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[MEGA]Synthetic Cannabinoid Discussion- 2nd Toke

Ya that shit feels like you poisoned your body after you do it a couple times. Ya the chemical structure looks like it could be toxic so stay away from it. The coughing blood thing isn't normal only in extremely Hugh doses are you sure that's actually what is was?
Help greatly appreciated!

Okay guys so here's my back ground I used to smoke weed all day everyday and loved my life until one time I got a new bong and took an incredibly fat hit, anyways right after I went for a bike right and as I biked the weed kicked in a little to much, anyways I ended up biking around town for about 6 hours straight scared as fuck having a huge panick attack and ever since then I would occasionally get "to high" and freak te fuck out.. This turned me off of weed because I was tired of constantly fearing panick attacks and having them. So I switched to MDMA and e after trying it and them after some mental problems and depersonalization I quit that as well, long story short e fucked with my head, drinking ended me up in jail twice, so now I don't drink at all or even touch drugs but recently I've been thinking about my days blazing and I miss them everything seemed like an adventure when I was baked and it was awesome until the panic attacks anyways my question is if I start smoking weed again will these panic attacks persist? Is there anything I can do to mabe change this? I plan on easing back into it but just thought I should get some info before anything. Also what specifically would happen was I would feel the high coming on and then I would feel like my vision and the way things looks was to fucked then I would feel like I was loosing control of my brain and then crazy heart beat, heavy breathing and panic attack..
Smoke in a comfortable safe environment, like your house and you shouldn't have panic attacks.
Start smoking small amounts, and work up from there. I've noticed that everyone who complains about panic attacks are generally long time smokers. Everythings better with moderation.
Start smoking small amounts, and work up from there. I've noticed that everyone who complains about panic attacks are generally long time smokers. Everythings better with moderation.

Even first timers get anxiety but so do the long time smokers, I know a lot of people make the suggestion but some times just one little hit can be one too many and end with anxiety.
If you told a Rastafarian smoking Cannabis Sativa makes you paranoid, he would pry' just throw up his hands and tell ya to just quit smoking everything, because it is such a contradiction behind the logic of staying away from Cannabis Indica
Anxiety and paranoia are just some of the negative effects that can come from smoking pot. There's no reason why people should be harming themselves.
See a doctor, none of us are qualified to tell you what state your body's in over the internet.
Most importantly stop fucking taking chemicals/"blends" that make your piss change color!

I was under the impression that JWH-018 and such were fairly nontoxic. Maybe they're not.

This actually reminds me about that guy who started taking URB-597 (cannabinoid reuptake inhibitor) and had his kidneys give up the ghost due to the unusually high level of cadmium he was exposing himself to... I think it's a lot more likely your batch is contaminated.

And, worrying about your damiana being irradiated by Fukushima? Jeez, it's not like they set off a fucking atom bomb over there. The fallout isn't going to be the cause of your malaise. 9though it is visible if you have the right equipment, I think sitting in a concrete room would get you more radiation exposure.

LOL. You are very ignorant. Learn facts before you spread stupid disinfo. Youre, right, an atom bomb didnt detonate over there. 4 nuclear reactors blew sky high and to this day are still spewing radioactive particles into the jet stream. Much worse than a single bomb being set off. Its a proven fact the rain in north america is highly radioactive. Plants absorb metals from soil.. So use some fucking common sense im tired of all these assholes over the internet downplaying the threat of fuku radiation.
красный7.62;10331342 said:
LOL. You are very ignorant. Learn facts before you spread stupid disinfo. Youre, right, an atom bomb didnt detonate over there. 4 nuclear reactors blew sky high and to this day are still spewing radioactive particles into the jet stream. Much worse than a single bomb being set off. Its a proven fact the rain in north america is highly radioactive. Plants absorb metals from soil.. So use some fucking common sense im tired of all these assholes over the internet downplaying the threat of fuku radiation.

Going by your post count you are new here, i would reccomend if you think someone is wrong explaining yourself in a grown up way rather than acting like a child and calling people stupid.

And for the record, while Fukushima was incredibly bad, it was no Chernobyl and that is a fact!
If you told a Rastafarian smoking Cannabis Sativa makes you paranoid, he would pry' just throw up his hands and tell ya to just quit smoking everything, because it is such a contradiction behind the logic of staying away from Cannabis Indica

What the fuck does this even mean?
Lol i dont seem to get anxiety anymore now from weed,
I just take 2 or 3 hits on the vape (big hits though) then leave it for hours,
I still have a low tolerance,
All it was before was, i was just vaping too much haha.
Going by your post count you are new here, i would reccomend if you think someone is wrong explaining yourself in a grown up way rather than acting like a child and calling people stupid.

And for the record, while Fukushima was incredibly bad, it was no Chernobyl and that is a fact!

Yeah it was no chernobyl. It was way worse.
Err leave Fukushima out of our Am-2201 discussion please.

Sending over to CD since this is a synthetic cannabinoid.
Going by your post count you are new here, i would reccomend if you think someone is wrong explaining yourself in a grown up way rather than acting like a child and calling people stupid.

And for the record, while Fukushima was incredibly bad, it was no Chernobyl and that is a fact!

Post count mean nothing retard