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[MEGA]Synthetic Cannabinoid Discussion- 2nd Toke

Long term side effects of "Kronic"

I have been a daily Kronic smoker for approx the past 6 months and just wanted to warn everyone of the side effects that I have received from smoking Kronic. I have decided to speak out after talking to a friend who has experienced the identical side effects as me and feel this could be of benefit to someone just starting. DON'T DO IT!

Over the past few months I have lost my appetite completely (I can go days on end without a single mouthful of food), I am extremely emotional to the point of bursting into tears everytime I speak, I have been experiencing really bad spasms in my stomach & chest which feels like someone is blowing up a balloon in there, I have experienced the feeling of things crawling under my skin (which is normally associated with Meth use and I do not use), I have trouble focusing properly and if I look somewhere quickly it takes me a bit longer to focus and gives me a head spin which is not too good when you are driving, I wake up coughing and vomiting daily and feel 24/7 like I want to be sick.

After deciding 3 days ago that enough was enough I just went cold turkey. In this time nearly everything has stopped, most of it almost immediately. I am still a bit emotional but I guess that's expected when I have been so run down for so long. It is going to take a bit longer for my stomach to stretch out again and to feel totally normal but I am on the way (am managing to eat a whole apple now). The focusing problems are still there and I am hoping they will start to get better over the coming days or weeks. My friend stopped a week ago and his side effects have also stopped although he still has the vision problems as well.

As Kronic has not been around that long nobody knows the long term effects of this drug. I smoked Cannabis for 11 years everyday and in that time did not get any of the psychosis or side effects that I received from Kronic. My friend and I both have loving, supporting people around us and are quite happy in our jobs. If this is what Kronic can do to happy, content people imagine what it could do to someone who does not have that support or mindset.

Just be careful!!!
I was having bad effects off smoking kronic for like 2 days man, it's not good stuff, especially if you smoke a bit to much feels like your heat is going to implode.

I've also read before that kronic ruins weed for people, are you having the same issue?
I would normally take an oral dose of 10mg, it would take about 2 hours to come on, then last about four hours.
Almost sounds like an anxiety attack hit you. You mention hard and laboured breathing, as well as total loss of finger control. To me, it sounds like you had a panic attack which caused your hands to club up. This happens to me when I get a rough panic attack. Basically the lack of proper breathing causes the O2 levels in your blood to drop. When this happens the brain will start to "club" your hands and feet. This basically pulls them in tight and renders them useless. Your brain does this so the little amount of O2 in your bloodstream can be sent to the vital organs which you need to stay alive instead of your extremities.

I don't have experience with any synthetic cannabinoids. I stick to the illegal herb personally, but I figured my input might be of some use to you.
No lucky for me I can still smoke weed but I can only do it on the very odd occasion as I get drug tested at work.
Since this thread is discussing synthetic cannabinoids, I'm going to move it on over to Cannabis Discussion.

OD --> CD
UR-144 experience

Ur 144 works!

Very much like jwh 122

Comes on smooth and is mellow

the high lingers around for a few hours and after gives you extreme hunger! SERIOUSLY!

The sample was very white like salt with clumps of crystals, similar to iodized salt and sea salt mixed

No paranoia... I did notice some ringing in the ears, I also got that with jwh 018 and am-2201

Paired with some AB-001 and it really puts it to you... It seemed like 5 hours before it finally started wearing off!

Def recreational value in both of the above named
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Bluelight does not condone or discuss animal abuse.

If you are in fact talking about yourself, then say that. We don't use things like "my monkeys" or "SWIM" or "my friend's pet's former maid's goldfish" or whatever. We know its you and using things like "my monkeys" only makes your posts hard to read, causes many Bluelighters to flat out ignore your post, and does nothing to protect you legally.

And since UR-144 ((1-Pentylindol-3-yl)-(2,2,3,3-tetramethylcyclopropyl)methanone, KM X-1, X-1, among others) is a synthetic cannibinoid, I'm going to move this over to Cannabis Discussion for you.

