cases), so roasting is in order.

There's another reason I do roast my buds. Buds contain dozens of other substances in addition to THC (on the end of this reply I'll post it if someone is interested to experiment). Do they need to be activated and what roasting would do to them? I have no answer on that one to this day and couldn't find one anywhere. So I experimented and found that, when roasted, buds have enormous benefits: medical benefits were extremely pronounced, stuff is stronger and the high is heavenly.

One of the most common folk remedies in Pakistan is to stick a bud on the stick, slightly roast on the open flame and eat as is. So roasting must to do something good to the buds, or people will not do it for thousands of years.

Some substances found in the cannabis (in addition to THC):

cannabidiol (CBD)
Boiling point: 160-180*C / 320-356 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Anxiolytic, Analgesic, Antipsychotic, Antiinflammatory, Antioxidant, Antispasmodic

Cannabinol (CBN)
Boiling point: 185*C / 365 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Oxidation, breakdown, product, Sedative, Antibiotic

cannabichromene (CBC)
Boiling point: 220*C / 428 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Antiinflammatory, Antibiotic, Antifungal

cannabigerol (CBG)
Boiling point: MP52
Properties: Antiinflammatory, Antibiotic, Antifungal

?-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (?-8-THC)
Boiling point: 175-178*C / 347-352.4 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Resembles ?-9-THC, Less psychoactive, More stable Antiemetic

tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV)
Boiling point: < 220*C / <428 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Analgesic, Euphoriant

Boiling point: 166-168*C / 330.8-334.4 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Analgesic. Antiinflammatory, Antibiotic, Antimutagenic

Boiling point: 119*C / 246.2 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Antiinflammatory, Cytoprotective (gastric mucosa), Antimalarial

Boiling point: 177*C / 350.6 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Cannabinoid agonist?, Immune potentiator, Antidepressant, Antimutagenic

Boiling point: 198*C / 388.4 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Sedative, Antidepressant, Anxiolytic, Immune potentiator

Boiling point: 224*C / 435.2 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Memory booster?, AChE inhibitor, Sedative, Antipyretic

1,8-cineole (eucalyptol)
Boiling point: 176*C / 348.8 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: AChE inhibitor, Increases cerebral, blood flow, Stimulant, Antibiotic, Antiviral, Antiinflammatory, Antinociceptive

Boiling point: 156*C / 312.8 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Antiinflammatory, Bronchodilator, Stimulant, Antibiotic, Antineoplastic, AChE inhibitor

Boiling point: 217-218*C / 422.6-424.4 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Sedative, Antibiotic, AChE inhibitor, Antioxidant, Antimalarial

Boiling point: 209*C / 408.2 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: AChE inhibitor. Antibiotic

Boiling point: 177*C / 350.6 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Antibiotic, Anticandidal, AChE inhibitor

Boiling point: 178*C / 352.4 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Anxiolytic, Antiinflammatory, Estrogenic

Boiling point: 250*C / 482 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Antioxidant, Antimutagenic, Antiviral, Antineoplastic

cannflavin A
Boiling point: 182*C / 359.6 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: COX inhibitor, LO inhibitor

Boiling point: 134*C / 273.2 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Antiinflammatory, 5-a-reductase, inhibitor
It seems like the heating of the alcohol would accomplish decarboxylation. I've never understood why people decarboxylate pot in an oven before using it for cooked pot food, it seems like the later heating is probably sufficient. I've definitely made strong green dragon before without decarboxylating the bud prior to heating it with the alcohol.

It seems you didn't try to roast your buds and that's awesome = take your buds the way you like. But, until you 'sacrifice' some material and try for yourself, your rant is just empty blabbering. Which is awesome also = suit yourself any way you wish.
I heard ancient Gods were drinking ambrosia. They apparently didn’t hear for green dragon + diet7up’ cure.

Warning: even somewhat experienced tokers should be careful with this. Never, ever take more than 2 shots at once. 1 shot will be more that enough. Caution is recommended.

On a side note, this stuff is doing medical miracles as well. It cured me from some of the nastiest diseases know to man including pancreatitis. My melanoma also went away. And, at the moment, I’m medications free.

What’s needed?

100 grams marijuana buds (properly aged).
1.5 liters ethyl alcohol (70-95ABV) Note: never use commercially available alcohols (e.g. vodka). With 35-40 ABV there’s simply not enough alcohol to extract all the goodies from the buds.
Diet7up (this is the kicker – without it you’ll finish just drinking marijuana instead of puffing it. With it – it’ll be completely new experience).

How to make green dragon?

Place marijuana buds in an oven tray.
Preheat oven to 160° F (70° C). Place marijuana buds in the oven to bake.
Bake for 10 minutes.
Open the oven door for 5-10 sec. Close the oven door and bake another 10 minutes.
Open oven door for 5-10 sec. Close the oven and rise temperature to 175° F (80° C).
Bake for 10 minutes.
Open the oven door for 5-10 sec. Close the oven and rise temperature to 200° F (93° C).
Bake for 5 minutes. Open oven for 5-10 sec. Close the oven door and bake another 5 minutes.
Note: if you have oven with self-regulating temperature, skip opening and closing the oven door.

