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[MEGA] Home-made/repaired pipes, bongs and vapes.

bleh ghetto blasters are always sketch and suck..

but waterfalls are amazing.
Yeah I knew the bowl from a pipe would be fine, just wasnt sure about the garden hose and plastic bottle
i made a bong out of clay in art class. It works but i never use it because the glaze didnt set so its like chalky and i dont want to inhale that powdery shit.

Or just smoke blunts
I have been wondering since the first time i smoked out of foil when i was little if the foil is damaging to your body when used to smoke weed with it. Is this true or is it just a myth?

No. Foil does not give off gasses until it reaches its boiling point.
I only smoked from foil when I was at my "friends" house with my best friend. It worked pretty good just could get pretty hot.... I wouldn't recommend using aluminum foil though.
I am beyond experienced in the field of home made vaporizers. Me and the lightbulb are quite fond, I've dug out several AT LEAST 75 of them JUST to make my marijuana device. It works pretty well, I can't really complain on its effectiveness. Shit gets you pretty fuckin high, and it's quite conservative with thc. It will extend your weed bags life, meaning it will last you longer. You can use several bowls from a dime, and with a dub you can spread out your high for many hours. A good idea is to use the vapebud that's left over after you finish vaping it to smoke it out of a glass bowl to finish it off. Works very well.
I lent my bowl out and I'll probly never get it back so can anyone help me out with an efficient homemade piece I can make out of regular household items?

Also any techniques/tricks to make the best one possible would be appreciated

Also please no lightbulb suggestions I've tried a few times with little success
Deleted a few posts. Please re-read the first post, discussion of hastily improvised and hazardous pipes is not allowed. If you're going to make a pipe, do it properly.
^ my apologies

is it really harmful to smoke out of a plastic bottle a few times or does it take lots of times doing it?
NEW VAPORIZING TRICK (if you have an electric stove only)

talk about vape!

i just tried something new... if you have a electric stove grab your pipe and watch the magic.

who needs a vaporizer when you have an electric stove!

-electric stove
-good GLASS pipe (spoon)
-paper towel (tp works too)
-water (enough to just wet towel)
-good gonja

1. set your electric burner to medium high (a 7 on a 0 to 10 scale)
2. set a paper towel in the carb to make the carb solid tight.
3. wet the paper towel as it will expand around the carb.
4. put your fave. gonja in the pipe and make sure it will stay in if upside down.
5. set pipe bowl upsidedown heat straight towards the bowl and inhale.
6. judge your best hit and enjoy

note: you might want to adjust the heat for your own vape temp...

this worked great for me and i just wanted to spread the word to all the macgyvers out there... if you dont have a lighter and have an electric stove check this out. i do this now even if i do have a lighter and it works wonders for conserving (not that conservation is my goal), i just would rather have a source of heat not cumbusting the top of the plant with a flame...

please no room for critics its just a free bird here opening his wings:)

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as i said in the other thread, not the safest method to at-home vape.

merging into home-made vape thread.
as i said in the other thread, not the safest method to at-home vape.

merging into home-made vape thread.

its more like the electric heat element is taking place of the lighter itself... wouldnt you say this is less harmfull than actually using butane flame... your main risk here is burning yourself on a stationary heating device , if you cant avoid that then stick to the flame man.
Don't flame me for smoking resin please, but I have a colored glass chillum clogged with resin that I can't clean out, and I was wondering if it was safe to hold a lighter an inch or two to "Smoke" the resin out of it directly. Would the designs get ruined or would I inhale toxins?
If I were you, I'd use IPA or acetone to clean it, then you can smoke the residue if you really want to.
if it's plugged solid, maybe take a piece of solid wire, like small safety wire and run it through to get an opening. that way the solvent can go all the way through. maybe warm it up a little with a lighter before you try to push the wire through....(this is where I always get resin all over the place..)....work on it...you'll get it clean. Or at least clean enough..
I know about snaps, but I got a dugout and a bat and last night when I got medicated, I thought it'd be cool to make a bong and use my one hitter instead of a bowl. The hitter didn't fit in my glass bong so I just used one of the small soda bottles that cokes come in.

So the question is, has anybody heard of something like this? If there is, what are they called? It works great also and so effective.


I call it a homemade bubbler, but prefer a slightly larger bowlpiece than a dugout can accommodate.
^The designs shouldn't change. If the flame is touching the glass it'll leave black residue on the outside which can be wiped off easily.

Here's how to make the best possible home made bong (out of glass) for just a few bucks, all the bongs I've tried that were made this way smoked at least as well as a bong a head shop would sell for 60-100 bucks. Once the 15 bucks for the drill bit is spent then each bong will cost a maximum of 5 dollars to make.

-A diamond drill bit, home depot has them for like 15 bucks and they'll last a while.
-A stem (to go into the water) and bowl/down stem (to go into the stem), metal ones usually cost less than 5 bucks. Copper tubing works as a stem.
- A glass vase or bottle, if it has angles on the sides (isn't just straight up and down) it'll be easiest to drill. Thrift stores have a great selection of bongs waiting to be made for 1-3 dollars, or empty alcohol bottles can work, different shapes make different types of bongs.
-Something to seal it- silicon latex sealant from a hardware store or wax or something.

You just drill a hole in the bottle for the stem and then seal it with the sealant, then smoke up. Easy.

Plastic home made bongs suck, this method makes very nice home made bongs, if you make the sealant really neat looking then no one would even know it was home made by using it.