Please edit your post so you're using proper pronouns.

BDD --> CD
Everyones different , I myself wont quit smoking high quality cannabis the pros by far out weigh the cons for me
I believe Kronic is a cannabinoid blend.

EDIT: Yup, it sure is. They even have a website that they give some vague descriptions on their ingredients.

@ the OP: Take it slow, day by day. Perhaps a temporary benzodiazepine script might help you. Talk to your doctor, seriously.
I can very much relate to this, im sure you're talking about spice or synthetic marijuana. First off, are referring to Kronic specifically or Spice in general? Anyways I have been using spice for probably about six months now, and i am completely addicted, I don't think physically, but the compulsion to smoke and smoke constantly has completely overtaken me. I know it is affecting me in weird ways but what really worried me was when you said you could go without eating much, and recently iv notice that i have barely been eating at all. And iv now realized that in this time my emotions seem to been irrational and overblown, it affects my mental abilities and im starting to wonder if i can even function normally without the compulsion to smoke. I was diagnosed with Irritable bowl syndrome but i think the real cause is the spice use. Iv never been addicted to anything but cigarettes and have a pretty addictive personality, but this shit hit me like a train. Its to the point where i don't even want regular weed and I have to smoke all the time to keep the feeling it gives me. Honestly i think i need help, but it so fucking embarrassing to be addicted to this gas station shit. Im talking about all brands. Iv had mad hatter, Stuff, Zombie Matter, Supernova, Black mamba, Dank and more i cant even recall. There all the same when your addicted really. If you guys want to hear more i have a lot i want to get out.

Sorry if this is long and rambling. But i HAVE to get it out somewhere, i hope you guys understand.

My lesson to everyone who reads this, it may seem ok cause its legal, but be SO fucking careful, or just stay away from it completely. Its not as benign as it seems, this shit will turn you into something else
Lol. Have another Kron Mrnaptown, it might help your spelling!!

Sorry to be confusing guys I'm talking about the synthetic marajuana that is available in Australia (specifically the brand Kronic but have had the same reaction from other brands as well).

I agree with you 2c-goinsane if it works for you do it. I never had these problems from Pot. If it wasn't for the drug testing I would probably still be smoking it. I am not trying to stop people from smoking it I just people to be aware of the possible side effects.

Thanks SNR for the info.

Mr Stravinsky you hit the nail on the head. I have another friend who is getting severe diarrhoea from smoking Kronic although I seem to get the opposite. Your story sounds so familiar. The first day is hard but everyday it gets a bit easier. Ciggies definitely help. If you need to get it off your chest am happy to listen. Good luck with it all and for your sake hope you can get off it.
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Kronic is a synthetic blend, it's extremely potent, after 3-4 cones I'd be on the floor scared for my life (and Kronic has killed a few people here in Australia).
am-2201 toxicity ?

hi there i have heard about am-2201 being somehow similarly toxic as am-694, because of F-HAc being one of its metabolites.
since this is the part of the forum labeled harm reduction i think this thread belongs here, please move if it doesnt.

I have heard of persons overdoing am-2201 just slightly not directly eyeballing doses. these guys seemed to have a mg scale
and weighed out 5 mgs which they then split into 16 piles about the same size. so doses were definately under 600mg.
they might have been doing over 1,5 mg the day this happened ( each guy took 3-4 doses under 400mg probably ~330-400mg)

i was told all of them started caughing blood that evening and felt pretty bad.

is there anyone here that can explain to me if it was because of F-HAc poisoning or what the reason might have been.
some beer had been drunk aso i guess, but probably max 6 beer per person that day. i dont think this matter though.

i think am-2201 is probably a clear member of the dont do list. since F-HAc kills..... although i cant find proof of it being a metabolite of am-2201.
please let me know if this is a chem that has toxic metabolites if you know about it and read this. thank you.