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[MEGA] Home-made/repaired pipes, bongs and vapes.

High levels of aluminum in the brain is correlated with alzheimers. Correlation is not causation,

You're right, it's not, but why even take the risk?

Just buy a regular bowl for weed. Even for black tar, using a lightbulb pipe has been proven to better.
Pop cans = bad juju. Paint, various coatings and other nasties, all being combusted and the fumes inhaled. Don't do it.

Tin foil- the jury is out afaik, but as others have said, it's just a pretty ghetto, unpleasant way of smoking your weed. You say your pipe has been "eaten away"- what is it made of? If you're using something that is melting/corroding/combusting or otherwise degrading with use, it's probably not a good idea. Have a look at the home-made pipes megathread (which you are now in).
not a myth, it can definitely be harmful. i have alot of experience in homemade bong making, and ive use all kinds of metals for the bowl. tin foil what i starting out using, and it corrodes for sure. you gotta find a metal that doesnt give off any fumes. i always used to burn my saltshaker caps and see if it still gives off fumes after burning it for a while. if you can burn it well enough, its fine to use. if you cant then dispose of it. stainless steel is a good tool. but im done with that, lightbulb glass is my base now. i usually use a glass bowl for the vapebud, but i dont have one right now. but i still wont even make another homemade piece, i just roll vapeblunts.

but anyway yea... fumes from metal are toxic, you dont wana be inhaling them freely.
Pictures of your rig (smoking JWH)

I smoke JWH form time to time and found a lot of helpful posts here and on the innerwebz on how to vap JWH. Most talk about foil or a lightbulb. I tried the lighbulb for a while but man what a pita and it's nasty can sooty. So I figured out what works best for me and wanted to share. So if you have a neat way to vap your rc or weed or crack or whatever you're doing to facilitate getting shit faced, share a pic!

Ok I'm really baked right now =D so trying not to screw up the pic.8(

So the first pic shows a gator-aid bottle that I put a straw through the lid, cut off the bottom and wrapped it in heat shielding foil. You also see my jet flame torch which is cool as all hell and works well in this application. And you see a 3x3 square of foil. That foil is our disposable 'product' holder.

Next pic shows me using a small block of wood I put a bolt through. I use the head of the bolt to mold a dimple into the 3x3 foil. This makes a nice small pocket to put the product into. When heated it will stay in the dimple and not run all over the fucking place like it normally wants to do.

Next shows the foil molded to fit over the bottom of the bottle. You can also see some really great product sitting in the dimple just waiting to blow the top off my head. 8o

Only thing left to do is apply heat and inhale!

You can use the same foil piece you just made 3-4 times before it gets janked up and you just toss it in the trash and pull out another 3x3. Less if your stash hasnt been cleaned properly and still has a lot of garbage in it.

I use the heavy-duty foil. It seems to stand up to the heat better than the ultra-thin foil you see a lot.

The bottle can last a very long time. It gets a little bit of residue build up but its not been a problem at all. The bottom where the heat is holds up well if you cover it with several layers of foil like I did. Only tme it dont hold up so good is when you are blazed like I am right now and can't hold the heat steady. lol

Anyway let's see what your fav setup looks like!


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Hey man, I know you have over 50 posts, but you should check out the Basic Drug Discussion guidelines. It was recently changed, and as this isn't really a question it will probably get closed or moved. Drug Culture maybe? Or a trip report.
i came in here expecting a nasty looking syringe..

was pleasantly surprised..

don't close it, move it damnit:X
Sorry for posting in the wrong location. If this could be moved to a more appropriate area i'd be thankful!


I think this probably belongs in Cannabis Discussion, its not Basic Drug Discussion material.

B D D - > C D
Erm...I guess this can go in the home made pipes megathread.
harmful effects of smoking with foil

I have been wondering since the first time i smoked out of foil when i was little if the foil is damaging to your body when used to smoke weed with it. Is this true or is it just a myth?
I'm not really sure either, but I would imagine it is bad. Especially out of things like cans, ect.
I'd really like to know this myself. My friends always want to avoid it but I don't care too much but now that there is a thread, I'd love to know.
Aluminum oxide has been linked w/ Alzheimer's, so I wouldn't really smoke from foil daily. I look for some study on this when I'll have more time.
I've always heard it's bad but never seen proof. I don't think that the flame of a lighter is hot enough to melt aluminum or cause you to inhale aluminum oxide, but I don't know.

Here's what wiki has to say-

"According to The Alzheimer's Society, the overwhelming medical and scientific opinion is that studies have not convincingly demonstrated a causal relationship between aluminium and Alzheimer's disease. Nevertheless, some studies, such as those on the PAQUID cohort, cite aluminium exposure as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. Some brain plaques have been found to contain increased levels of the metal. Research in this area has been inconclusive; aluminium accumulation may be a consequence of the disease rather than a causal agent..."

I wouldn't smoke from aluminum daily, but I doubt it's harmful.
^Lots of pipes are made of aluminum actually.

And smoking out of drink cans is dumb, what I said was in regards to aluminum foil.
Safe bong materials?

I need to get a new bong.
However the headshop I usually goto has closed up.

So I was just going to quickly make my own temporary bong.

What I want to know is using a plastic bottle (from anything, let just say an empty coke bottle) , a peice of garden hose and a bowl from a pipe safe?