Take the tray with buds out of oven to cool down.
When cooled down, transfer the buds into a 750 ml bottle.
Heat the alcohol to about 150° F (65° C) and pour into the bottle and over the buds. Stir for 2-3 minutes and after that close the lid and shake vigorously every 5 minutes for 2 hours.

Using a sieve, transfer the liquid (but keep the buds in the bottle) into a 1.5 liter bottle (a wine bottle will do fine). Cork and place in a dark place.
Transfer the bottle to a dark and cold place. Let it stay for 5 days shaking the bottle vigorously several times a day.

Heat the rest of the alcohol same way as described above and pour it into the bottle with the already used buds (you could add one or two extra nuggets if you wish). Repeat the procedure (close lid, let it stay for 2 hours shaking it every 10 minutes, place in dark place for 5 days shaking frequently).

Transfer into the 2 liters bottle which already contains the first batch. Place in a dark and cold place for 2 weeks. Shake frequently. After 1-2 weeks, your Green Dragon is ready to use. If preferred, sieve the liquid into smaller bottles.

How to use?

When using, sip 1 shot (30 ml) into a cup of diet7up, drink slowly over next 10 minutes and you’ll fly directly to cloud nine. If you mix it with something other than diet 7up, you’ll loose that extra kick. If you take 2 shots and mix it with diet7up (diet 7up is a must), you’ll visit some places you’re never visited before [dependent of strain(s) you’re using and your overall attitude]. If you take 3 shots, you’ll probably pass out.

Be careful with green dragon. It could open a heavens or hells gates for you, depending of how much you take (1 shot is more than enough). Effects will last 4-8 hours or longer so do it on your day off.

Choice of alcohol

Stronger alcohol produces stronger green dragon (alcohol is the vehicle for extracting useful stuff from the buds).

And because strong alcohol is somewhat hard to find, here’s simple way to get your own 95ABV. For this you must have a deep freezer (not freezer section of your fridge). Buy 4 liters of vodka (Smirnoff will do just fine). Transfer vodka into big (5-8 liters) pot and place pot inside the deep freezer. Leave overnight. In the morning, you’ll find that pot contains some liquid with big peace of ice in the middle. Liquid is 95% alcohol. Ice is water. Discard the ice and that’s it.


uuuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhh yeah sure thing
I know that cooking buds indeed makes them more suitable for oral consumption, I just don't see why you need to do it if you're going to cook the buds in the alcohol or lipid or what have you anyway, because it seems like any chemical process that would improve the high that is dependent on heating (decarboxylation being the primary, if not the only, one that occurs with cannabis) would occur during the second cooking. Basically, the step seems redundant if the buds are going to be cooked into the mixture. That is an interesting list, but I don't think it really contains the pertinent info unless you want to boil the chemicals, which you don't want to do to the ones that get you high (obviously).

Next time I make green dragon I'll cook the buds in the oven prior to cooking them with the alcohol. I've tried both ways with other edibles and haven't noticed a difference though, as long as the food gets cooked at the proper temperature at some point during the process.

I do dig your point about properly cured buds though, that makes sense to me. I'm not trying to be negative or anything, this sounds like a good recipe, but the step of cooking the buds in the oven prior to cooking them in the alcohol strikes me as unnecessary provided that the buds are properly cured and dried.
uuuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhh yeah sure thing

MemphisX3, wow = 7.208 posts = hat down to you.

On a side note, as a young man, I learned not to automatically accept or trash claims by other people. My approach was to try and THEN to make my opinion. Maybe that kind of approach would work for you too.
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Next time I make green dragon I'll cook the buds in the oven prior to cooking them with the alcohol. I've tried both ways with other edibles and haven't noticed a difference though, as long as the food gets cooked at the proper temperature at some point during the process.

Thank you for being open and willing to try = wise man . Please try to keep temperature on 200F or less or you're going to ruin your buds.
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Thanks for responding, marygreen. I guess I'll try a couple toasts next time for the fuck of it.

The concept of heating very high % alcohol is slightly off-putting when I don't have a proper lab if something were to happen.
The concept of heating very high % alcohol is slightly off-putting when I don't have a proper lab if something were to happen.

I tend to agree with you. Originally, I did use non-heated alcohol. But then someone asked me to make 'Creme du Grass' for her. And the recipe asked for heated alcohol so I accepted the practice as something that couldn't hurt but might be beneficial. I'm of a opinion that heated alcohol is nothing more than just little finesse in making the gd.

If you try to heat it, range hood is a must indeed.
Is there a distinguishable difference between diet 7up and regular 7up?

Yes. Which make me wonder if cannabis (one of the most beneficial and possibly THE most beneficial substances known to man) when mixed with aspartame in diet7up (aspartame is recognized neurotoxin) makes some new compound that excels both in health benefits and enjoyment level.
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Yes. Which make me wonder if cannabis (one of the most beneficial and possibly THE most beneficial substances known to man) when mixed with aspartame in diet7up (aspartame is recognized neurotoxin) makes some new compound that excels both in health benefits and enjoyment level.
